Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 234 Thanos: Bloodbath This Planet! (Please Subscribe!)

"My lord, we are here~"

Looking at The Avengers Base in the picture, Ebony Maw bowed.

"I still have to thank them for collecting the Infinity Stones for me, let's give this group of nameless rats a gift first." Thanos said extremely coldly:

"A salvo of artillery fire."

"Turn on the tractor beam simultaneously, and I will go down alone."


Ebony Maw bowed and nodded again, then walked directly to the console and gave Thanos the order to baptize with gunfire.

Holy place No. 2 started to operate, the fire gate opened, and missiles and lasers burst out towards The Avengers Base in an instant.

At the same time, Thanos also started to teleport down with his double-sided giant blade.

For this obstinate, repulsive, ant-like planet...

Thanos currently has a different attitude.

For countless years, every time he just slaughtered half of the planet's life, half of the dead, alive, in order to maintain the so-called 'balance'.

But today, he intends to break the rules once.

This time without leaving any life behind, the entire planet 267 will be bloodbathed...

He does it himself and will enjoy the process happily.

At the moment when the cannon fodder salvoed, Thanos could almost predict the arrival of Yuan Haozhi...

However, the facts are always unexpected.

An almost transparent barrier covers the entire The Avengers Base, and the space-time shield has been activated.

Countless lasers hit the shield, but they could only create tiny waves. The so-called power was all transformed by the space-time shield and stored as the purest energy waiting to be released.

The missiles mixed with the laser light disappeared the moment they were about to touch the space-time shield.

In the next second, Thanos' expression changed.

A series of violent roars sounded in the air behind them, and the sound of the explosion seemed to come from above Holy Place No. 2.

The speed of light that led him down was interrupted instantly, and Thanos slammed directly to the ground.

The Holy Place No. 2 in the sky seemed to be hit by an inexplicable attack, and clusters of dazzling sparks had already bloomed.

"My lord, the missile we launched...hit us~"

Ebony Maw's somewhat unbelievable voice rang in his ears.

"It seems that some master sent all our attacks back through the space~"

"Stop the artillery fire~" Thanos ordered directly: "With the existence of such a person, simple artillery fire has no effect.

"Open the hatch, release all the cuties, and wash this planet with blood."

"Yes, my lord~"

Ebony Maw took the lead, the hatch below Holy Place No. 2 opened wide, and triangular cabins filled with alien creatures quickly fell down one by one.

Numerous Zeta Swiss Soldiers flew out from holy place No. 2 with this flight device, densely filling the entire sky.

"Contact Nebula and ask her to find the Infinity Stone.

"Understood, my lord~"

At this moment, in The Avengers Base, except for the confident Tony, Thor and Banner, everyone broke into a cold sweat.

If the artillery fire just now was solid, the damage would definitely be heavy.

"What about this shield?" Scott turned his head in shock.

Natasha Romanoff looked directly at Tony: "Is this also one of your achievements in the past five years?"

"You can say that, but I don't have time to answer any questions right now. I'll talk about it first." Tony waved his hand and flew out directly with the Celestial Armor.

"That's right~" Thor gritted his teeth, raised his hands suddenly, the sound of innocent thunder flashed, and both the Storm Ax and Mjolnir flew over, one on the left and one on the right, falling into Thor's hands.

"This time, we must completely solve him."

"Ready to fight~" Steve tightened the Vibranium shield in his hand, and stepped forward with a serious (babd) face.

Ke Lin Te raised his bow and arrow to follow without saying a word.

Steck also put on his helmet, his figure suddenly shrunk, and then rushed out.

Rhodes dropped his mask, fully armed to keep up, and Rocket jumped directly onto Rhodes' shoulder with a hand cannon.

"My opinion is completely unimportant, and I have no choice." Banner shrugged helplessly, and followed.

Natasha Romanoff rolled her eyes helplessly, she doesn't have any weapons, empty hands?

"Ms. Natasha Romanoff, your weapon, please receive~"

The voice of J.A.R.V.I.S sounded, and a dagger and a pistol with red patterns were carried out from the micro-wormhole.

"Thanks~" Natasha Romanoff breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the dagger and pistol, and followed the pace of the front row.

Looking at Thanos who was temporarily blocked outside the space-time shield, Tony's eyes sank slightly:

"Let's talk about it first, this product is mine today, and none of you are allowed to snatch it, OK?"

Thor chuckled: "I want to grab it, but let's forget it now~"

"It's a bit much, do we have reinforcements?" Looking at the dense Chitauri and all kinds of alien mad dogs. Scott swallowed hard.

"Tony." Steve turned his head to look at Tony: "If I'm not mistaken, they'll be here soon, right?"

If the snapping of fingers just now brought back all the people who were annihilated by Thanos, then they still have a lot of reinforcements.

"Don't worry, it's coming~"

Looking at the space-time shield, Tony turned to J.A.R.V.I.S again: "J.A.R.V.I.S, open the space-time shield, lest Strange can't open the door and come in.

"Good sir, the space-time shield is lifted."

Before there was any movement, a series of secret law doors glowing with sparks slowly opened in the void.

"Look, reinforcements are coming

Meanwhile, The Avengers Base is on the roof of the main building.

At the moment when Purple Sweet Potato Essence arrived with Holy Place No. 2, Ye Yi and Yan, who had been waiting for a long time, turned their attention to Holy Place No. 2 and Purple Sweet Potato Essence.

"This purple sweet potato essence doesn't seem to be strong~"

The eye of insight lighted up slightly, and all the data of Thanos in front of him came into view. The next second, Yan frowned, as if extremely dissatisfied.

It's not that he's ugly, but that he's too weak, so weak that he can't even arouse any interest in fighting.

Ye Yi a long time ago was afraid of this thing?

This is not scientific.

This product has the advantages of rough skin, thick flesh, great strength and brain damage, which seems to be nothing.

Rough skin and thick flesh? It’s enough to kill Shenwu, which is a super weapon that professionally decomposes genes, and it is used to deal with this kind of meat shield.

Listening to Yan's complaints, Ye Yi shook his head helplessly: "It's not that he's too weak, but that Shang you are too strong now~

"Isn't it a dimension at all?".

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