Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 226 Daily Persecution Of Purple Sweet Potato Essence~ (Please Subscribe!)

Tony hadn't been wearing the helmet for very long, or even short.

After all, it is not watching the screen, but a higher level of memory awakening and subconscious recovery.

Everything seems to be a matter of course.

The moment he took off his helmet, Tony touched his fist, then let out a soft snort helplessly.

"You guy, if you can't beat me, my casserole-sized fist has already hit you in the face."

"You didn't come when Pepper and I got married, you didn't come when Morgan was born, and you didn't come to the hundred-day banquet. I thought you forgot about my old friend."

"It's been nearly ten years since you left..."

"Listen, you have to make up for Morgan's gift this time, and you can't miss any of them."

"Didn't I come here?" Ye Yi smiled wryly and spread his hands: "Also, I have prepared the presents."

Tuo "630" Ni's eyes sank slightly: "I want you to come back, and I don't want you to come back either, first tell me one thing, if you can't do anything, then go away.

"I got away with it because of J.A.R.V.I.S, Thor he... just really doesn't remember anything."

"I still remember the scene where the universe collapsed and was reborn again."

Ye Yi frowned slightly: "What happened after I left?"

"It was quite normal some time ago, but there will be no good days later."

Tony sighed helplessly: "After you left, I've always had a bad feeling, so I've been making preparations."

"First there were other multi-dimensional invasions, and then the dimension Mephista invasion, all kinds of monsters and ghosts were rampant, Strange died directly in battle, and only Thor and I struggled to support.

"Asgard was maimed, and the earth was not much better."

"When the last day came, Thor and I had successfully crossed the Level God Father and blocked most of the disasters, but in front of that hand, we still didn't even have the qualifications to resist, so we could only watch helplessly. Everything happens."

"As you said, the world line was reset, time was destroyed, and the world was restarted. I watched the people I wanted to protect being killed one after another..."


Speaking of this, Tony raised his hand to cover his head, his face was full of exhaustion.

"Who is the owner of that hand?" Ye Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a vague murderous intent slowly emerged.

The only unexpected thing is that so many things happened in the few years since he left.

Maybe when I left the Super God Universe, I should have gone back to the MCU first.

However, judging from the timeline, it is still too late.

He has only left the MCU for less than five years, and this place has already experienced a reincarnation, nearly twenty years...

A gap of four times.

"That guy~" Tony shrugged: "He said he was called Transcendent."

"The Transcendent?" Ye Yi had a smile on his face: "Okay, I'll twist his head off as a gift for you, and I'll vent my anger on you by destroying the entire Transcendence Protoss, how about it?"

"Can you handle it?" Tony's face was a little dignified: "Don't lie to me, this level of reincarnation is nothing, I think it's better to come back when you are fully sure.

"I don't want you to be here too."

Ye Yi raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a subtle message came into Tony's mind: "Do you think I will do something I'm not sure about?"

"..." Tony's face froze, and then he complained: "As always, I'm speechless~ Every time I thought I could get a little closer to you, but every time I saw a bottomless abyss. "

Tony rubbed his forehead: "Okay~ I'll listen to you, so where do you plan to start now..."

"Don't want to rescue little Spider-Man first?" Ye Yi chuckled.

"Nonsense~" Tony rolled his eyes: "By the way, you killed Thanos the last few times. This time, leave it to me. I have to avenge myself."

"It probably won't be as you wish~" Ye Yi shrugged.

"Why?" Tony frowned.

Ye Yi said softly: "I didn't come back alone this time, my wife is also eyeing Thanos."

"Then let your wife beat him up, and then I'll kill him." Tony said with his neck stuck.

"Otherwise it's not fair, Thor has beheaded Thanos twice, so I have to do it once."

Ye Yi thought for a few seconds, then nodded lightly: "Alright~"

Anyway, Yan just wants to correct this kind of mistake, it is the same whoever kills. 0

"That's right~" Tony nodded in satisfaction, then raised his hand and tapped the helmet on his hand: "J.A.R.V.I.S, I think we're about to start work, right?"

J.A.R.V.I.S replied softly: "Yes sir, watching sir work is the happiest thing for J.A.R.V.I.S."

"Oh, don't you want to eat?" Ye chuckled.

Tony was taken aback for a moment, then got up straight away: "Then start work after eating, you coming too?"

"I'll forget about it~" Ye Yi shook his head lightly: "My mouth has been spoiled by the maid, and I don't have dragon liver and phoenix gall, so I won't enjoy this meal."

"shit~" Tony cursed fiercely, and walked towards the wooden house softly: "You damn winner in life, wait, I'm going to eat."

"You go to The Avengers Base first?"

"Okay~" Ye Yi nodded, and his figure disappeared suddenly.

Tony sighed and continued walking.

Just got up and didn't take a few steps, a burst of engine sound suddenly sounded.

Tony turned his head helplessly, and several familiar figures suddenly came into view.

"I know what you guys want to say, go back to the base and wait, I have to eat, or Pepper will be angry, that's it, OK?"

After speaking, without waiting for Steve and the others to come back to their senses, they strode directly into the wooden house.

The three of Steve were a little confused, and nodded numbly.

"He knows what we're coming for?" Scott questioned.

Steve shook his head slightly, turned straight to 5.7 and opened the door to get in the car: "Tony's brain is the best, don't doubt it, he will come if he says he will come."

"I thought I'd have to persuade you for a long time?"

Natasha Romanoff frowned: "Don't you think Tony's behavior today seems strange? He seems to know what's going to happen next..."

"Actually, we don't know much about Tony~" Steve smiled self-deprecatingly:

"But I know he has a warm heart, and he will definitely come back."

"I encountered a lot of strange things today~" Natasha Romanoff rubbed her forehead.

"Are you going back?" Scott looked confused.

"Natasha Romanoff, just to be on the safe side, you can contact Banner and ask him to go back to the base too?"


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