Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 99: Knight Of The Eclipse, Really Smells! (Please Subscribe!)

[Warning, warning, the seal in the goddess Lena's body has been broken, please respond as soon as possible...]

[Warning.....Warning.....has lost connection with Sunlight Emperor Reina, please respond as soon as possible...]

Outside the earth, Pan Zhen, who was galloping through light, stopped suddenly, his face was ugly.

"It's troublesome..." Looking at the earth so close at hand, Pan Zhen sighed secretly: "I don't know how many elders will be left this time..."

"A fully grown sunbeam..."

Obviously, the fact that the seal of the sun's light in Leina's body was broken could only be the work of the main god Ye Yi.

And this means that Ye Yi has completely stood behind Leina, and the regime of Star Lieyang has been torn apart at this moment.

No one can restrain Di Leina anymore, even Pan Zhen.

He will be deprived of the power of the general, and the name of the patron saint of the Lieyang star will also be deprived.

Di Leina will truly ascend to the throne, reign over the entire Lieyang Star, truly become the Lord God of Lieyang Star, and control the life and death of the entire Lieyang Star.

The moment she became the main god of Lieyang Star, Leina controlled one vote to decide and one vote to deny. The entire Lieyang Star 357 will be Di Leina's voice.

No one can disagree.

"I hope that Goddess Leina can be a little more rational. The Lieyang civilization can no longer withstand too much impact."

With full of worries about Lie Yangxing, Pan Zhen swooped towards the earth again, and the destination was the suburbs of Juxia City.

And at the moment, Lena, who is being promoted to the sacred body, has reached the last moment.

"Sister Lianfeng, is the armor placed on her dark plane, or...huh?" Yuqin had a slight smile on her face.

"Doesn't she like it very much?" Lianfeng rolled his eyes: "Then just let her put it on."

Yuqin raised her hand and plucked the strings lightly: "I dare say that our academy has the best treatment in the whole universe. If this news is released, I don't know how many divine civilizations are willing to directly join the earth camp."

"The engine-level god-killing martial arts and full-body armor made by Yin Suyin..."

"You think this group of people is the light of the sun?" Lianfeng pouted disdainfully:

"Didn't you see that the recruiting of the Xiongbing company depends entirely on the preferences of the chief instructor?"

"There are still a bunch of (bach) genes handed down from the Kamigawa civilization on Earth, but except for the members of the current Xiongbing Company, the chief instructors don't even look at them... The original chief instructors on Earth love to accept them. of..."

"Apart from you and me, Cheng Yaowen and Leina, who else has this treatment?"

"Isn't everyone in the Xiongbing Company entitled to this kind of treatment?" Yuqin raised her hand and swiped lightly, and a series of lists appeared: "Here, let's see, who is missing?"

"The most common Kamigawa genes of the first generation were abruptly pushed to the fourth generation by the chief instructor..."

"In the future, the earth will have a total of fifteen main gods..."

Lianfeng shook her head: "Leina and Cheng Yaowen don't count, there are at most thirteen."

"A lord god of the Lieyang star, a...prince of the Deno civilization, is unlikely."

"Who can tell for sure?" Yuqin spread her hands.

"Okay, let's start the finishing work." Lianfeng's face was serious: "The storm engine starts...

"Access infinite energy and reshape the sacred body.

"The status is full."

The laboratory light gradually dissipated, leaving only a spot of light floating quietly

The next moment, infinite energy gathered rapidly, the dazzling light flashed away, and Leina's figure solidified instantly.

The long golden-red hair is windless and automatic, the dark red full body armor, and the red skirt fluttering gently [ten extremely sharp long swords and an extremely thick shield are floating on the left and right sides respectively.

The brilliance in the center of the sword grid of the long sword circulates, and the subtle golden-red light circulates endlessly on the sword body, and the shield on the right side is covered with golden-red runes.

A light wheel shaped like a steel blazing sun rune floated behind his head, exuding a dazzling light like the sun.

"Well, it looks like a knight~" Yuqin tilted her head: "The shape is a bit domineering, which suits Lena very well."

Being different is bad fun. Lianfeng pouted: "What's this thing called?"

"Goddess of Dawn, Eclipse Knight...a good name."

"Can Greyna handle this wind?"

"It's up to her."

Under the subtle discussion of Lianfeng and Heyuqin, Leina's eyes opened slightly, the golden light slowly faded, and the figure descended from the air.

Looking down at her own state, Leina seemed a little dazed, and suddenly raised her hand to pat her cheek, only to regain her senses.


"Want to take a look at your own image?" Lianfeng frowned.

"Ah? Let's take a look~" Reina nodded in a daze.

With a wave of Lianfeng's hand, a full-length mirror fell in front of Leina, and Leina's eyes instantly converged...

"Uh...this" Looking at her own image in the mirror, a touch of embarrassment gradually spread on Reina's face.

"if not?"

"What a shame~" Lena squatted down covering her face, then raised her hand and removed the 'light wheel' from the back of her head and threw it directly into the dark plane.

"Where's my original pair?"

"It's gone~" Yuqin shrugged.

Leina covered her face and said in a low voice: "I don't want this one, can I change it? It's too shameful..."

"How expensive this set is, Lena, you will know after reading it yourself, but you will get used to it slowly, just like Miss Liangang," Yuqin said with a teasing smile.

Lianfeng's face darkened: "Begging for a fight..."

"Help, sister Lianfeng is going crazy..."

Amidst a burst of laughter, Yuqin and Lianfeng left the laboratory directly.

"Is it very expensive?" Lena blinked as she glanced at the armor on her body...

A moment later, Lena also walked out of the laboratory with a calm expression on her face.

"No change?"

"Well, no more ~ ​​this is very good.

Yuqin blinked, looking extremely mischievous: "Well, I had the same reaction as Sister Lianfeng at that time~"

"Hey~" Lianfeng raised his hand and gently twisted Yuqin's waist.

Lianfeng let go of her hand, and looked directly at Leina: "Okay, let's get down to business, Pan Zhen is here, he's outside the academy, he's probably here to see you, do you want to let him in?"

"Pan Zhen is here?" Leina frowned: "See, why don't you see me? I guess his face must be very bad. How can I miss this kind of scene?"

"I'm going to the conference room first, the worm gate and so on, please, Miss Lianfeng.",

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