Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 241 First-Class God, Chen Duo~ (Please Subscribe!)

Ye Yi doesn't really care much about the division of the omnipotent universe.

Except for those creatures from the world who came in to speed up the growth of the Almighty Universe, most of them are their own people.

Do our own people still need such strict classification?

No need, this thing is used to restrain outsiders.

Those who have entered the Almighty Universe and obtained the authority of the Almighty Universe are all existences of the same level in the Almighty Universe.

How strong you can become depends on your own comprehension and hard work, and you can accept at most one baptism from the omnipotent universe.

However, Chen Duo's situation is different, she is with Bao'er, not Ye Yi.

Simply set up a godly system this time.

"So, let's start~" Looking at the expressionless Chen Duo in front of him, Ye Yi didn't talk nonsense and started directly.

Raising his hand, he drew out a glimmer of light from Bao'er's full "four eight zero" energy, and Ye Yi backhanded it into Chen Duo's body.

This thing is not a restriction, but it is also a restriction.

This subtle power is controlled by Bao'er, and Chen Duo can only be regarded as the user.

The Almighty Universe turned slightly, and the brilliance of power that had been injected into Chen Duo's body flourished.

Powerful power filled Chen Duo's whole body in an instant, and a subtle divinity began to emerge slowly.

In the old Chen Duo, Gu was the main one, and people were the assistants.

Use the body as a nest to raise Gu poison.

And now...

After the birth of this ray of divinity, the primitive Gu poison buried in Chen Duo's body frantically gathered in extreme fear.

The Gu that had almost spread all over Chen Duo's body shrank into a ball in an instant, and turned into a small black dot on the right waist, trembling.

"Pick it off, or keep it?" Sensing the changes in Chen Duo's body, Ye Yi reminded again.

"..." Chen Duo shook her head slightly, she was already familiar with the existence of Yuanshi Gu, and regarded it as a part of herself, almost equivalent to siblings, if she took it off, it would probably be very uncomfortable.

Ye Yi nodded clearly: "Then transform it into a part of authority~"

While thinking about it, the original Gu poison in Chen Duo's body was instantly assimilated by power, and under Ye Yi's control, it gradually turned into an innate ability and was controlled by Chen Duo.

"Okay, it's done~" After confirming that there was nothing missing, Ye Yi directly withdrew his thoughts.

And the power endowed to Chen Duo gradually calmed down.

"That's it?" Zhang Chulan said that she didn't understand at all.

I didn't feel anything, but Chen Duo glowed for a while, and then it disappeared?

The other four temporary workers secretly rolled their eyes. No one would believe Bilian's words. They were all very keenly aware of Chen Duo's changes.

The main purpose of Bilian's words is probably to gain a deeper understanding of...

The other three probably didn't care too much...

But Wang Zhenqiu said...he would like to ask if he could, but he dared not ask at all.

One of his Abilities: Godhead Mask, this ability is to steal the power of faith to become a god, no one can understand more intuitively how terrifying Chen Duo's changes are than him.

If it wasn't for his firm mind and strong will, he would have knelt down as early as the moment Chen Duo 'shine'.

That's the breath of God...

A 'God' was born in front of his eyes~

Witnessing with his own eyes the true god created by a mortal, Wang Zhenqiu's body was so stiff that he could

But a pair of ears are erect straight~

"How?" Hearing that Ye Yi said it was done, Bao'er instantly looked at Chen Duo, who seemed to have nothing changed.

...." Chen Duo said that there seems to be no big difference~

He raised his hand and tugged at the collar, his eyes lit up slightly, and then he rolled up his sleeves without any hesitation.

A pair of pure white lotus root arms immediately came into view.

The frightening and terrifying scars disappeared at some point, and the elbows corroded by the poison became as tender as a baby.

As if it wasn't enough, Chen Duo directly grabbed the hem of his clothes and pulled it up...

Looking at the belly that was fair enough to make any ordinary woman envious, Chen Duo tilted her head...

"Illusion?" Chen Duo was a little confused, then raised his hand and pulled his cheek fiercely, and the next second, the eyes were filled with fog.

...Huh?" Seeing this scene, Bao'er also raised her hands and tugged at Chen Duo's cheeks, and those ten delicate faces were stretched instantly.

Being pulled by Bao'er, the mist in Chen Duo's eyes instantly condensed into teardrops: "It hurts~"

"Hmm ~ normal ~ done. 0" Bao'er let go of her hand in satisfaction.

After Bao'er let go of her hand for a while, Chen Duo's cheeks were still flushed, which shows how heavy Bao'er's hand is~

Rubbing her numb cheeks, Chen Duo seemed to have regained her senses.

"Is that... okay?"

Looking at Chen Duo, Ye Yi's eyes turned to Bao'er: "Okay, it's basically done, Bao'er, can you handle the next thing?"

"No problem~" Bo'er nodded slightly.

Ye Yi smiled and nodded: "Then I'll go first, and I have to accompany Keisha and the others back to the Super God Universe~"

"..." Listening to Ye Yi's words, Bao'er's eyes lit up suddenly: "Is it fun? Can I go?"

Ye Yi rubbed his chin: "It's okay, there is no problem on my side, and

"Yeah~" He seemed to have thought of something, and then shook his head: "It seems that this time it won't work~ Don't cause trouble for Gouwazi~"

"Tsk~" Ye Yi smacked his lips: "Why don't you come with me earlier, Bao'er?"

"There is nothing good in this world~"

...." Bao'er still stubbornly shook her head.

"No way~" Ye Yi rubbed his eyebrows in distress, and then fixed his unkind eyes on Zhang Chulan.

If it weren't for this guy and that bullying grandpa, Bao'er wouldn't be so stubborn.

Zhang Chulan's hair was stared at by 2.8 Ye Yi, with a dry smile on his face.

He really can think of these...

His grandfather was indeed a little unreasonable in this matter.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Yi said in a deep voice: "Bi Lian, within a month's time, you will be able to clear up the thunder method and get to Xiaocheng. If you can't do it, I'll take your skin off~"

"This is life-threatening~" Zhang Chulan's expression turned bitter instantly.

"Is there a problem?" Ye Yi frowned.

Zhang Chulan shuddered and replied loudly: "No problem, I promise to complete the task!"

"Bao'er, I'll go now~"

"Yeah~" Bao'er nodded: "You will pick me up again in a month, don't be in a hurry"

"If someone dares to stretch out their claws at you and chop them off, don't keep your hands, you know?"

"Okay~ I know~".

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