Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 144 One Person Or The Whole World? (Please Subscribe!)

"So, what choice do you make now, Emiya Shirou~"

Looking at the young man in front of him with an extremely painful expression and an extremely struggling face, Ye Yi secretly sighed inwardly.

This is the pain caused by lack of power, because there is no power to change all this, so I can only accept these things extremely passively.

Incompetence, the original sin.

"Why did this happen?" A slightly hoarse tone came out of Emiya Shirou's mouth, and his emotions seemed to be suppressed to a certain extreme.

Ye Yi sighed slightly, and the projection of the dark plane was directly reflected on Emiya Shiro's retina: "I will only show you the darkness that girl experienced and what she will face next, and then you can do it again." Choose."

"I'll give you... a little time to think and make a choice. The time is up to six o'clock in the morning, and there are probably...well, three hours.

"After missing this time period, I will acquiesce to your giving up the choice. At that time, I will make shots without restriction according to my own preferences."

"Eh? Do you have to wait until six o'clock tomorrow morning?" Momonga was slightly taken aback after reading the information that Ye Yi sent.

Limulu's voice also became a little 453 deep: "Well~ Momonga, give this boy some time to think about it. Although the information is only one-sided, I can probably guess some very bad things."

"Also, on the other side of this world, do you think it is necessary to exist?"

"Hmm~" Momonga touched his chin: "Limuru, are you referring to the Magic Association and the Holy Church?"

"Almost~" Limulu spread out her small hands: "Anyway, I'm very angry now, and I need to calm down a little bit. Except for the 'few' magicians, there are quite a lot of damned people."

"Hehe~" Flying Squirrel sneered: "There is indeed no need for existence. This kind of behavior seems to be not much different from the 'future me'. It is an existence that destroys humanity."

"I thought this was so beautiful, but it turned out to be so ironic~"

Magicians in the magic path, except for the existence of "very few", most of them are living executioners, and what's more, they directly annihilate human nature and do whatever they can to achieve their goals.

Human experiments are commonplace.

As long as you meet an ordinary person with a certain 'qualification', if the opponent has no magic foundation, the end will basically be soaked in formalin... It is called "protection"


Although everyone blames Tokiomi, the original purpose of Tohsaka Tokiomi, who is familiar with the dark ways of magic, to adopt his second daughter Tohsaka Sakura to the Matou family...

Super ironic to protect his daughter Tohsaka Sakura...

Because only the magic background, only those who have inherited the magic seal will be recognized by the magic.

The Tohsaka family has two highly qualified heirs, but the magic engraving can only be inherited to one of them, and the other cannot inherit the magic engraving, and cannot become the child of the head of the Tohsaka family. There is only one end.

Once discovered by other magicians, they will definitely be caught and sliced, soaked in formalin and used as rare materials.

Such a disgusting magic way...does it need to exist?

Definitely, it is impossible to generalize. It is undeniable that there are some kind people in the Demonic Dao, but they are still only a very small number of people’.

The big family has a good upbringing, a mature purpose, and the correct three views, but those wild roads... most of them are not like this.

"Ah~ the good mood of going to the new world is gone~" Limuru sighed heavily: "Fong Squirrel, do you want to watch some cheerful dramas to make up for your wounded heart?"

"Eh?" Flying Squirrel was slightly stunned: "What do you think?"

Limulu raised her small hand to emptiness a little, and a layer of magic essence wrapped the two of them, and Limulu also dug out some memories deep in her own memory and released them.

"Oh~" Momonga's eyes glowed red, and the shining soul fire stared straight at Limu (bafb) Lu: "It's quite a novel way of using it, do you want to have an in-depth exchange with me?"

"I said... that..." Limulu shed a drop of cold sweat: "Although I am a rare breed, it is absolutely impossible for you to get started, so you should give up quickly.

"" The light in Momonga's eyes dimmed, and a layer of emerald green light suddenly floated on his body: "This kind of black history..."

"Actually, I want to ask whether the two of us can have an in-depth conversation about the use of magic."

"Maybe I can take advantage of the trend and let you learn rank magic, and I can also learn from the power system of your world and learn some strange abilities and the like."

"Hoho, that's the way it is. Wouldn't it be nice if you made it clear earlier?" Limulu heaved a sigh of relief, and wiped away the drop of cold sweat without any trace.

"I'm definitely very happy with this kind of thing. After all, no one would dislike my own strength. What I want to learn most is the high-level resurrection magic."

"Very well, let's begin."


Momonga and Rimuru, who reached the PY deal, fell into a deeper communication, temporarily forgetting the existence of tasks.

"Dirty Inkstone..."

A subtle roar full of anger sounded, Emiya Shirou gritted his teeth, the veins on his forehead popped out, and his whole body was trembling violently. One can imagine how angry he was.

Two lines of tears flowed down from the corners of his eyes, Emiya Shiro said hoarsely: "I...I have made a choice, I want to be Sakura's justice messenger..."

"Even if I have to betray my ideal...I want to protect her well."


"The choice you made, don't let yourself regret it, are you sure you haven't been dazed by anger?" Ye, who was resting, slowly opened his eyes.

"I won't regret it, I implore you to take action~" Gritting his teeth and wiping away his tears, Emiya Shirou suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of burning anger.

"Then, I have received your request~" Ye Yi nodded slightly, then raised his hand and shattered the layer of magic essence that wrapped Momonga and Rimuru.

"You two, enough is enough, it's time to start working."

Momonga and Rimuru, who were almost stuck together, separated instantly.

The flying squirrel coughed dryly: "Hmm~ Since it's about to start, it's gone."

"That's true, but...where should we start?" Limuru scratched his head.

Ye Yi said softly: "Fong Squirrel, if you don't dislike it, the assassin next to that bug will be handed over to you. Is there a problem?"

"Well, I'm an undead after all, so I don't feel disgusting, leave it to me." Momonga nodded immediately, without any intention of refusing.

"Can you destroy them all?"


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