Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 161 The Live Broadcast Suddenly Shut Down! (Please Subscribe!)


Like the sound of cloth being torn, Limuru turned around instantly.

The monster he had been guarding just now was ruthlessly torn into pieces by the colored space-time channel and turned into nothingness.

In the next moment, the space-time channel continued to expand and finalize, until Ye Yi walked out with Lukya.

At the moment when the two arrived, the void trembled slightly, and then returned to normal, as if tacitly acquiescing the arrival of the two unexpected guests, Ye Yi and Lukya.

It's not okay if you don't acquiesce, these two bosses are too scary, the world says they can't afford to provoke them...

Ice Sculpture Girl: "Is this the end? I have made up a bunch of magical pictures... Is this the end?"

Raising the group of crazy demons: "What else have you imagined?"

The Ice Sculpture Girl: "For example, a battle with world consciousness, or encounters with time and space storms, and then Ye Yi raised his hand to "807" and directly smoothed it out or something..."

Administrator Xianyu: "Your brain hole is really big. Space-time storms will appear because the shuttles are not strong enough, resulting in unstable time-space channels. Do you really think that they are everywhere?"

"Also... the world consciousness is very smart, don't think too stupidly about it, Ye Yi's arrival in this world may be of great benefit to it, why refuse it?

Upskirt madman: "I don't know what to do~"

Gold Flash: "Walking around the world at's unbelievable."

An old Taoist said: "The old Taoist has a lot of experience in this aspect. All time and space are eternal and free, indestructible for a thousand eons, inviolable by all dharmas, immortal, immortal, and immortal. This is the root of qi...for..."

A traveler: "Old man, be careful, I'm not that strong. I'm only at level '9' at the moment, and there's still a long way to go. Don't put this name on my head. Anyone who can kill me will catch a big one." Come on, it's no fun being targeted."

An old Taoist said: "...the old Taoist talked too much, too much~

Messenger of Justice: "I don't understand what the old man said...I always feel very strong."

Administrator Xianyu: "I don't know if it really exists, but as far as the setting is concerned, it is really strong and has no boundaries... If it really exists, it is indescribable."

The Sorcerer King: "Didn't Mr. Ye Yi say it clearly? It's not a small distance..."

Emperor Qian Ancient One: "I understand. It seems that I have to get in touch with the Taoist Tianzong and the Taoist family when I have time. If I can take them under my command... it may be of great benefit to me in shaping the gods."

Looking at Ye Yi and Lukya who came across the border, Limulu said softly: "Ye Yi, my tribe is not far ahead, do you want to take a rest?"

"Isn't Jing here yet?" Ye Yi frowned.

"Uh..." Limuru scratched his head awkwardly: "Gobuta found them at the outskirts of the forest, and there is still a certain distance from me."

"I don't think it's good to get in touch rashly, so..."

Ye Yi chuckled: "So you want to wait for the opportunity to save the beauty with a slime?"

"Although it looks a bit despicable, this is the easiest chance to dissuade the opponent~" Limulu blushed, "I don't want to cause any misunderstanding.

"Then let's go~" Ye Yi nodded slightly.

"Hmm~ I've asked Ligulu and the others to prepare a big meal." Limulu nodded quickly, and then said in a deep voice: "Lan Ya~"

The shadow behind him instantly expanded, and Black Star Wolf King Lan Ya jumped out of the shadow instantly.

"My master, obey me~" Before he could finish speaking, Lan Ya's hair all over his body exploded, and Ziguang stared at Lukoya beside Ye Shi.

"Lan Ya~" Limulu's forehead was sweating, a tentacle stretched out, and slapped Lan Ya hard on the head: "This is my guest."

"I'm very sorry ~ my master." Lan Ya bowed her head instantly.

"Lukya, restrain your breath a little~" Ye Yi waved his hand slightly.

"Understood~" Lukoya chuckled lightly, and looked away from Lan Ya: "perception hinders~"

The subtle magic circle disappeared in a flash [the breath revealed by Keyana inadvertently disappeared in an instant.

It wasn't until At the moment that Lan Ya relaxed a little bit, after all, it came from the absolute oppression of the racial hierarchy...

Li Mulu reached out and rubbed Lan Ya's head: "An Xin Lan Ya, don't be vigilant, the other party is my best friend, the best kind, I asked them to help today

"Understood, my master." Lan Ya nodded quickly.

Ye Yi raised his head and looked into the distance, narrowing his eyes slightly: "Limulu, you should go back first, and let me know in the group when you hear Jing. 0"

"Eh? What's the matter?" Limuru was taken aback.

Ye Yi chuckled: "A certain existence invited me to be a guest, and I will come whenever I go."

"Huh?" Limulu's eyes were round and round: "Is there any danger?"

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong, I'm just a little curious." Ye Yi waved his hand: "Lukya, you should go with Limulu first.

"Understood, Master Ye Yi..." Lukoya opened his eyes slightly, and then nodded slightly.

"Arnold~ I'm very sorry, I didn't know that this kind of thing would happen~~" Limuru sighed helplessly: "It will get you into trouble for no apparent reason.

"I said it's not troublesome."

Ye Yi shook his head slightly, his figure disappeared in an instant, and the picture in the live broadcast room also disappeared.

Looking at the direction where Ye Yi disappeared, Limuru turned around and nodded slightly towards Lukya: "That... Lukya, please give me your advice next time~"

"Hmm~" Lukya nodded slightly: "Are there any talking slimes like you?"

"Um... haven't met yet~" Limulu touched his head: "But there should be more in this world, do you want to get ten?"

"Also?" Lukoya narrowed his eyes.

Limulu sold someone out without any hesitation: "Well...Fong Squirrel actually said that he wanted to come, after all, it is a rare 5.0 species.

Lukya nodded: "Take me to your village first. If the food you prepared is not up to standard, I will replace it directly."

"That might really be unqualified~" There was a drop of cold sweat on Limulu's forehead, he had heard from Momonga that the basic ingredients on Ye Yi's table were dragon meat.

How can he have such luxurious things here? It's just some monster meat. How can it be compared with dragon meat?

Administrator Xianyu: "Limulu, what's the situation, why is the live broadcast room closed? Where did Ye Yi go?"

The Sorcerer King: "I'm curious too~~ Maybe there is something hidden in the world where Rimuru lives?"

Not a bad slime: "It's just that an unknown existence invited Ye Yi to be a guest, and I don't know the details...".

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