Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 17 Are You Crazy, Or Do You Really Have Confidence? (Please Subscribe!)

"Okay, you have the final say!"

Even if there is ten thousand unwillingness in his heart, Ducao still chooses to accept this result, and will carefully guide the final result for more than a thousand years... to let others!

For Ducao, this is not unacceptable!

After all, the essence cannot be changed. Ge Xiaolun is the power of the galaxy, and Liu Chuang is the God of War of Nuoxing. Unless they directly abandon this power, they will have to accept the love of Chaos Seminary.

The three major god-making projects are used to deal with the fear of the void, and they are not something that individuals can possess. They are indispensable to this universe, and Ducao knows this very well

Back then, Deno Galaxy was trying to change this result in vain, trying to use personal power to control the power of the Milky Way, the three major god-making projects, to write Yuxing God of War...

The final result is that the war is directly out of control, and the Deno galaxy is destroyed...

Control... Ducao has given up, this is unrealistic, the main god, will not be controlled by anyone, this is a bloody lesson in exchange for the destruction of the Deno galaxy.

"I only have one question now, Lianfeng and Yuqin, can I leave it to you?" Taking a deep breath, Ducao's face became serious again: "You must ensure their safety, Otherwise, if you fight to the death, don't make me agree!"

"Don't say such things in such a misleading tone, it feels like you are entrusting your life!" Ye Yi waved his hand indifferently: "I can guarantee the safety of those who work for me. If they don't die, they will live a better life than anyone else!"

"I said this, it's the same for anyone who comes, unless I die in front!"

"By the way, Du Qiangwei is your daughter after all, don't you care?"

After Ye Yi finished speaking, Du Qiangwei glanced at Du Kao, and immediately turned her head: "I can make my own decisions about my life!"

..." The corner of Ducao's mouth twitched.

"That's not okay~" Ye Yi turned around gently: "Before you become the main god, your life is up to me, and you have to figure it out!"

"Why?" Du Qiangwei frowned immediately.

"Just because I am a god and you are a mortal, is that enough?" Ye Yi said calmly and calmly, "From the moment you walk in here, you are my soldier, and my words are military orders. Want to disobey?!"

"You're not my immediate superior!" Du Qiangwei said through gritted teeth, "Why should I obey a wild organization that doesn't even have a formal serial number?"

Glancing at Du Qiangwei, Ye Yi turned his head: "Admiral Ducao, are you here to explain to Sergeant Du Qiangwei?"

"Qiangwei, listen to the order!" Ducao's voice sank slightly: "This is the highest order from the North Star!"

"Old Dou? Are you crazy~" Du Qiangwei turned her head in disbelief: "You really want to do this?"

"Sergeant Du Qiangwei, this is an order!" Ducao frowned.

"Yes~" Du Qiangwei gritted her teeth fiercely: "Du Qiangwei obeys orders!"

"Very good~ now you are my soldier!" Ye Yi raised his hand a little, and a worm door opened again: "No. 1 training ground, 200,000 meters, go!"

"Yes!" After receiving the message from Ye Yi, Du Qiangwei turned around and walked through the insect gate with a dark face.

After closing the worm door with a wave, Ye Yi's gaze was on Ducao again: "Admiral Ducao, is there anything else important?"

Suppressing all the emotions on his face, Ducao sat down gently, as if nothing happened just now.

"There is really one important thing!"

Ducao crossed his hands and looked at Ye Yi seriously: "Some time before you came, the Super Seminary received funding from Lieyangxing, resources"

"Those resources~" At this point, Dukao looked up at the projection behind Ye Yi: "It should have been used on these little guys!"

"Now... man, you stole it away, I have nothing to do with you, I will return the resources, and I will give corresponding explanations on Lie Yangxing!"

"But whether Lieyangxing thinks so, whether they believe it or not, I'm not very clear about it. Pan Zhen is not a good person to get along with."

"Then you let him come to me~" Ye Yi chuckled: "I almost forgot if you didn't tell me, the sun's light is still on Lieyangxing, I have to get her here."

"Hiss~ you're crazy!" Ducao gasped: "Are you planning to start a war with the entire Sun Star? Di Lena is the next main god of Sun Star..."

"If you do this, Lie Yangxing will never die with you forever!"

Ye Yi tilted his head: "That depends on how many lives Di Hongkun has enough for me to kill. It has been several days since I came to Earth, and I haven't ordered to kill yet!"

..." Ducao was so choked that he couldn't speak.

Look at what people say.... If you don't move, you are the Lord God... so mad...

Why did Sun Houzi believe in a guy with such a murderous intent?

Ducao doesn't know whether Ye Yi is pretending to be natural or exaggerating. After all, his understanding of the main god's means is really limited...

What if what Ye Yi said is true?

Ducao would rather believe that this is true, after all he is clear about Sun Houzi's lawless character.

The last time Lieyang Star wanted to gain the dominance of the earth, Sun Houzi broke into the Tiandao Galaxy alone, and one monkey and one stick turned the entire Lieyang Star upside down and seriously injured...

However, just like that, when facing Ye Yi, that mighty monkey chose to live in peace...

It is not difficult to see that Monkey Sun is very afraid of Ye Yi.

The other party didn't seem to be joking, maybe he really didn't take the whole Lieyang Star seriously.

Ducao took a deep breath: "I believe you have this ability, but please consider the situation of the earth before making a choice, after all, the earth is too fragile compared to those divine civilizations that are ten thousand years old at every turn! "

Ye Yi chuckled: "Even if all the guards of Angel Nebula leave Angel Nebula, as long as Kaisha is around, who would dare to go to Angel Nebula to be a demon?"

"I understand!" Ducao sighed fiercely: "Since you are so confident, I won't ask any more questions, just be my retired general honestly!"

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