Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 74: Xiongbing Company, Assemble! (Please Subscribe!)

"Soldier Company, assemble~"

A cold voice sounded in the training ground, and the members of the Xiongbing Company who were adapting to their Ability were taken aback for a moment...

In just a split second, no matter where they are, everyone burst out immediately and galloped towards the training ground gate.

The first to arrive is still Du Qiangwei, who has already become the third generation of metamorphosis, and in terms of speed alone, no one can match her.

Second, Qi Lin and Wei Ying arrived almost at the same time, and they also upgraded to the third generation, their attainments in space are second only to Du Qiangwei.

After all, no matter what world you are in, the ultimate speed.

The third one, Lena, after all, the speed of light has never been questioned, although it is not the speed of light here.

The fourth one, Xin Zhao, who turned into lightning, not only failed to improve his ranking, but was directly squeezed from the third place of the Xiongbing Company to the fourth place.

However, although the speed was squeezed down, Xin Zhao's destructive power and combat effectiveness soared.

After all, Thunder's horror is top notch no matter in that world.

And the rest of the people, almost all turned into black shadows, came from afar at high speed.

In five seconds, all twelve members of the Xiongbing Company assembled at the training ground, standing upright one by one.

In the next second, the figures of Lianfeng and Yuqin walked in from outside the training ground.

"The commander-in-chief 677 has the highest order. The demon king has descended on the earth, and you have all upgraded to the third generation in batches. Today's ordinary training is suspended."

Looking at the people in front of him, Lianfeng said in a deep voice:

"The goal of your training today is still the battle of killing gods and beheading. Besides Sun Houzi, Yuqin, Thornton and I will all participate in it.

"Behead the target, Demon King Morgana."

The space froze instantly.

In the next moment, everyone raised their hands and roared loudly: "Take orders."

"Very good~" Lianfeng nodded lightly:

"Everyone, rectify and check your status. Today is an unprecedented fierce battle for you or us."

"The other party is the appalling demon king. Horror stories are spread across the universe billions of light-years away. The arrival of the other party will definitely bring disaster."

"In the face of all this, we have no choice but to fight to the death and fight to the end."

"One battle will stop."

"The first battle will stop~"*12.

Looking around, Lianfeng said softly: "Are you afraid?"

"It's a lie not to be afraid~" Liu Chuang grinned: "But what's the use of being afraid? Standing behind us is our home.

"If our group of people don't fight or fight, are we worthy of the country that has raised us for so long?"

"If you are afraid, you have to go, and if you die, you have to go~ Defend the family and the country, and death is not a pity."

"Hey, Liu Chuang, today I won't call you a scumbag He Weilan raised her fist and touched her heart:

"If you really have this kind of awareness, then you are my brother."

"Sister Weilan, are you willing to forgive me?" Liu Chuang's eyes widened immediately.

He Weilan curled her lips: "I'm not blind~"

"She's tough-mouthed and soft-hearted~" Qilin chuckled and said, "After the Battle of Tianhe, she has changed her mind about you, and she just refused to admit it because of her stubborn mouth."

"Can you not tear me down?" He Weilan glared at Qilin: "Are we still good sisters?"

Qilin touched the God-killing sniper rifle in her hand, with a smile on her face: "Hasn't it always been?"

"Hey~ This is good~ This is good~" The smile on Liu Chuang's face became brighter and brighter.

"Congratulations, Chuang Zi~" Ge Xiaolun and Cheng Yaowen raised their hands and patted Liu Chuang's shoulder.

"We are all the same~" Liu Chuang nodded deeply: "We are all fighters now, not punks anymore.

"You all wait~ Don't be too happy." Reina on the side rolled her eyes [turning her head to Lian and said:

"Lianfeng, it's not that I hurt people with my words. Except for me and Thornton, this group of people are all three generations who have just been promoted..."

"I may not be familiar with my Abilities yet, so it's okay to fight Morgana now?" (bacg)

"Isn't it too early?"

Lianfeng gently raised his hand, and a breeze lingered: "With me and Yuqin here, I can guarantee that you will not die.

"What you know, the chief instructor knows, what you don't know "the chief instructor also knows."

"This battle is for tempering you. Fighting against the main god is the best way to stimulate your potential."

"Don't worry about other things for the time being, and you don't need to think too much. With the chief instructor behind as a shield, I can solemnly assure you here..."

"None of you can die."

"Let your hands and feet go to fight, and the chief instructor will bear all the consequences."

"Then what are you waiting for, just go and fuck her~" Liu Chuang raised the axe, feeling a little impatient.

Lianfeng glanced at Liu Chuang: "People haven't reached the earth yet, you go to space to fight?"

"Chief, wouldn't it be better if we could fight in outer space?" Qi Lin frowned:

"Don't talk about how destructive Morgana is, if we fight with this group of people, once it is confiscated and stopped, a big city will be gone in a few minutes..."

"If wars can be waged in space, the damage to the earth will definitely be minimized."

"That's right~" Zhao Xin nodded instantly: "Although it may not be quite suitable for the outer space, the main god body can already survive in the universe without pressure.

"It's troublesome at best, and we'll get used to it.

"We also ask for war in space." Rui Mengmeng and others raised their hands one after another.

"What are you worrying about? What are you coaxing?" Lianfeng glared: "The chief instructor can't think of the questions you want?"

"A group of idiots..." Du Qiangwei glanced at her mouth: "You still need to worry about the chief instructor's attainment in space? Worried about destroying the earth?"

"What about your brains?"

..." A group of people were instantly speechless by Qiangwei.

Aren't they in a special space right now?

There are a total of twelve in this training ground academy...

Plus canteens, classrooms, laboratories, dormitory buildings... How many are there?

This is looking for glasses while wearing glasses, one leaf can't see Mount that what you're talking about?

"I've been here for a long time, I'm used to it~" Rui Mengmeng scratched her head in embarrassment.

"I really didn't realize it for a while~" Li Feifei nodded in approval.

Su Xiaoli shrugged: "Habit is a terrible thing~"

"Okay, stop potting~"

Lianfeng raised his hand and tapped, and a projection emerged: "According to Chaos' calculation, the opponent's landing point is Huangcun outside Juxia City, and it is expected to arrive in ten minutes."

"Get ready!"


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