Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 25 Ducao: I Don't Know Whether To Say Mmp Or Not! (Please Subscribe!)

"Sister Yan, you have already broken through the atmosphere, the destination..."

"Go to the Super Seminary~" Angel Yan said softly: "Since the other party has information about the main god, they must know something that we don't."

"Okay!" Angel chased and nodded: "Super Seminary... Juxia...has been positioned successfully, in the South China Sea!"

After determining the target, the two flapped their wings and passed through the clouds, and quickly approached in the direction of Juxia~.

The micro-wormhole transport technology...they will meet in the two sessions. It is possible to carry weapons and armor, but the solution still - impossible.

After all, Angel's three generations of gods are extremely difficult to solve.

Moreover, the three generations of guardian Angels can easily cruise at sub-light speed. With such a small distance, the time to solve their own problems has already arrived, okay?

It is true that Angel knows micro-wormhole transport technology, but not everyone is Morgana and Ruoning, after all, the development direction is completely different.

Most of Angel's three generations of gods are developing towards the direction of undefeated body, toughness, endurance, strength, speed, all aspects are first-class.

Although the time-space divine body is elusive, is too easy to solve, and it is not strong at all. It can be hurt by the sharp blade of the flame level, and the flame sword of the flame level can easily tear it into pieces.

Obviously, Angel Yan and Angel Zhui are not the type that can be solved easily. In the original book, Angel Zhui and Ruoning fight, and the flame sword can't do any damage to Angel Zhui at all...

If Ruoning, the bitch, hadn't sacrificed the Void Wu at the end, she would probably have been beaten to death by Angel chasing her from head to toe.

From here, it is not difficult to see how tough Angel's undefeated body is.

If you want to solve the undefeated body of this level... how difficult it is to solve it is up to you.

There is no combat celestial body, no large-scale celestial computer, how to solve the problem?

What kind of micro-wormhole do you want? What kind of micro-wormhole do you want, wouldn’t it be nice to fly directly to it?

In a few short moments, Angel Yan and Angel Zhui had already broken through the stratosphere and landed directly above the Great Strait, and at the same time...

A dazzling flame also appeared directly above the Juxia.

Lie Yangxing Asgardian, Pan Zhen.

The two sides looked at each other, but there was no sign of taking the initiative to talk to each other, and they all looked at the Juxia below.

Looking at Angel and Pan Zhen appearing above his head, Ducao's expression was uncertain.

If you have a wronged person and a debtor, you go to Ye Yi, why are you looking for me?

Ducao At the moment has a thousand words of mmp in his heart, but he just dare not say it.

Pan Zhen of Lieyang Star and Ducao know a lot. This guy is a hard-to-talk master, but he has communicated with him, and now he knows how to communicate.

But next to Angel... Ducao has a headache.

Angel, under the command of Holy Kaisa, the king of gods, may be even more difficult to communicate with than Xue.

But Ducao also expressed his doubts. He was not surprised that Pan Zhen could come, but Angel...why did he come?

They don't seem to have had contact with Angel, and if they had, it wasn't them.

Although I don't know why, but now, I can only bite the bullet.

"General Pan Zhen, the two Angels of the Angel Nebula, can you come down to talk?" Ducao raised his head with a serious expression on his face.

"Hey, war madman Dukao~" Angel Bo took the lead: Russia is the left wing guard of the holy Kaisa: Angelyan!"

"It seems that I have nothing to talk about with you, and they are not on the same level!"

"I'll just ask a few questions, and then I'll leave. You have to answer truthfully, okay?!"

"Excuse me!" Ducao said in a deep voice, "Anyone I know and can answer is fine!"

"Lord God Ye Yi, where is it?" Angel Yan went straight to the point.

...." Ducao frowned:

"I shouldn't be able to hide this from you. I don't have the ability to erase the information on the dark plane. With your Angel's method, I should know it after reading the dark data, right?"

"What's more, you are still a wing guard, this should be easy."

"If I can read the specific content, I won't ask you!" Angel Yan frowned: "You don't have this ability, but it doesn't mean that the main god doesn't have it."

"That's right~" Ducao frowned: "He should be very conspicuous in the mountains on the outskirts of Juxia City. You can see him when you go."

·0 for flowers··

"Very good, thank you for your cooperation!" Angel Yan nodded slightly, turned his head and caught Angel's eye, then turned and flew in the direction of Juxia City.

never stop....

As Angelyan said, they are not on the same level as Ducao. If it weren't for the need to ask him for information about the main god, this conversation would be completely unnecessary

Watching the Angels leave, Ducao immediately turned his attention to Pan Zhen: "General Pan Zhen is here, do you have any questions to ask?"

"Definitely, there are quite a lot of questions!" Pan Zhen shook his head slightly: "But now almost all of them have answers. I am not reconciled to being picked peaches for the results of thousands of years of hard work, right?"

"I really don't have such an idea now~" Ducao's expression relaxed: "But it was a little bit at first."

"Then I don't have anything to ask!" Pan Zhen shook his head again, and immediately planned to turn around and go to Juxia City.

"General Pan Zhen, maybe I have to warn you!" Seeing that Pan Zhen wanted to leave, Ducao said in a deep voice, "That main god is not easy to talk to."

"Besides, the Sun's Light is also the target that the main god wants to recruit. You probably won't be able to talk together."

"..." Pan Zhen frowned suddenly, this is not good news, it can be said to be terrible.

"Thanks for reminding!"

Hearing bad news from Ducao, it was almost a conclusion, but Pan Zhen felt that it was necessary for him to go again.

If you don't talk about it yourself, how will you know if there is a turning point?

No matter what, you have to fight for it.

Definitely, if the situation has really reached such a serious situation, there is no other choice but to go to war.

How can it be possible to hand over the light of the sun to others?

Only die to fight you.

Maybe the other party doesn't know the background of Lieyang Star at all, it's just a newly promoted main god...Although it is impossible to solve a main god with pure force, but...what about the earth?

Lieyang Xing has always been low-key, but he has also created brilliance with Angel. Even though he looks a little weak now, he is not the second who everyone can step up to. .

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