Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 28 Justice And Order! (Please Subscribe!)

Lieyang star maintained its dominance by relying on the sun's light genetic system.

Di Hongkun directly destroyed the De Nuo galaxy in the first battle, which indeed shocked all the gods in the universe.

Even though Di Hongkun lived in seclusion behind the scenes for a long time, this deterrent power still existed.

Don't mess with Lieyang Xing, this is the default of the whole universe.

After all, the other party can bomb you with Fixed Star

If you can run away, can your home still be far away?

If you get in a hurry, the other party can die with you. No one wants to take this risk.

Xiu Ang, the light of the sun, is a taboo force, and everyone avoided him tacitly. Kaisha didn't want to have too much contact with Lie Yangxing.

Morgana also didn't want to take the initiative to provoke Lie Yangxing.

Hexi has been studying the light of the sun behind the scenes.

Only a 'Deadman' like Carl, who doesn't care about anything, dares to let his subordinates capture Di Lena, and finally compromised a little...

Even though Lie Yangxing is very low-key now, it doesn't mean he is easy to bully.

However... now it's different.

This taboo has been broken, the whole universe is not the only one with the light of the sun!

If this matter gets out, everyone's awe of Lie Yangxing will plummet. Although they are still afraid, they are no longer intimidated.

After all, he now has no main god on Lie Yangxing.

The previous Emperor Hongkun has not yet recovered, and the new generation of Sunlight has not yet grown up. Lieyangxing is still in a weak stage.

Although the background and strength should not be underestimated, but that is only for civilizations without main gods.

Lie Yangxing's current situation is very embarrassing.

But these things are not what Ye Yi needs to consider...

His purpose is not to dominate the universe, nor is it to destroy the universe. What he needs has always been only one, and that is a strand of the origin of the universe.

Fighting to death among major civilizations in the universe has nothing to do with him.

He only needs to use his own way to cultivate the three main gods that should have appeared in this universe as soon as possible, and then receive his own share of the origin of the universe.

It's that simple.

Xiongbing Company, do it as you please, after all, this is called Huaxia Kingdom, and it is called Earth, if you can help a group, then help, anyway, the growth of the three main gods will take a long time

Watching Pan Zhen leave, Ye Yi closed the worm door, and then turned his attention to Angel Yan and Angel.

"Okay, now we can talk~"

With a slight smile on his face, Ye Yi said softly: "Don't look at me as fierce just now, but I'm actually quite easy to get along with, and I'm not a big devil."

"To my friends, I have always been gentle and generous."

..." Angel Yan looked at Ye Yi, and then said: "This time I came to the earth, I want to ask, Lord God, you..."

"There's no need for the Lord God or anything, just call me Ye Yi!" Ye Yi chuckled and said, "Don't be restrained."

"That's good~" Angel Yan nodded lightly: "I want to ask you, Ye Yi, what do you think of justice and order?"

"Holy Kaisa's justice order, I don't think there is anything wrong with it!" Ye Yi nodded slightly: "This is already a very mature system, and it is a good thing for the universe."

The righteous order of Holy Kesha is not dictatorship, maybe this is just Ye Yi's own understanding.

Why does Kaisa contain those rapidly developing civilizations?

keep your position?

Do not make jokes.

This is protection in disguise.

There are two results brought about by the rapid development of science and technology. One is that civilization becomes the overlord of the universe, and the other is...

It is the entire civilization that is directly turned into cosmic dust...disappears in smoke!

The probability of the latter is ten times or even a hundred times higher than that of the former.

It is not a good thing to develop too fast. If you take too many steps, you will easily fall into trouble, and you will lose your children and grandchildren.

How many of the rapidly developing civilizations supported by Morgana were directly wiped out?

Where is the reason?

It is because of the endless development, blindly moving forward, and then looking back, the home is gone, the civilization is gone, the people are dying, and the home planet is broken... everything is over.

Just like the abandoned planet Morag in the Marvel world, like Thanos’ hometown Titan, isn’t that the ending?

One blindly seeks development and progress, but ignores the most basic things, which leads to destruction!

The other is that they are too ambitious to touch things that they can't control at all, and then directly lead to destruction.

Did they take off? Did they become cosmic overlords?

No, they're dead, they're extinct, turned into cosmic dust.

This is the most typical case.

There are also many such cases in the super god universe, and the Deno galaxy is the most typical one.

In order to control the powerful force, the so-called "God-making Movement" was launched.

In the end, gods were created, but their supreme commander couldn't even hold a god-killing bullet...

And then? The war got out of control, dragging the Solar Star into the mix, and destroying the entire Deno galaxy...

Want to give more examples?

no need.

(Deno Galaxy: I provoked you to provoke you, whip my corpse every day...)

What's wrong with Keisha's Justice and Order?

Even if you can still pierce...

At least their starting point is absolutely beautiful.

The strong who are willing to protect the weak are always a minority.

This is an indisputable fact, cruel.

Listening to Ye Yi's words, Angel Yan and Angel Zhui looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces softened completely.

So, Ye Yi, is the earth... willing to accept justice and order?" Angel Yan asked tentatively: "I have been authorized by the Holy Kaisha to establish diplomatic relations with the earth on behalf of the Angel Nebula. "

"Justice and order..." Ye Yi frowned slightly: "It is possible, but there is a key premise, I hope you can understand (get it)"

"definitely~" Angel Yan nodded: "Mutual respect for the integrity of civilization, mutual non-aggression, and mutual non-interference in the progress of civilization, we naturally need to abide by these!"

"The dominance of the earth, our Angel will not move, the earth is still in the hands of the earth people themselves, or in other words, it is Ye Yi who has the final say."

"We will not interfere in any way."

A civilization with a main god does not need Angels to interfere with the civilization process. After all, since this civilization has a main god, there is a high probability that it will not perish.

And for those civilizations that don’t have a main god, or even a god, Angel will temporarily guide them forward, and once a god of their own planet is born...inside.

Then Angel will no longer interfere with the other party's civilization process, God's choice Angel will not interfere, unless it is evil.

"This suggestion sounds good." Ye Yi touched his chin: "So, the Earth and the Angel Nebula are now allies?".

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