Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 236 Thanos Who Was Beheaded Again~ (Please Subscribe!)

But as the saying goes~

If you know your mistakes, there is no way to improve them. Now Strange ran to help. For the sake of Ancient One magician, Ye Yi didn't go into it too deeply.

Although it was only under his threat...

"Is this what you've been waiting for?"

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, Yan slowly got up: "If that's the case, then I'll go back and prepare first, after all, I have to go back to Chaoshen Universe later."

"I don't know if I will see another me~"

Yan has seen too many battlefields of this level, and participated too much, so there is no novelty at all.

When she was still in the Angel Legion, or when she was the Left Guard, did she participate in fewer battles?

Ye Yi spread his hands: "There is a high probability that it will not, but who knows?"

The reason why he is still staring here is because he is afraid of some "three zero zero" accident...

There is no doubt about the victory of the battle. With so many hole cards, it is not easy to be the purple sweet potato essence of the first sub-heavenly father.

I'm afraid that some idiot will do something stupid like restarting the universe.

After all, it had happened to Tony once before, and this time he had to keep an eye on it.

"That's fine, I'll go back first~" Yan tilted his head, the door to the void opened beside him, and then turned around directly.

Ye Yi turned his head slightly, smiled lightly and said, "Anyway, I'm free now, how about letting Kaisha and the others start preparing for the auditorium?"

"Do you still need to talk about this matter?" Yan paused slightly, then turned around, with a mocking smile on his face:

"Yuqin is the most active in this matter, and he and Lianfeng have been arranging it for a long time."

"Already started?" Ye Yi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in understanding: "Alright.

Yan chuckled lightly: "Do you want to give me some advice?"

"I have no opinion~"

Ye Yi shook his head directly: "It's all the same to me, as long as you are satisfied."

"You, just get used to it~" Yan's expression was a little helpless, but the corner of his mouth couldn't help raising a slight smile:

"By the way, there is still a small problem~"

"what is the problem?"

"Actually, it's not a problem, I'm just curious... Forget it, let's talk about it later.

In the middle of speaking, Yan turned around and walked through the void gate, leaving Ye Yi with a "stunned face.

..." Watching the gate of void close, Ye Yi rubbed the bridge of his nose helplessly.

What did you want to ask just now?

With a lot of thoughts, Ye Yi shook his head, one after another roar came, and his eyes focused on the battlefield again.

I saw hundreds of armors in The Avengers Base soaring into the air at the same time as J.A.R.V.I.S, directly across the battlefield, and huge firepower poured out instantly...

A set of golden battle armor in the air controlled the overall situation, and when he raised his hand and danced, a huge data flow surged, and countless Chitauri were turned into fly ash.

The way the armor works and its energy system gave Ye—an extremely familiar feeling.

"The void engine? It's Tony~"

Holding his chin with one hand, he quietly watched the changes in the battlefield.

After these hundreds of battle armor joined the battle, the results of the two sides, which were originally considered to be evenly matched, tilted in an instant.

Countless alien dogs were slaughtered, and biological warfare fell from the sky like beans.

Obsidian Five will have gone to its third.

The power of Thor's thunder surged unreservedly, and Stormbreaker once again demonstrated its majesty.

The two couples, Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight, turned into desperate mandarin ducks under the hands of Thor.

Steve held the shield of Mjolnir and Vibranium, ignored most of Black Dwarf's attacks with the shield, and blasted Black Dwarf's defense with a violent attack of the hammer, splitting it into a pile of coke.

The two are currently solving the last Supergiant~

Although the other party has the ability of Mind Control, whether it is Thor or Steve, their spirits are extremely tenacious, and it is simply impossible to control them easily.

Supergiant persisted for less than ten rounds before being beheaded by Steve and Thor.

Strange also gradually suppressed Ebony Maw, and the opponent's defeat was also doomed.

"Want to help?" Looking at the battlefield between Tony and Thanos, Thor tightened the Stormbreaker in his hand.

Steve shook his head without any hesitation [directly turned around and rushed towards another battlefield! "If you are not afraid of being beaten by Tony ten dollars, then go~"

"Forget it~" Looking at Thanos who was hammered by Tony, Thor touched the bridge of his nose, and went in the opposite direction to help the other side.

As the focus of this battle, the battle between Tony and Thanos is still in full swing.

However, what is different from before is that Tony, who was unilaterally crushed by Thanos in the past, is now enough to suppress Thanos alone. 0

The Celestial Armor endowed Tony with a terrifying power that surpassed the sub-celestial father. A sharp engine-level god-killing weapon turned into a meat shield, and Thanos' titan body was already scarred.

The power of the void engine is spreading and sanctioning Thanos in all directions.

The speed of the opponent's counterattack is getting slower and slower, and the strength of attack and defense is getting worse and worse.

The armor on Thanos' body has already turned into a beggar's outfit, the helmet has been chopped into pieces and scattered, and the giant blade in his hand has already been turned into fragments.

While constantly resisting Tony's offensive, Thanos was secretly anxious.

If you still can't find the Infinity Stone...

He was completely screwed today.

Since when can a mortal hiding in armor easily overwhelm him?

There is only one Obsidian General left, and under the attack of the covering firepower of the Mark armor, the troops he brought have been almost consumed...

The failure is fully revealed~

"Prophecy is so scary, are you waiting for Xingyun to find you an infinite rough stone?"

"I'm dying of laughter~"

Tony shook his head, the killing intent in his eyes suddenly concentrated: "I won't play with you anymore, you should die."

"A planet like ants, damn bugs." The anger in Thanos' eyes had already taken shape.

Tony tilted his head: "so~ now you are also a bug in my eyes."

"J.A.R.V.I.S, surround him.

"yes, sir!" 3.5

"The blockade of the void has been completed, the confinement of space has been completed, and the suppression of thinking logic and spiritual attack are being carried out, and the physical resistance has been disintegrated."


With a roar from Tony, the armor of the gods burst out in a stream of light, and the extremely sharp engine-level god-killing weapon in his hand pierced through the void...

The world was silent, and the tiny cracks in the Tao continued to expand.


The space was cut off, and a tiny line of blood appeared on Thanos' neck.

Thanos gently raised his hand when he felt a slight pain... The light in his eyes disappeared completely, and his burly body fell to the ground slowly.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, clean up the mess~"

Looking at Thanos who was decapitated, Tony panted heavily and sat down on the ground.

"I have to transform my divine body quickly... I was almost exhausted~".

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