Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 92 A Big Wave Of Experience Is Coming. (Please Subscribe!)

"Queen, Leng begs to go to the front line."

Keisha thought for a while, then nodded slightly: "Well, it's not impossible."

"Thank you, queen." Angel's cold mouth curled into a smile, and he gave Angel a provocative look.

"It's useless for you to stare at me~" Yan chuckled: "Leng, you are still the third generation, and you don't have the ability to confront Hua Ye and Ruoning for the time being."

"The main force in the battle cannot be you."

"I know this~ You don't need to remind me." Angel snorted coldly: "Is it true that I can intervene in the confrontation at the level of the main god.

"But... bullying the triangle and gluttonous beard, I will be fine, right?"

"There is still a problem." Hexi said without hesitation: "Although your configuration is considered to be the top level among the new generation of Tiancheng..."

"However, if you want to confront a mature triangular body, you still lack a bit of firepower, especially if your mental strength is not strong enough, it is easy to be crushed by the triangular body's thinking.

"Once the mind is suppressed, you can easily die."

"This time, let's assist Yan and Ah Zhui to complete this mission."

"Yes!" Although he was unwilling, Leng 10 had to face the facts, too low is too low, there is nothing wrong with admitting it.

After making a decision, Keisha glanced around and said softly: "Cold, burning heart."

"Here, Queen!" The two stepped out at the same time, holding hands together and waiting for orders.

"Yan and Ah Zhui are already the fourth generation, you have to hurry up and prepare, I will give you enough tests at the right time."

"After passing the test, Hexi will help you complete the promotion of the divine body. Do you have any objections?"

"Thank you Queen!" Leng directly wrote the word "surprise" on his face.

Angel Leng, the top guard Angel of the third generation, is indeed qualified to upgrade to the fourth generation.

It's been more than seven thousand years... If the strength is further improved, it will be able to help the queen more.

"Queen Keisha~ I just upgraded to the third generation, but it's been a few hundred years, and I don't have the qualifications to upgrade to the fourth generation..."

Compared with Angel's cold confidence and surprise, Xin himself was a little worried.

She is only five hundred years old, and taking over as the right-wing guard is already a rather difficult task. Although Hexi and Kaisha have been trying their best to train her, but haste makes waste...

Some things take time to settle.

Zhi Xin expressed some concerns about whether she could control the fourth-generation divine body.

"So you have to speed up your studies." He Xi said softly: "Definitely, don't rush forward, teacher, I will teach you well.

"Yes!" Encouraged by her teacher, Xin nodded quickly.

Seeing that things were almost done, He Xi waved his hand: "Let's go, let's go and arrange the battle situation first. When necessary, Queen Kaisha and I will take action."


Under the leadership of Angel Yan and Angel Chase, hundreds of guards Angel gradually left the palace, and one by one spread their wings and flew towards the port.

"Everyone is in position, the worm gate is about to open, and you can accurately calculate your landing point."

"Be careful when you arrive at the location, and wait for the order from Ah Zhui and me."


Sister Leng, are you alright?" Zhi Xin looked at Angel Leng slightly worried.

"Yo, what do you mean by filming, little girl?" Angel frowned coldly: "Did you underestimate me?"

"Not really~" Zhi Xin gently shook her head: "After all, Ruoning... used to be your master, Sister Leng."

"Huh~" Angel snorted coldly: "It's been said before, she is not my master now, but a fallen person, since she is a fallen person" she should be judged.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you little girl."

After the words fell, Angel flapped his wings and flew directly towards the worm gate.

"Sister Leng is very sad~" Ah Zhui's eyes darkened slightly.

"Leng is not as fragile as you think." Angel Yan looked at the back of the person leaving: "She is very strong and kind, but she followed the wrong master."

"But it doesn't matter, there is a surprise waiting for her after she comes back this time."

"Huh?" Ah Zhui was slightly taken aback: "What surprise?"

The corners of Zhi Xin's lips curled up: "Queen Keisha plans to take Sister Leng as her apprentice~"

"This is indeed a surprise." Ah Zhui's eyes lit up: "I can already imagine the surprised and dazed expression of Sister Leng when she heard the news."

"Okay, be serious, there is still a task." Yan shook his head lightly: "The next battle will not be easy.

"A Zhui, your control over the sacred body..."

Ah Zhui smiled confidently: "Don't worry, Sister Yan, I am not idle on Earth.

"That's right, is there no gain from following Ye Yi?" Seeing Ah Zhui's expression, the corner of Yan's mouth twitched.

"Uh..." Ah Zhui was slightly taken aback, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

She knew that sister Yan was jealous...

Looking at Ah Zhui's expression, Yan could probably guess it, so he simply pointed out: "Don't think too much, I'm not jealous, but...well, I'm worried about you

"Carol hasn't met you yet, so you have to be prepared, that very strong."

"..." Hearing this, Ah Zhui's heartbeat suddenly slowed down by half a beat, and he became a little nervous for no reason.

...." Zhi Xin pouted on the side: "Sister Yan, sister Chasing, it's a crooked building, a crooked building. "

Yan's face straightened: "Okay, let's stop chatting and let's go.

"it is good!"

"Open Dale, the worm gate is located: a nine-star field."

[The big insect bridge has been opened and is calculating the landing point. After the calculation of the landing point is completed, you can shuttle. 】


Seeing Yan and Ah Zhui entering the Da Chong Bridge, Zhi Xin immediately turned around and flew directly towards the residence of his master Hexi.

Her mission is different from that of Yan and Ah Zhui. They need to fight frontally, but because of insufficient equipment, she can only do logistics in the rear.

Definitely, this logistics refers to the use of space-based computing groups to adjust the battles of all Angels except Yan and Azui.

It is also a difficult task. If the Ability is insufficient, it may not be possible.

Mei Luo Tianting has already started preparing for the battle, but Hua Ye and Ruoning who are traveling to the Nine Star Region through the wormhole... have no idea.

They also didn't expect that Carl had a good chat with them, even gave them a void engine, and made an extremely grand plan to kill God...

However, it directly sent them to a dead end. .

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