Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 21 Respective Development Routes! (Please Subscribe!)

Compared with the Solar Star and the Angel Nebula, the Styx galaxy and the hidden Morgana... haven't had any extra movements yet, and it seems that they haven't passed the incubation period yet.

Or, at this time, Carl is helping Morgana upgrade the fourth generation of space-time gods, so he is not in the mood...or he is not paying attention to the earth.

After all, a peak animal body was lost to the earth many years ago. Carl has not had time to pay attention to the development of the earth now.

After all, it’s just a wild planet, and it’s not worthy of Carl’s attention. Just take a look at it in your spare time.

However, in a certain small galaxy in the Styx galaxy, hundreds of space battleships have already set off from the Taotie star, perfectly choosing to carry out the campaign plan formulated by Death God Carl thousands of years ago.

These warships are heading towards the Great Worm Bridge of the Styx galaxy, and they are shuttled in the direction. "847".. Death God Carl stayed at the Worm Bridge station on Pluto when he passed through the Chiwu Fixed Star system ten thousand years ago. The final destination: Dongwu Fixed Star system earth star.

For the earth, a catastrophe is coming!

Time is running out.

At the same time, Earth, Juxia City, No. 1 training ground.

After yesterday's high-intensity training, everyone gathered here at around seven in the morning the next day.

Don't look at yesterday's life and death, everyone was tired and lay down, but today when we got up together, each one was more energetic than the other.

After all, the super gene originally has a strong resilience, and there is a super nanny like Yuqin in the logistics, even if this group of people wants to be mentally ill.

Playing a song while they were sleeping, any pain, any fatigue, all disappeared completely.

Eleven people stood in two rows, one for men and one for women, the formation looked a little weird.

It's still a typical yin prosperity and yang decline.

"After yesterday's high-intensity training, I think you have a certain degree of awareness of your potential, at least you should understand how much you can do.

"Next, what you have to do is to understand yourself more deeply and understand the powerful energy contained in the super genes in your body.

Ye Yi raised his hand and tapped lightly, and everyone's basic information appeared in front of them: "Ge Xiaolun, I already said it yesterday, you have three stages, so I won't say more today, just savor it yourself! "

"Yes, I understand!" Ge Xiaolun replied with some joy on his face.

"Liu Chuang~"

"To~" Hearing Ye Yi's roll call, Yan immediately stood up straight.

"You are a pure warrior. Your title is Nuoxing God of War, and your gene type is the power to kill gods. Just by hearing the name, you should understand that your ability is used to kill gods!"

"However, to forge iron, you have to be strong yourself. Ability alone is not enough. You have to be strong yourself. Otherwise, you will already be cold before you get close to the enemy. How can you talk about killing gods?"

"Report sir, Liu Chuang must train hard~ I will never disappoint the country's expectations of me." Liu Chuang opened his throat and roared to express his determination.

Ye Yi's face darkened: "Faith is not for shouting, it's for execution. Shouting loudly means you're strong? Shit, that's what you owe!"

"Do you think of fighting as a caricature? The louder you growl, the stronger you are? That's stupid... Are you?"

"Report~ No..." Liu Chuang replied in an embarrassed whisper, and his whole body shrank.

Liu Chuang said that it was very difficult for him...a man in his thirties was trained like a grandson here, it was really difficult.

But he can't refute...

Seeing Liu Chuang shrunk down directly by Ye Yi, the others covered their mouths and suppressed their smiles.

"Xin Zhao~" Ye Yi turned his head slightly.

"To~" After learning Liu Chuang's lesson, Xin Zhao responded in a well-regulated manner, full of air, but not deliberate.

"You are also a pure fighter, and you can also serve as a scout. Your super gene has two stages, the first stage is speed, and the second stage is thunder.

"Thunder?" Xin Zhao's eyes lit up in an instant: "Really? The kind of thunder that destroys the world? Fuck... um... that... I shut up~"

Xin Zhao, who had just cheered up, directly declared defeat under Ye Yi's eyes.

There are big bosses here, real big bosses, who can't be provoked.

Those who dare to challenge the instructors are usually the thorns, and the thorns... generally do not end well, and will be tortured by the instructors miserably.

Ye Yi glanced at Xin Zhao: "What's the use of your own brand, and destroying the world? With your small body, I'm afraid you can chop yourself into ashes?"

..." Xin Zhao looked embarrassed, heartbroken. 0

"Pfft~" Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang and others laughed unkindly!

"Cheng Yaowen~"


"I won't say more about your Ability, I believe you understand!"

"Yes~" Cheng Yaowen nodded, neither happy nor sad.

Ye Yi turned his head gently: "The ones below, Rui Mengmeng, He Weilan, and Li Feifei, you three are all similar, and you are also the type of fighter, but the main attack direction is different!"

"In which direction it will develop, I think you have an idea in your mind."

"Yes!" The three nodded at the same time.


"Here!" Qilin responded with a serious face.

Ye Yi said softly: "Your super gene is not outstanding in strength, but it has endowed you with unique powers, and your role on the battlefield is beyond doubt!"

"War sniper, endows you with extreme vision, and also gives you the ability to absolutely control the situation of the battle. It allows you to easily conduct beyond-the-horizon combat. It is specially used to snipe and kill enemy generals. If you use it well, God, It will also be your dead soul."

"Qilin understands!" Qilin nodded solemnly.

"Wei Ying!"


"Although you are also a long-distance occupation, your profile is slightly different from Qilin's. You are also the holder of the power to kill gods. Although the combat distance is not as wide as Qilin's

But within short and medium distances, you can easily kill gods. "

"So, isn't Wei Ying the enhanced version of Liu Chuang and Qi Lin?" 3.4 Rui Mengmeng scratched her head in a daze: "It feels so powerful. 21

"Where you are good at, there must be something you are not good at!" He Weilan shook her head slightly: "Wei Ying's fighting style should be a combination of Liu Chuang and Qi Lin, which is undoubtedly very dangerous, after all, she is dancing on the tip of a knife.

"If you can't get too far away, it means you may be approached by the other party at any time..."

"Don't worry about this~" Ye Yi shook his head lightly: "If you want your speed to be fast enough and your movements to be flexible enough, you can completely tease your enemies to death!"

"After all, your genetic code name is Shadow Hunter. You live up to your name. Do you understand?"

"Wei Ying understands!" Wei Ying nodded heavily, obviously having understood her own development direction.

"Very well, then the next...".

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