Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 141 The Envoy Of Justice Seeks Help~ (Please Subscribe!)

Fate, Neon, Fuyuki City, Emiya House.

Emiya Shirou, who was covered in bandages, was staring blankly at the ceiling, and his left hand, which had lost the Command Seal, was stretched out weakly.

It was only the third night of the Holy Grail War, and he had already lost all his qualifications.

Command spells are gone, and followers are gone...

"Hey~ Kiritsugu, I still don't understand, how can I become a partner of justice?"


There was a soft sound, and the sliding door was pushed open. Sakura with purple hair and purple eyes, wearing a white dress and an apron came into Wei Shilang's eyes again.

"That... Senior, breakfast is ready~"

"Ah~Thank you, Sakura~" Slowly coming back to his senses, Emiya Shirou climbed up from the tatami, followed Sakura to the dining table with a blank expression.

On the "590" TV in the living room, the accident that happened at Liudong Temple last night was being played. Emiya Shirou, who was holding a rice bowl and chopsticks, watched in a daze.

This is the place where he lost everything

..." Looking at Emiya Shirou in a daze, Sakura said softly, "Senior? Senior?"

"Huh? Ah~ what's the matter?" Emiya Shirou turned his head in an instant, pretending that nothing happened.

"Well, it's okay~" Seeing that Emiya Shirou obviously didn't want to say much, Sakura didn't ask too much, but just put her gaze on the other side of the dining table: "Saber-san's return to the a bit sudden.

"..." Shirou Emiya only felt his heart sink, and under the pressure he responded softly: "En!"

Sakura lowered her head and said in a soft voice: "However~ In this way, senior won't need to go out at night anymore, right? Then you won't be in danger again, right?"

...." Emiya Shirou froze slightly, how could he not go out?

That black guy hasn't been resolved yet, the Holy Grail War hasn't ended yet, Sakura's safety can't be guaranteed, how can he not go out?

But, having lost his Command Seal and his servants, is he still qualified to fight?

Can he defeat the servant, can he defeat the guy who can't even defeat the servant?

What else can I do?

Shirou Emiya, who seemed to be thinking of something, was taken aback for a moment, then put down the bowl and chopsticks directly: "Sakura, I have something to do, I'll be back later.

"Senior, do you want to go out now?" Sakura's eyes trembled slightly, obviously extremely worried.

Emiya Shiro shook his head lightly: "No, don't worry, I'm just going to the Warehouse."

After finishing the words, Wei Gong hurriedly opened the door and ran into the Warehouse, opened the drawer on the cabinet next to the wall, and two short knives, one black and one white, suddenly came into view.

"If I can't win with my seems that I can only ask them for help~"

Wei Gong is not a fool, it's not that he doesn't know how to ask for help, it's just that he has nowhere to ask for help, and he has no other choice but to fight with his life.

But now, there is still a road ahead of him.

Messenger of Justice: "@全员, I want to ask for help...Although it feels a bit cheeky, but...Please, I will repay this kindness double.

Administrator Xianyu: "You guys are finally willing to talk, if your name is still in a normal state, I would have thought you were cold."

Unlucky Archaeologist: "So, what the hell happened to you?"

Upskirt Maniac: "Should the so-called Holy Grail War have begun?"

Ice Sculpture Girl: "So... you are going to lose? Or have you already lost?"

Not a bad slime: "That's really bad enough, but even if you ask for help, we can't help you. At present, there are not enough 15 people in the group, and the function of world traversal has not yet been launched, so we can't go there at all. Your world."

The girl who likes to bury people: "It's okay to lose, just get up and fight again, and you'll win if you try again."

The Sorcerer King: "Things are probably not that simple, this guy should have been cornered, otherwise he wouldn't have asked everyone for help.

Administrator Xianyu: "@Justice Envoy, to make a long story short, briefly tell me what happened in your world, so that I can help you determine the world line, even if you can't make it through, at least I can give you an idea.

Messenger of Justice: "Thank you big brother, just as you predicted before, big brother salted fish, I was given the stigmata, then summoned Saber, and then...following the battle at Liudong Temple...I lost everything."

"If the rider hadn't saved me, I'd probably be dead~"

Chi Xiaobai's face sank slightly on the Tianshan Mountain, and his mood collapsed in an instant, as if he remembered something very unacceptable. 0

"God damn HF cable..."

Administrator Xianyu: "I've confirmed your world line now...the most annoying world line, bar none, extremely depressing, and I have the heart to destroy this world."

"The world line you are in now is the darkest world line among the major world lines of fate. There is no one. You need to be mentally prepared."

Not a bad slime: "It's the first time I've seen Mr. Salted Fish speak so harshly, it seems that this world line is really a complete tragedy.

Ice Sculpture Girl: "So, the stories in this worldline...are all dark types?"

The upskirt maniac: "Suddenly I understand the mood of the salted fish boss."

Unlucky Archaeologist: "So, how to solve this kind of difficulty where the opening is a nightmare?"

Administrator Xianyu: "This line has three different endings. Definitely, there may be more endings. It all depends on how you choose. We can hardly help you.

Seeing that one of the most authoritative bigwigs in the group said such words, Emiya Shirou's heart sank again and again, and the huge pressure even made him a little breathless.

The darkest world line? The most depressing world 2.1 boundary line?

The two most have already explained the current situation of the world.

Emiya Shirou can probably predict some things, all the people he cares about the most will disappear... that's the only thing, right?

Even just imagining that scene a little bit, Emiya Shirou felt his heart twitch.

Bajas Empire, Ye Yi Mansion.

Looking at the group chat that suddenly became quiet, Ye Yi raised his hand and touched his chin: "Maybe we should move around a little bit? It's also one of the obsessions before time travel, let's do it."

A traveler: "I have a way, but you may not be able to afford the price. If you dare to give up everything you have, then send a drop of your blood in the form of a red envelope."

Administrator Xianyu: "Fuck... I'm shocked, the boss has spoken."

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