Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 42 Lena Is A Bit Silly! (Please Subscribe!)




A dazzling fireball fell from the sky, and Lena, who was wrapped in flames, just wanted to make a beautiful turn and play a cool landing...

What didn't happen was that at the moment when she was about to turn around, an invisible barrier of time and space solidified instantly.

She didn't have time to brake, and she directly used her pretty face and the space-time shield to have a close contact....

The powerful kinetic energy hit the top of the space-time shield, and a tiny ripple spread out. It is conceivable... how much Leina's face hurts.

It was determined that no damage could be done to the academy, and after identifying Lena's identity, the space-time shield was immediately lifted.

Poor Lena just raised her hand to stand up on the shield, but unexpectedly the shield dissipated...

"Fuck...what's going on?"

There was another soft sound, and Fu fell directly to the ground...

"Tsk tsk tsk, this face is really strong~~" Watching this scene, Liu Chuang smacked his lips.

Ge Xiaolun retorted softly: "It should be because the neck is really hard~ It can't be broken even after 10 hits like this."

"This is the so-called Goddess of Lieyang? I'm afraid she's not a dick goddess?" Su Xiaoli curled her lips, her face full of disdain.

"Lord God of Lieyang Star, Di Leina." Seeing Lena in such a mess, Lianfeng's mouth twitched slightly, and then he said seriously: "We have been waiting for you for a long time, your... way of coming is very special... "

"It makes us... look at each other with admiration."

"Damn it, are you treating your goddess like this?" Rubbing her sore forehead, Leina said with a gloomy face, "What the hell is on it?"

"Time-space shield~" Lianfeng spread her hands: "Didn't Pan Zhen remind you?"

Lena's face froze, and she turned her head directly: "That old stubborn didn't say anything."

"Okay, now that you're here, Lena, let's go back to the team." Lianfeng shook her head lightly.

"Return to the team? Return to what team?" Lena was confused: "Wait, didn't I come here to help you activate the super gene? You have already done it yourself?

"Pan Zhen sent you here without telling you anything?" Lianfeng frowned.

"This is really not there." Reina nodded helplessly.

The surprise came too fast, Lena didn't ask much, she just changed into a set of clothes and was dragged away by Pan Zhen. Apart from knowing that she could come to Earth... she was gone.

"Then connect to the dark communication first, and read it yourself."

"Ok~ no problem." Reina nodded.

Reading the message from Lianfeng, Leina nodded solemnly, but after a few seconds... the expression on her face gradually became weird.

"Hey, wait... When did the earth have a main god?"

"Also, what the hell is Crocodile Thornton?"

"Hey, hey, I'm a goddess anyway, so you let me train with this group of dicks? Shouldn't I be the instructor or the captain?"

"Is this how you treat the goddess?"

Looking at the bluffing Lena, a bunch of black lines flashed across the faces of a group of people.

This... is a goddess?

Does that feel like a dick?

"Sister Qilin, is this really a goddess?" Rui Mengmeng scratched her head: Why do you feel a little silly?"

...." Qilin turned to look at Rui Mengmeng: "Well, almost, you are stupid, she is stupid, there is only one word missing. "

"..." Rui Mengmeng, who was stabbed for no reason, exaggerated, and muttered, "I'm not's just that my reaction is a little slow..."

"Mengmeng, sister Qilin is praising you for being cute." Wei Ying comforted softly.


"Hmm~ Really!" Qilin nodded helplessly.

The girls were discussing Leina in whispers, while Cheng Yaowen clenched his hands subconsciously, with a gloomy expression on his face.

The reason is needless to say.

It was Lie Yangxing who destroyed the De Nuo galaxy and the Light Shield family. Now seeing the offspring of the enemy, it is not easy for him to maintain some sanity.

"Hey, Yaowen, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that Cheng Yaowen's expression was a little gloomy, Liu Chuang asked softly.

"It's okay, I remembered some unhappy things!" Cheng Yaowen shook his head, temporarily suppressing all the redundant emotions in his heart.

Xin Zhao poked Cheng Yaowen: "Talk to the brothers if you have something to do, don't hold it alone, the brothers will help you.

"That's right!" Ge Xiaolun nodded approvingly.

"I understand." Cheng Yaowen took a deep breath and slowly relaxed.

On the other end, Lianfeng put his hands behind his back and looked at the bluffing Lena indifferently: "Have you finished reading?"

"I protest~" Reina put her hands on her hips: "I am a goddess after all...

"Well, what then?" Lianfeng said lightly.

"I..." Looking at Lianfeng's calm face, Leina rolled her eyes: "At any rate, I have to be a captain or something, right?"

"Captain? I still have five bars~" Liu Chuang sneered.

Lianfeng turned his head and gave Liu Chuang a sideways glance.

"Just kidding~ I shut up~" Liu Chuang laughed dryly, 743 kept silent.

You can't argue with Chief Lianfeng. She is in charge of the training plan of the Xiongbing Company. If you dare

Hehe, I will train you to death every minute.

This is their most intuitive feeling, the truth learned from the history of blood and tears in the past two days.

It's better to be cowardly than to be cowardly.

Lianfeng turned her head to look at Leina, and said softly: "No captain, should I be the captain?"

"Captain?" Lena turned her head to look at the members of the Xiongbing Company: "How many people can I manage in this group?"

"Nothing for now, except you." Lianfeng said softly.

"This squad leader is just an empty shell?" Leina's face darkened, and she shook her head without hesitation: "Then I won't do it, whoever wants to do it."

"Then become a team member." Lianfeng didn't show any face.

"Only these two options, there is no choice, either the team leader or the team members."

"I~ hey~" Reina gritted her teeth: "Aren't you guys going to that... that guy named Ye Yi? I have to see him."

"Yes~" The corner of Lianfeng's mouth curled up, and he raised his finger to point to the central building: "Go straight, the third floor is there."

"Hope you don't come out crying."


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