Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 213 Try! (Please Subscribe!)

"I want to try to enjoy life like ordinary humans, but my brain seems to never stop thinking about the future.

"Maybe this is the common problem of liking research?" Yan looked up at the dark starry sky.

Ye Yi turned his head slightly: "What have you been researching recently?"

"It's just a small attempt to cooperate with Queen Kaisha and Queen Hexi..." Yan shook his head lightly.

"From the birth of the universe, without any supernatural power, gradually progress from the simplest civilization, trying... the limit that ordinary intelligent life can reach."

"Are you addicted to playing?" The corner of Ye Yi's eyes twitched slightly: "No wonder I always feel weird recently. You have destroyed thousands of single universes by playing."

"Isn't this boring~" Yan chuckled lightly: "Hexi is writing a book... the evolution of the universe, while Queen Kaisha is studying the different outcomes that various paths eventually face."

"In the absence of external force interference, the research results of the two are surprisingly consistent.

"But Queen Keisha seems to be eyeing the universe where your group of friends are located recently."

"Ordinary man-made universes always seem to be missing something."

"Lack of so-called miracles~" Ye Yi spread his hands: "Normally, things like miracles don't happen, but there are always some exceptions.


Speaking of this, Ye Yi paused slightly: "Hey, we agreed not to talk about this today~ I've been led astray by you several times."

"It's still a little uncomfortable to change from an executor to a thinker~" Yan spread his hands.

Ye Yi smiled lightly: "I never think too much, what's the use of thinking too much?"

"It is enough to have a general goal, so that we have the motivation to move forward. The process is for enjoying, rather than being led by the nose by this so-called goal.

"Enjoy?" There was a smile on the corner of Yan's mouth: "What you that so~°?"

"Don't mess around~" Touching the bridge of his nose in embarrassment, Ye Yi sighed helplessly: "I always feel like you are going to eat me alive."

"It's not enough to eat it alive, but it's certain to eat it dry."

"Looks like I have to find something for you to do."

"Okay, what?"

Ye Yi was a little silent.

Looking for someone to fight?

"Yes, I surrender."

When life is eternal and everything you want is in your hands, everything becomes dull.

"I used to think that if someone closed his eyes, it would be ten thousand years. It is a bit exaggerated that a retreat is an era. Now I understand."

"It's all made of boredom."

"How about we also find a place to close our eyes and sleep for the first half of the year?"

"Thinking too much~" Yan gently leaned his head on Ye Yi's shoulder: "They all don't want to waste time, especially the remaining six months before the agreement."

"Before, Ah Zhui was blushing from fighting with Yuqin, do you know why?"

Ye Yi turned her head slightly: "I can probably guess it too~ woo~"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Yi's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he fixed his eyes on the pretty face in front of him.

After a while, the two people who were sticking together slowly separated.

He raised his hand to lightly touch the lips that were still lingering in warmth, his complex emotions were hard to express.

"...It's mine now~" Seeing Ye Yi who was in a daze, Jin had a smile on his face.

When he came back to his senses, Ye Yi directly raised his hand and took Yan into his arms: "Aren't you afraid that Ah Zhui will cut you with his sword?"

"A Zhui's puffed up face is quite cute~" Thinking about Ah Zhui who was a bit childish, Yan laughed out loud.

"Do you have a picture?" Ye Yi's eyes light up slightly.

"I want~" Yan's eyes moved slightly, and a string of data emerged in his eyes: "Wait for me to look for it, this is the data that I have treasured for hundreds of years~"

"At that time, everyone was still young, and not long after joining the Angel Corps, many interesting things happened.

"Here, look~"

Yan raised his hand and swiped in the air, and a picture suddenly appeared.

Ah Zhui in the picture is a little green, at this moment she is having a bulging red face, with tears in her eyes, staring at someone with glaring eyes, like a little girl whose toy has been snatched away.

"Isn't it so cute~"

Hearing this, Ye Shi slightly turned his head to look at Yan: "I want to see yours~"

"I'm not so narcissistic."

Yan shook his head without any hesitation: "A lot of unnecessary data has been deleted long ago~"


"if not?"

Ye Yi rubbed his chin: "I think Ah Zhui must have it, maybe Kaisha or Hexi also has it.

"...How about I ask Leng?"

Yan chose to change the subject: "Change the place, change the topic, I want to watch the sunrise..."

"Didn't you say you were tired of watching it before?" Ye Yi had a slight smile on his face, and his tone was slightly teasing.

....If you want to read it, read it by yourself~" Yan looked helpless, she shouldn't have brought up this topic:

"Aren't you unable to read?"

Ye Yi spread his hands: "You know, you must be very serious when looking for this kind of picture, maybe you will read some discordant pictures~"

"For example... bathing and changing clothes or something. 11

"..." Yan Qiao blushed slightly, then stared straight at Ye Yi: "It's not that I won't let you see, anyway, you will see it sooner or later."

"Hmm~" Ye Yi coughed dryly: "The one who does this kind of thing must be a pervert, although I'm not a gentleman, but I'm definitely not a pervert either.

"Cut, coward~" Yan curled his lips, and a look of disappointment seemed to flash in the corner of his eyes.

(good job)

Taking all this into his eyes, Ye turned his head without a trace, he must not make mistakes now, otherwise he will definitely be punished unanimously.

Although it is super eye-catching, but bear with it.

Anai calmed down the agitated heart, and Ye Yi forcibly changed the subject: "I just discovered a universe that has entered the end stage, do you want to take a look?"

"What's so interesting?" Yan shook his head directly: "When I was verifying with Queen Keisha, I saw this kind of scene too much, and it was nothing new."

"A bunch of 'Firework' blooms, and if there is no accident, this universe will become a constant dead place, a speck of dust in the sea of ​​Chaos."

"I used to feel cruel and dark... After a while, I learned to enjoy this kind of beauty bred in death. If the time is longer... I don't feel it at all.

"Maybe this time you will have a different harvest.".

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