Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 243 Lena Who Is Still Unwilling To Give Up~ (Please Subscribe!)

"He's back~"

Looking at the celestial body terminal in their eyes, a group of people have different expressions.

Lena, who was wearing a heavy armor, sneered: "Let's talk about it first, I'm not with you, if you want me to speak for you later, don't worry about it."

"What good deeds have you guys done, I know in my heart.

"Sister Na, you don't use this word properly~"

Liu Chuang was the first to shake his head: "It should be said that it is them, I am different, I have not been out of the earth in these years, at most I went to Sister Na and hid for a while, don't count me in it.

"You say this is useful now?" Reina curled her lips.

"Then what can I do?"

Liu Chuang rolled his eyes, opened his fingers and counted one by one: "Sister Na, let me count for you, Ge Xiaolun, Yaowen, Zhao Xin, Qiangwei, Mengmeng, Wei Ying, Feifei, all these people agree Now, I can't support myself alone."

"I didn't agree with it at first, but it turned out that the space came out and flickered for a while, and this group of people believed it, one by one was inflated and the other was wrong."

"I can't persuade you, I have to do it like this, I can't help it, I have returned the power to kill the gods, this matter has nothing to do with me."

Leina turned her head and gave Liu Chuang a sideways glance: "Do you think Ye Yi believes it?"

"Isn't that nonsense? That's for sure."

Liu Chuang grinned: "Sister Na, don't even think about it. What kind of character is the chief instructor? Is it difficult to know these things? I'll just tell the truth."

"Then you are worried about the ball?" Lena snorted lightly.

Liu Chuang rubbed his hands: "Sister Na, did you catch me all in one go just now? I have to pick me out!"

After glaring at Liu Chuang, Leina looked at Death God Carl: "Carl, what do you want to say?"

"What can I say?" Death God Carl sneered: "I've said all I need to say, or do you think there is still room for reversal~?"

His deep eyes swept over most of the people present, and Death God Carl still had that modest smile on his face~

Although there was a smile on his face, there was always an almost invisible mockery in his eyes.

God is a name and a realm.

A kid who has supernatural power is a god?

Funny, this group of little kids have not experienced the baptism of ten thousand years of time, their wisdom has not been precipitated, but suddenly they have the power to overturn the conclusion of the universe, what will they do at this time?

Death God Carl, he said he knew it well.

So after Ye Yi left, he chose to close the Styx galaxy.

Although the recovery of space made Carl feel a little surprised, but this kind of ending is almost also expected by Death God Carl.

I don't know anything beyond the universe, and I don't know how terrifying the universe is...


It's just an operation that makes people laugh out loud.

Arrogant enough to try to challenge the Creator, trying to devour the origin of the universe and make himself the new Creator...

Tsk, regarding this matter, Death God Carl expressed his concern.

But this is also a normal thing.

After all, not everyone can have the power of Ye Yi~

What can be seen is naturally pitiful.

He was fortunate to be able to communicate with Ye Yi, and learned from the other party how big the world outside the universe is...

But others are different.

They are too weak, and they are not worthy of knowing what lies beyond the universe.

If it wasn't for the forced recall of the big clock by space, this group of people would have poked a hole in the super god universe, so maybe he, Death God Carl, would still not choose to come out.

"Just to remind you, maybe Ye Yi doesn't care about how the universe will be like this, but Kaisha, Hexi, Angelyan, and Angel are not necessarily chasing them."

"Oh, by the way, it seems that there are also Lianfeng, Yuqin and Qilin who also walked out of the Xiongbing Company?"

"I don't know what kind of expressions these three Angel kings will have when they come back, but I'm looking forward to it."

Speaking of which, Death God Carl gloated slightly: "Well, there should be a big trial for each of you, right?"

"There won't be a big trial. I kind of want to suppress you to the latrine for a few years."

Subtle spatial fluctuations came, and Ye Yi's figure slowly emerged.

"Ye Yi~" Seeing Ye Yi who suddenly appeared, Leina got up instantly: "I just have a question.

"What questions can you have?" Ye Yi was slightly taken aback.

Leina's forehead burst out with veins: "Didn't it be agreed for three days? How about you when I came?"

"You're late~!" Ye Yi wiped the bridge of his nose.

"I'm a goddess, so you can't be late even if you're a minute?"

Leina patted the table angrily: "Wang Quan, Lieyang star, wasted a little time in the handover. When I arrived, the entire Mei Luo Xing system was gone. Can't you wait for me for a few more minutes?"

Ye Yi spread his hands: ".`Lianfeng, Yuqin, and Qilin all came on time, and I waited for dozens of seconds. At that time, I felt that no one was coming, so I left."

"What the hell~" Reina almost gritted her silver teeth.

"It's useless to swear. At that time, Ability was limited, and I couldn't take your Sunshine Star away~" Ye kept shaking his head, as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

At that time, it was quite a bold act to take the entire Tiancheng to run... One more star and the light of the sun, it is probably a bit overhanging.

Reina took a deep breath: "Then is there still room?"

...." Ye Yi was taken aback for a moment: "Are you still planning to make me suffer? Are you insane?"

"I'm a fart~" Lena snorted coldly: "I have passed on the light of the sun, and King Lie Yang has someone else, where are you going to marry?"

"How long have you been working?" Ye Yi tried his best to change the topic.

"Stop hitting (Zhao's Zhao) Cha~" Leina fixed her gaze on Ye Yi: "I want an answer."

Facing Leina's gaze, Ye Yi expressed a little anxiety, why is this kid so stubborn?

The first time they met, she wanted him to marry Lie Yangxing to become her consort, and she still hasn't given up, Ye Yi doesn't know when she became so attractive.

It can only be said that Lena's idea is rather strange?

...." After a slight silence for two seconds, Ye Yi spoke again: "It's been so long, are you sure you didn't act on a whim?"

Reina raised her head and asked back: "You didn't know it's been so long? I've been waiting for so long, and this is the first question I asked when we met. What do you think, you bastard?"

How long have you been here?

He has only been here for half a year, right?

Forgot~ the speed of time flow is different.

He has been outside for less than half a year, but he has been here for several years~~.

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