Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 50 Learn, You Have To Learn Everything! (Please Subscribe!)

"I vomited a liter of blood should be there?"

Touching the corner of his mouth that was still stained with blood, Ge Xiaolun gave a wry smile.

Xin Zhao followed with a wry smile and said, "You are so special, you are the undefeated body, the kind that can't be beaten to death."

"It's far away~ I haven't grown up yet, I'm just a meat shield now, and I'm a professional shield for you." Ge Xiaolun waved his hand, showing no complacency at all.

Xin Zhao chuckled and said, "Even if they haven't grown up yet, they are much stronger than Yaowen and me!"

"If Yaowen and I were to fight against those firepower output today, we would probably have died long ago.

"It's hard to fight like this with one Taoyi, those gods... how do we fight?"

"Did you hear the report just now?" Cheng Yaowen turned his head slightly, and laughed softly:

"It took only a minute for Taotie to invade the North Star, and he was directly wiped out by Brother Hou and Suo Dun.

"How long did it take us on both sides? A full - two hours..."

"Reina and the others are only ten to a few minutes faster than us."

"We were the ones who dragged Reina back." Looking at the men and women lying on the ground, He Weilan shook her head helplessly.

"Is this what I want to express~" Xin Zhao waved his hand: "There is still a gap between Lena's big sister and Brother Hou, and it's not small..."

"Did you get beaten by Brother Hou several times during training?"

"It's not like I said, Reina is just a little girl..."

"You little girl? Are you afraid that Leina will beat you up after listening to your words?" Su Xiaoli sneered:

"Even if it's not as good as Monkey King, it's much better than you~"

"What nonsense are you talking about~" Ge Xiaolun's mouth twitched.

"When will we reach Brother Monkey's level?"

"Dream, haven't you heard what the chief instructor said? We are just a group of fledglings and rookies now." Hearing this, Xin Zhao shook his head fiercely:

"Before, I didn't have much feeling about the strength of Brother Hou and Thornton, so I knew they were stronger than us.

"Thinking about it now, it's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers~"

"This gap makes me want to cry."

"If we really want to fight, even if we are fully armed, we will probably be wiped out in a few minutes, the kind of easy group wiped out without the power to resist.

"That's a real god."

"Okay, okay, have you rested enough?" Cheng Yaowen got up slowly: "Let's close the team, go back early and rest early, I guess there will be training tomorrow."

"Going to continue training tomorrow? It's terrible~" Xin Zhao's face turned bitter:

"We have won the battle, can't we have a day off?"

"You have to talk to Chief Lianfeng about this." He Weilan curled her lips: "You boys are hopeless."

"I sigh every day and feel that the training is too difficult and too hard. If it weren't for the chief instructor to activate our super genes, if it wasn't for Chief Lianfeng to formulate a training plan, if it wasn't for Brother Monkey and Thornton to put down their bodies to train you..."

"What will you be today? Cocks? will only become cannon fodder covered by the firepower of the gluttonous army.

"Hey, boy, it's normal!" Xin Zhao stood up and retorted:

"We didn't feel bad at all, and we didn't regret joining the Xiongbing Company. It's okay to complain about it?"

"If you were really cowardly, you wouldn't come here in the first place. Do you think that's the reason?"

"The words are quite sharp~" He Weilan shook her head: "I think the conditions offered by the chief instructor are so superior that you can't refuse them at all?"

"Don't rush to refute, I was there when the chief instructor recruited you, and I can clearly see your expressions and performances.

"Come on, shall we continue arguing now?"

"I can't say you~" Xin Zhao turned his head, his face full of embarrassment.

"That's all?" He Weilan curled her lips in disdain:

"I've always used my strength to convince people, but my words are very weak. I didn't expect you to be finished before you even made a move, you scumbag?"

Lianfeng's voice suddenly sounded: "When you've had enough chatting, hurry back to the team, you guys are the slowest group. "Aren't you conscious?"

After Lianfeng's voice fell, Reina's voice also sounded:

"The Kamigawa channel hasn't been closed yet, but I heard someone say that I, Reina, are just a little girl... Who said that?"

"Sister Na~~Your Excellency has a lot..." Xin Zhao felt his heart beat a beat slower, and his face was pale.

0 looking for flowers......

He just kept his mouth shut, really meeting Leina [Give him a hundred guts and he wouldn't dare.

That's three generations of gods, he's not even a god...

"Xin Zhao's death is a model." Liu Chuang shook his head amusedly: "Some people will suffer."

"Who are you stupid to blame?"

"Brother Zhao, you're done, sister Leina is rubbing her fists..."

The meeting room in the central building of the college.

"Do you want to hide the main information of this war?"

"No need, the earth is important to go out of the interstellar, it's not very good to hide everything, it's also a good choice to show your muscles at the right time."

"Okay~" Lianfeng nodded, and then said again: "Is there anything that needs to be revised about the second stage of the strengthening training of the Xiongbing Company?"

Ye Yi raised his hand and nodded: "I have read all the plans. I can reduce the intensity of my practice a little bit, and add subject teaching appropriately."

"At least they need to give them a general understanding of this universe."

"Micro-wormhole transportation must be mastered by everyone, no proficiency is required, at least weapons and armor need to be done by yourself.

"Except for the special ones like Qilin, which I teach myself, you are responsible for the rest.

Lianfeng nodded, then tentatively said: "Then, is Wei included?"

"Just say what you want~" The corner of Ye Yi's mouth twitched.

Lianfeng gritted her teeth: "As the holder of the time-space gene, for now, Qiangwei is the core of various god-killing and beheading tactics, if..."

"I have my own plan for this. When the time comes, it will be fine. Let her learn the theoretical knowledge, and I will teach the operation method later."

"By the way, no matter what education level the Xiongbing Company is at now, set aside one day every week for them to review all kinds of knowledge in science.

"Bottom line, everyone has to get a Ph.D. in science."

"This is inevitable." Lianfeng nodded: "I will arrange it."

"That's it, that's it. The rest of the matter will be handled by the military. The Xiongbing Company will continue training tomorrow."

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