Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 116 Forcing Calmness, Hmm, It's Interesting! (Please Subscribe!)

"Then, Your Excellency Ye Yi..." Momonga raised his hand and touched his chin.

Ye Yi waved his hand lightly: "You don't need any honorifics, just call me Ye Yi. On the other hand, I'll just call you Flying Squirrel, what do you think?"

"Hey..." Flying Squirrel was taken aback for a moment, and an expression called surprise appeared on his bony face inexplicably: "definitely, this is the best, please be sure to call me Flying Squirrel."

"Then, the flying squirrel, let's talk about some serious business first." Leaning his back on the throne, Ye Yi said softly, "If I'm not wrong, the flying squirrel should have been involved in this world not long ago, right?"

"Well, definitely..." Momonga nodded slightly: "Because 'YGGDRASIL' has reached the last moment of shutting down the server, so I plan to wait for the end of this moment, and then..."

"Hey... wait for "two four three" wait~"

Before he finished speaking, Momonga suddenly noticed a blind spot, and quickly raised his head to look at Ye Yi: "Didn't Ye Yi come to this world when the server was shut down?"

"I guess it was a little earlier than you ~ about half a year ago!"

Ye Yi spread his hands: "I originally planned to go to Mus Bellheim to dig some special ores, but when I teleported, I was suddenly teleported to this world.

"But what you said about shutting down... I'm a little surprised."

"Ye Yi, don't you know?" Listening to Ye Yi's words, Momonga's eyes glowed brightly: "I want to ask one more thing, what year was it when Ye Yi traveled through?"


"Eh? 2126?" Momonga suddenly opened his mouth wide, his jaw seemed to have a weird feeling that it was about to drop at any moment: "Isn't it?"

Suppressing the smile in his heart, Ye Yi slightly raised his head and continued to babble: "So, 'YGGDRASIL' has announced the closure of the server after half a year?"

"Although at the time I felt that it would not last long..."

"No, no, no~" Momonga shook his head quickly: "Something went wrong with the time, YGGDRA$III: "It was announced that the server was shut down two years after Ye Yi you traveled through."

"That is to say, Ye Yi, you crossed over two years ago, but you have only spent less than half a year in this world. This incident makes me feel a little unbelievable.

"The flow of time is different?"

"Probably like this~" Momonga nodded heavily.

"Is it possible to travel randomly?" Looking at the flying squirrel, Ye Yi said softly: "During the six months in this world, I have traveled to many places and learned many things."

"The six great gods, eight desire kings, thirteen heroes, and Tauren sages in this world... I guess they all came through the game."

"The most obvious features are game props and rank magic, and in terms of time, there will be a wave of game players traveling to this world almost every hundred years.

"However, according to what you said, Flying Squirrel, there is probably some special rule on the timeline when the game was forced to shut down after only twelve years of operation.

"And there is..."

...." Momonga shrugged her chin, quietly listening to Ye Yi's explanation, the emerald green light on her body flickered almost every ten seconds...

Looking at the green flying squirrel, Ye Yi said with a little emotion: "What's wrong with flying squirrel? Is this your racial passive as an undead?"

"Ah~" Momonga raised his bone paw and covered his face: "I'm really sorry, Ye Yi, these things you said made my mood fluctuate a bit."

"Forced to calm down~ It's interesting~"

Momonga sighed: "I hope not~ Although it is useful at times, it is also a very helpless thing for a human being to suppress all emotions.

"I can't be too happy, I can't be too surprised, I'm excited, I'm angry, as long as my mood fluctuates slightly, I will be completely suppressed..."

"That's true~" Listening to Momonga's complaints, "Ye Shi nodded in approval.

From the moment Momonga crossed over to maintain kindness, to finally abandoning humanity completely and living as a decedent, the credit for forcing calm is simply indispensable.

Demiurge's actions may also be indispensable.

Definitely, it doesn't mean that this thing is not good, the lower limit of the flying squirrel has not been broken in the near future, as long as it doesn't offend the companions of Nazarick, it can basically be turned into a small matter.

However, it would be very embarrassing if it was provoked, and a painless death is already considered compassionate.

However~ the extremely evil attribute still caused a certain impact, at least Momonga's way of thinking has been directly out of the human category. 0

In order to maintain the dignity in the eyes of subordinates... Momonga's lower limit has been lowered again and again... because there are quite a few people who have been persuaded to quit.

Speaking of this, Momonga slowly raised his head, and said in a deep voice: "So, Ye Yi, I have a proposal now, would you like to form an alliance with me?"

"Alliance~" Ye Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that according to Momonga's cautious character, forming an alliance is indeed the first choice for him to consider.

"Alright, let's form an alliance. I'll share the information I know, so that the people under your command won't be accidentally wiped out after they go out."

"Eh?" Momonga was startled suddenly [the emerald green light appeared again: "Is this world very dangerous?"

"There must be~" Ye Yi said softly: "Almost all the players who crossed over in the past died, definitely, some of them were due to internal fighting, but there are indeed existences in this world that can threaten the existence of players at level 100."

"Definitely there is only one such threat, and that is the Dragon Clan."

"Dragon Clan~" Flying Squirrel's eyes flashed red: "In 'YGGDRASIL', the Dragon Clan is also an absolutely powerful race. If a single level 100 player lacks enough equipment, he will definitely not be an opponent of an adult dragon."

"If it's a boss-level Dragon Clan, at least a team fully equipped with world-class props is needed to be able to win."

1.2 "It is indeed a great threat, and it must be carefully guarded against."

"But if we don't take the initiative to provoke..."

"This should be avoided~" Ye Yi shook his head and interrupted Momonga: "The players who crossed over first and the Dragon Clan are mortal enemies, and if the clan is still exterminated, our group of people will definitely be regarded as accomplices by the Dragon Clan .”

"Eh???" The emerald green light flashed, and Momonga was obviously shocked by these words: "Just because of the actions of other players, we also suffer?"

"Probably so, doesn't matter if you meet low-level dragons. When you meet high-level dragons, it's better to kill them, and you have to form a team to kill them to be safe."

"The dragons in this world also have some powerful props."

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