Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 153 Don't Die, You Can't Die~The Group Destroys The Dark Scripture (Please Subscri

"Lord Momoga, all members of Asgardian apply for the battle."

On the tenth floor of Nazarick, between the thrones, apart from Vektim and Gargundua, who are inconvenient to dispatch, Asgardians from all walks of life in the Nazarick Tomb have now gathered together

"I didn't want to collide with the Theocracy so soon, but it is obvious that the Theocracy unilaterally did not listen to my dissuasion."

Looking at the dark scripture in the picture, Lao Gu expressed a little anger.

As soon as you came back, you found that your home was inexplicably surrounded by people. Are you angry?

When you wiped out the Sunshine Sacred Code, you clearly made it very clear, as long as your people don't come to make trouble, then everyone will live in peace and live in peace.

But now it seems that the peaceful days of more than a week are actually an illusion.

The other party obviously didn't shrink back in fear of his power, but... It took a week to gather manpower, and after the equipment was fully equipped and the strongest trump card, it was sent to the location of the big tomb.

It is estimated that the Theocracy also sensed the danger inherent in the flying squirrel. In order to ensure the supreme status of The Theocracy, it directly dispatched the strongest trump card, intending to eliminate the danger in the bud.

It has to be said that this time the lineup is indeed the 'Top Human' lineup.

One piece of world-class props, five pieces of artifact-level props, the highest level of the ninety-one Jue Die Jue Ming, the sixty-eighth level of ten groups of players who generally reach the Mita level or above

Tsk~ For the current human world, this group of people is the existence at the top of the Pyramids.

However, it’s not good to trouble someone, so I have to come to Nazarick?

Don't you know that Nazarick has at least ten levels of hundred?

"Aura, Shalltear, and Cocytus, you three should go out.

"Kill them in the shortest possible time.

"As ordered."

The eyes of Yaura, Shalltear, and Cocytus lit up, and they walked towards the portal opened by Momonga without any hesitation.

The live broadcast of the flying squirrel continued, and the Nazarick Asgardians only dispatched three, and the flying squirrel himself was not taken.

Just after passing through the portal, Yaura made the first move. When the sky darkened, a picture scroll with huge amounts of covered the sky and the sun, and Shanhe Shejitu launched.

Except for Kyle who was wearing world-class props, everyone disappeared in place, and Cocytus also submerged into Shanheshe Mu Guang without any hesitation. .

The next moment, a pure throwing gun in Shalltear's hand pierced through the void, directly piercing Kyle's body.

The all-powerful world-class props have not been activated in time, and the user directly declares that Liangliang, a good world-class item, is a gift.

The picture scroll covering the sky was slowly gathered, and Yaura slowly tied the ribbon to take it back.

In the picture scroll world, Cocytus held the God Slaying Knife Emperor in one hand, and the King Ming Seal in the other hand, cutting across the river with three swords, and launched a massacre without any suspense.

To deal with this group of people, three 100-level Asgardians made a move, which is already their supreme glory.

Yaura, who was waiting, untied the ribbon on the land of Shanhe Sheji, and two figures appeared instantly.

"Cocytus, Lord Momonga didn't say he wanted to stay alive." "." Seeing a figure lying beside Cocytus, Aura's face changed slightly.

Cocytus let out a breath of cold air: "I simply think that she might still be useful, so I want to hand her over to Lord Momonga, and Lord Momonga will make the decision."

Shalltear bit her nails: "Although I think what you said is very reasonable, but it is not advisable to make a private decision, if it offends Lord Momoga..."

"That's true~" Cocytus's eyes narrowed, and he silently pulled out the Emperor Zhanshen Saber.

Momoga is the last supreme being left here, with supreme kindness in his heart, if he makes Lord Momoga feel unhappy with his own thoughts...

Cocytus didn't dare to think about the consequences.

It's better to kill it decisively. Anyway, it's just a half-elf with a little strength, and it probably won't be of much use.

Why offend Lord Momoga for this?

Execution of a Silian Theocracy is enough, a hundred-level Asgardian... is enough to destroy the country.

Thinking of this, Cocytus mercilessly raised his sword...

The moment the Emperor Zhan Shen Knife was about to fall, Momonga's voice slowly sounded: "Cocytus, since she has already spared her life, let's bring her back first."

Zhan Shen Knife Emperor paused, and almost stopped at Jue Shi Jueming's neck.

"Yes, Lord Momoga."

The live broadcast ended here, but there was a touch of color on Feishu's face.

"It seems that this level of change is still somewhat rewarding, maybe going out to make trouble is also a good choice.

Although Nazarick's treasures were sufficient, Momonga didn't dare to use them lightly, and there was nothing wrong with sitting still.

The group's recycling mechanism is also limited. The same thing, the same level of things, is only valuable when it is recycled for the first time, and it has to be greatly reduced the second time.

Magical artifacts and world-class props, Momonga will never be given, but too ordinary items can't be exchanged for many points, and the saved and used ones are only in the early 300,000 in total.

Something must be done...for example, slaughter one or two real dragon lords...destroy ten countries or something...

Administrator Xianyu: @魔导王, how is it this time? Kahn Village didn’t get points last time, should I get points this time?”

Chi Xiaobai, who was on her way, was looking forward to Momonga's answer... After all, she was about to start making troubles now, so she needed a reference.

The Sorcerer King: "It is true that I have obtained a sum of 10,000 points, which is a great harvest. It seems that the destruction of the dark scriptures, the collection of the Qingguoqingcheng, and the capture of Juejuejue have changed the world line to a great extent. "

Unlucky archaeologist: "Another 10,000 points have arrived~@魔导王, Flying Squirrel, you should be the richest man in the guild now, right?" (Okay Zhao)

The Sorcerer King: "The richest man? I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding. Limuru is probably no worse than me. Besides, did you eat Mr. Ye?"

Unlucky archaeologist: "That's right~ I'm autistic~"

Upskirt madman: "When the bosses talk about points, they always use tens of thousands of units. Only our calculated in hundreds...Autistic~"

Some old sayings: "Calm down, calm down, calm down... yes"

Emperor Qian Ancient One: "Everyone is fine, the points are all positive, and I am minus 30,000..."

Not a bad slime: "It's okay, it's okay, after all, Mr. Shang, you are the lord of a country, and you are destined to unify the Central Plains, and even conquer the whole world. It's just a little point, and you can earn it back soon."

Emperor Qian Ancient One: "Speak lightly."

He almost emptied the national treasury to collect less than 70,000 points. Is it really easy to get points, huh?

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