Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 182 Going Home, Subtle Changes! (Please Subscribe!)

"Are you going?"

Looking up at the moon, Sister Baoer kept sucking on the Erguotou in the bottle with a straw, appearing a little absent-minded.

We've been together for quite a while, but Ye Yi suddenly wants to leave, and Sister Bao Er expresses that she suddenly feels a little uncomfortable.

Obviously there have been separation scenes before, but this time it seems to be very different.

Ye Yi, who was lying on the side, turned her head slightly: "Reluctance?"

"Yes." Sister Bao'er nodded without hesitation.

Ye Yi said softly: "Can't we still chat in the group?"

"Besides, Luo Tian Dajiao will only last for a month, and I will leave a door here."

"Bao'er, if you feel bored, you can come and find me anytime.

"The door?" Sister Bao'er turned her head slightly, with a puzzled expression.

"Take it here." Ye Yi slowly stretched out his right hand.

Bao'er handed over her left hand without hesitation.

Putting the index finger and the middle finger together, a white light appeared, and Ye Yi gently drew a circle on the palm of Bao'er's left hand.

"Okay." Slowly withdrew his right hand, and slowly put the pillow back on his head.

"It's nothing." Looking at the still white left hand, Bao'er was even more puzzled.

The corner of Ye Yi's mouth twitched: "Use the power I gave you to feel it and you'll know."

"Okay~" Sister Bao'er nodded immediately, and the power hidden in her body immediately moved.

In the palm, a yin-yang fish emerged, and a portal emitting a faint light unfolded in front of him.

"Mmmm, I understand."

Seeing this scene, Sister Bao'er seemed to be in high spirits.

The door opened and closed, and it was a joy to play.

"It's all playable~"

Watching this scene, Ye Yi didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Don't you want to do something more?"

"Huh? What are you doing?" Sister Bao'er looked at Ye Yi indifferently and puzzled.

..." Seeing Feng Baobao's bewildered expression, the corner of Ye Yi's mouth twitched.

Well, it seems that in the past few days, when he was not paying attention, this silly girl sneaked another knife.

Raising his hand and tapping Bao'er's forehead, Ye Yi smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, let's chat with those melons, this place... should be your third home."

"Although we can't say how good it is, at least it's good to be able to recognize each other and make more friends."

"Don't hit me on the head, what should I do if I am stupid?" Bao'er pouted.

"It's okay, Bao'er, aren't you the ultimate horse?"

"Even if you're stupid." Looking at the girl in front of him, Ye Yi said with a slight smile: "I'll support you, take care of food, housing and food.

"You treat me like a pig?" The crystal eyes stared straight at Ye Yi.

Ye Yi pursed his lips and suppressed a smile: "No, absolutely not."

"I feel like you're making fun of me."

"No, personality guarantee."

"Do not believe..."

This girl is good at everything, but her intuition is too scary, and she speaks very straight, very straight...

Ye Yi said that he was a little bit stuck, and his feeling was the most intuitive these days.

As the night passed, the bright moon hanging high in the sky had dissipated at some point.

"I'll wait for you over there."

On the horizon, there was a touch of white belly, and the sun wheel broke free from the horizon and slowly lifted into the sky.

"Sister Baoer...Sister Baoer..."

"Come down to eat."

Looking at Sister Baoer who was in a daze on the roof, Zhang Chulan waved constantly.

Ignoring Zhang Chulan below, Bao'er turned her head slightly, and the person lying beside her had left more than once.

Let go of your knees, slowly raise your left hand and put it in front of you, a round of yin and yang fish suddenly emerges.

A smile gradually appeared on his face, which had been unable to express any extraneous expressions.

"Well, I'm hungry, let's eat.

Putting down her left hand, Sister Baoer jumped down from the roof.


"Master Ye Yi...welcome home.

"Well, I'm back."

"I always feel that Master Ye Yi is very happy."

"Indeed." Ye Yi nodded, the smile still on his face.

Lukya was slightly suspicious, and gently lowered his head to sniff Ye Yi carefully: "There is a vixen smell on him.

"But this breath... is very pure, and I'm a little envious." Lukya pouted.

"The same goes for Lukya." Ye Yi directly raised his hand to rub Lukya's golden hair.

Lukya said in a satisfied way: "Well~ Master Ye Yi is the best."

"I've been away for two days, nothing happened?"

Gently walking to the sofa and lying down, Ye Yi regained his laziness and turned into a salted fish.

There is a maid by my side to take care of daily necessities, she opens her mouth and stretches out her clothes when she eats, so you don't have to worry about anything...

Gentle country, ah gentle country.

It's like he's stuck in it and can't get out.

"Master Ye Yi is referring to the outside world?" Lukya held Ye Yi in his arms, and gently massaged Ye Yi's head.


"Lukya didn't pay too much attention, and she doesn't know much... Do you want Reinas to come in and talk about it?"

Ye Yi waved his hand: "Just tell me what you know."

Lukya tilted his head: "In this case, Mr. Momonga has brought Nazarick into the empire, and he will start a war against the kingdom in a few days."

"In addition, it seems that all the senior leaders of the Slan Theocracy died overnight, and the whole country fell directly into civil strife."

"Mr. Flying Squirrel came to visit yesterday and asked me what I think about a group of dragons."

"Then, a battle seemed to break out on the mountains west of Continent 407, and Mr. Momonga seemed to have killed a group of dragons."

"Then, the dark elf named Yaura came several times and brought many precious ingredients."

"Besides these, I didn't pay attention to other Lukya."

"That's it." Ye Yi said clearly: "Understood, what does Lukya think of those dragons?"

There was a disdainful smile on the corner of Lukoya's mouth: "The low-level dragons have impure blood, and exist like ants, so there is no need to pay attention."

"Also~" Ye Yi nodded in understanding.

Dragons are all proud, this is true.

Not to mention that Lukya has now metamorphosis into an innate god.

The bloodline level is already higher than the dragons in this world by many times.

It is absolutely right to look down upon.

"Lukya, I'm thinking about getting ready for lunch."

"Okay, Lukya will go get ready now." A smile flashed across Lukya's face, and he pulled the soft pillow next to Ye Yi's head.

Responding a bit, Ye Yi diverted his mind and sank into the group chat.

It's been a while since I went to the world where Bao'er is, and it hasn't bubbled up. I don't know how this group of sand sculpture friends are doing.

Take a bubble today and take a peek at the screen.

By the way, see if there are any newcomers. .

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