Raccoon City virus leaked 6 o’clock later.

When all forces gathered in Raccoon City, the Internet was already noisy.

Another news suddenly appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

This time, it turned out that another umbrella company appeared.

Originally, the headquarters of the umbrella company, which should have all been buried in this zombie frenzy, could still send news to the outside world in the sixth hour after this incident!

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes were attracted.

Even the military and major organizations have paid attention to the news of the umbrella company.

What is shocking is that this news turned out to be another apology statement!!!

Another apology statement?

Everyone was speechless.

After the last apology, the entire raccoon city became a hellish situation! According to incomplete statistics, the death toll in Raccoon City has ~ exceeded ten!

And a few hours later, the umbrella company actually issued another apology statement!

This time, what do you have to apologize for?

This time, the apology statement once again spread throughout the Internet within minutes!

Apology Statement 2!

In order to prevent the spread of the virus and prevent the zombies from leaving the city, the umbrella company has made great sacrifices, but we still hold our ground and do a good job of follow-up work after the lockdown.

We assure people around the world that with the efforts of all members of our company, no zombies will appear outside.

However, there is one more thing we have overlooked.

In the Andrian Mountains in the western part of the United States (purely fabricated place names), there is a secret research base of the umbrella company, and there are also the same experimental drugs as Raccoon City, and if a leak accident like Raccoon City occurs again, the consequences are unimaginable!

Unlike Raccoon City, the Andile Mountains are surrounded by mountains on three sides, which is convenient to prevent zombies from leaving the city.

If an accident occurs there, it will affect the entire United States and even the world.

Therefore, we had to make a heart-wrenching decision, that is, the complete and complete destruction of the Antiles!

Although there are research bases that our company has built for decades, and countless studies have been completed, samples of new drugs have not yet been brought to market.

But we have to do so for the benefit of people across the globe.

In ten minutes, we will completely destroy the Antires!

Our researchers have evacuated half an hour ago, and we kindly ask everyone to spread the word to each other and inform the people in and at the foot of the Antillère to leave the vicinity of the Antires as soon as possible.

If you haven’t left after ten minutes, we can only say, sorry!

For the safety of people around the world, we have no choice!

For the harm done to the global environment, we can only choose and apologize!

Time: XXXX

Aplogetic by: Umbrella Company


The world, boiling again.

An apology from the umbrella company sounded a city.

And the second apology statement turned out to blow up a mountain!

This time, there are no more umbrella companies talking online.

No matter how stupid people are, they can see the difference between these two apology statements. However, those words do seem sincere!

However, many people feel that this sincerity is a bit fake!

Fake scary.

Before this, I had never heard of someone apologizing because they were about to blow up a mountain!

At the same time, General Ross, who was slowly approaching the vicinity of Raccoon City, also received a report from his subordinates.

After all, they are about to arrive at the territory of the umbrella company, and he is still very concerned about the information about the umbrella company.

In particular, General Ross is also relatively familiar with the umbrella company.

Two contacts, the first time was when he hated the Great War Hulk.

That time, his subordinate, who had become an abomination, was robbed by the umbrella company, and he did not want to return.

The second was during the Battle of New York.

That time, he wanted to get some alien corpses and spaceships in the hands of the umbrella company to study, but he couldn’t even get Mao.

Even, finally on the space carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D., where Nick Fury, the hateful guy, actually took out the Asgard gang of “gods” as a shield, and only paid a little information to let them return empty-handed!

Hateful, infuriating!

But although General Ross hated the Umbrella Company, he did not take the other side lightly.

This is a powerful and mysterious company, and General Ross has no idea how much combat power they hide, and how many terrifying biological weapons they have!

He didn’t believe that the umbrella company would be destroyed in this zombie wave.

And when the second apology statement of the umbrella company reached the ears of General Ross, he suddenly had a sense of foreboding!

0··· Ask for flowers…

The umbrella company, perhaps, is demonstrating!

The Antires Mountains are located in the western part of the United States, at least thousands of kilometers away from Raccoon City, and the umbrella company actually said that it would destroy the entire Antires Mountains?

How to destroy?

Take what destruction?

Did they bury explosives under the Antires before the virus leaked about it?

It can’t be, who will put explosives under their feet all day?

So why do they say that?

This statement, not only General Ross saw something unusual, but many other forces, but also some clues.

Among them, including Tony the Iron Man.

He has always paid close attention to the umbrella company, and although he was not asked for help in this S.H.I.E.L.D. operation, he still couldn’t help it, put on his steel suit and went to the Antires Mountains.


Tony is a conceited guy and a control freak who wants to know the truth about everything, and he doesn’t want to have things in this world that he doesn’t know.

So, dressed in a steel suit, he went to the Antiles to find the truth.

However, no matter how he probed and searched, he did not find the secret research base mentioned in the statement of the umbrella company!

What kind of base can hide so deeply?

Tony even used countless high-tech microrobots to search and scan the entire mountain, but still found nothing.

Inside the mountain, even the earth a thousand meters below the mountain, Tony checked it all over again!

Don’t talk about the base, this mountain is simply a dead mountain! No plants, no animals, all stones!

Ghosts come to this kind of place to establish a research base!


On the Internet, everyone is still speculating about the follow-up to this statement.

Perhaps, after ten minutes, you will know why!

Ten minutes, which is the time given by the umbrella company.

Except for some extremely bored netizens, everyone else closed their mouths, waiting for what would happen after ten minutes.

Waiting for what the statement of the Umbrella Company said, the complete and complete destruction of the Andiles, means.

Whatever the purpose, whether individual or organizational, private or official, everyone is waiting.

Ten minutes, very short, is a thousand times that everyone can afford to wait. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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