Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 57 Tianji King: Hexi! (Please Subscribe!)

The one-nine star field of the Sanjiu Nebula is the only way to the Meiluo Heavenly Court, and it is also the outermost part of the Meiluo Heavenly Court.

Here is a large-scale celestial body set up by Hexi, which is used to intensify the evolution of the nine fixed stars in the nine star field, which is enough to produce super high temperatures that are fatal to gods.

For gods of ordinary civilization or non-Scorching Sun civilization, this is a death penalty zone.

After all, not all gods are all-round strengthening. If the high temperature resistance is not enough, once they enter this area, they are judged as enemies...

Once the high temperature resistance is not enough, even the third generation of the peak, it is estimated that it will be completely evaporated by the power of the nine fixed stars.

However, this is only the outermost defensive method of Mei Luo Tian Family.

Definitely, for various civilizations, there may not be nine defenses. For the Lieyang civilization, this nine-star field is not a defense, and it is even useless.

After all, the Fixed Star drive is the housekeeping skill of the Lieyang civilization. Although Hexi has learned a little bit over the years, he does not have the specialization of the Lieyang star after all. For Lieyang, this defense is still lacking.

But there are always a few hurdles that cannot be overcome.

Even if you pass this one, there are still eight defenses behind, all of which are the crystallization of the highest technology in the universe, and the main god who has no ability will really be unable to get in.

What's more, the nine defenses have always been guarded by Mei Luoxing's Tianji Wang Hexi, as long as he breaks through half of the defenses, Hexi will attack directly.

The fate of the stars will teach you to be a human being.

As for why nine defenses were set up...the culprit is naturally because of Morgana.

When Morgana's demons invaded Mei Luo Tianting, they not only deceived Hexi, but also made Morgana stab Kaisha in the back...

For this matter, Hexi has always been brooding, so there are these nine defenses...

The former Meiluo Tianting did not have these.

The first to fourth defenses are naturally not difficult for Carol, but the chaotic space-time domain of the fifth... is the main reason why Carol has been unable to enter the Mei Luo Tian Court.

This layer is also a celestial project designed by Hexi himself, and the entire star field is covered by a distorted space without rules.

People who are not proficient in time and space technology, it is useless to go in, because they will be misled by this chaotic time and space, and then directly return to the original nine-star field.

Carol has been calling here for three days, but still can't get in, so I called Ye Yi...

Definitely, it's not that Carol really can't get in, there is a way to get in, just blow up this space-time disordered star field or directly blow up the central celestial body.

But Carol wanted to pay a polite visit instead of calling...

After all, during these few days of space travel, Carol has a clear understanding of Angel's justice.

"Ye Yi, are you ready?"

Quietly hovering in the Nine Star Field, Carol's gaze was still constantly sizing up this weird cosmic space.

"Hmm~~ Angels are in a meeting... Forget it, I'll contact Tianzhi Wang Hexi directly."

I wanted to contact Angelyan and let Angelyan come to receive Carol, but...unfortunately, Angelyan is currently discussing something with Keisha in the palace, obviously there is no time for that.

Ye Yi simply changed the communication target to Tianji Wang Hexi.

Although Ye Yi didn't know about He Xi's secret communication, but it was not impossible. He could easily find He Xi's communication channel by directly using the celestial bodies in the Nine Star Region as a springboard.

After all, this celestial body is also under the control of Hexi, and there is still a certain connection between the two.

The Chaos engine was running, and Ye Yi's consciousness directly invaded the celestial bodies in the Yijiu Starfield.

Definitely, the method is more gentle, which is equivalent to knocking on the door, not smashing the door, let alone breaking in.

Since Hexi has been observing Carol through celestial bodies, the other party must be able to hear this little 'knock on the door'.

Sure enough, the moment Ye Yi 'knocked on the door', a stream of data surged over in an instant.

"Hi, Tianji Wang Hexi, my name is Ye Yi, I think you probably have an idea, right?"

The dark communication was activated instantly, and Ye Shi's voice was directly transmitted to He Xi's mind through this data stream.

"Ye Yi~ Well, I have a little idea, the main god of the earth?"

Hexi seems to be questioning, but his tone is very affirmative: "I also read the message sent back by Yan, and I talked to Kaisha about you before, I didn't expect to have contact so soon.

"Then, the god in the Nine Star Region who tried to enter Mei Luo Tian's Court has something to do with you?"

After getting Hexi's reply, Ye Yi said softly:

"Forget it, my friend wants to visit Mei Luo Tian's Court, can you open a convenient door? I think you have observed her a lot in the past three days, we don't have any malicious intentions."

"Mei Luo Tianting has established diplomatic relations with the earth, and Carol can be regarded as the emissary of the earth."

"I'm a little curious~" Hexi's voice sounded again: "Your friend Carol should also be a master god, right? Why doesn't he know anything about space technology?" 550

"Definitely, that faster-than-light movement speed... really opened my eyes."

"The system is different, and I can't explain it for a while~ You guys meet, have a good chat, and understand each other, isn't it more intuitive than my verbal description?"

Ye Yi didn't want to explain too much. The difference between the systems of the two worlds cannot be explained in a few words.

"Well, it makes sense, I can guide her, but she can only fly over by herself, after all... I can't solve her existence at all, time and space transfer can't work

"Naturally~" Ye Yi said with a light smile: "By the way, Carol may be a little restless, and I will need to trouble King Tianji to take care of you when the time comes.

"Warrior?" He Xi expressed a little trouble.

Ye Yi shook his head lightly: "No, you always feel curious when you see something novel that you have never seen before, don't you?"

"Then I'm relieved, I will welcome your friend, but...when will I have time to chat with you? I'm also very curious about you, the new main god.

"Naturally, there is no problem. I think there will be common topics between us."

"It could not be better!".

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