Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 35 S.H.I.E.L.D = Hydra! (Please Pay Attention To The New Book!)

The intrusion of SHIELD Commandos and Pierce, and Ye Yi's merciless killing of Crossbones... made the atmosphere that had already calmed down once again freeze!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the sword is on the verge of breaking out!

"Captain America Steve, are you going to stop me?" Looking at Steve in front of him, Ye Yi tilted his head, raised his foot and walked towards Pierce!

"Stop!" Steve frowned, and his footsteps moved slightly to block Pierce's, stopping Ye Yi who was walking forward: "Don't make the same mistake again!"

"You want to block me with this shield?" Seeing the Vibranium shield being held up in front of Steve, Ye Yi's expression gradually became impatient!

Steve didn't back down at all: "Although I don't know if it will work, but you have to try, you are committing a crime, please stop anyway, don't turn from a hero into a criminal!"

"It's a great truth again!" Ye Yi shook his head slightly, and directly raised his hand to press on the Vibranium shield: "I'm sorry, this shield of yours can't stop me!"

"..." Steve was taken aback for a moment!

Before Captain America could react, Ye Yi's right hand on the shield flashed red, and this Vibranium shield, which was always indestructible, turned into a puddle of mud and fell to the ground!



Not only Steve was stunned, Tony was also stunned!

Tony is well aware of how strong the shield his father (following the setting of the MCU movie universe) built for Captain America is, but now... right in front of his eyes, this indestructible shield has turned into an The mud on the beach is low on the ground~

Just like that Firework nuke just now...

"The shield is gone, do you still want to stop me now?" Ye Yi's red right hand still didn't retract: "With the shield and serum, you have been invincible in countless battles, now that the shield is gone, I am here Think, if your serum is gone along with the shield, what will happen to you?"

After Ye Yi finished speaking, Steve's expression changed wildly!

No one knows better than him what kind of existence he was before he had no serum. Not to mention that he couldn't lift his hands or carry it on his shoulders, but he was always the one who was bullied!

Without the serum, he might not even be able to defeat a slightly stronger ordinary soldier...

Seeing Steve in a daze, Ye Yi shook his hands with disgust on his face: "Don't doubt the authenticity of my words, no matter how powerful your body is, it is still in the realm of mortals, and it is me who wants to beat you back to your original form." It's just a matter of one thought, don't be idle looking for something to do!"

There is no exaggeration in Ye Yi's words. To put it bluntly, the super soldier serum is a kind of genetic technology, and his void engine has the ability to rewrite concepts and strike genes!

Although the divine body may not be able to handle it, Steve, who has not even crossed the limit of mortals, is obviously not included!

Wanting to beat him back to his original form was really just a matter of thought!

Want to have a 50-50 split with him? It's almost like coming to a sub-Heavenly Father!

Don't look at Ye Yi always saying that he is weak, but don't think about who he is comparing with, they are all the bosses at the peak of Level God Father!

Steve, who can't even jump out of the earth, is obviously not among them!

The shield was gone, and Steve still clenched his fists in front of Ye Yi, it seemed that he didn't intend to compromise because of Ye Yi's threat!

Well, firm willed, not afraid of power... very beautiful quality!

But at the moment, Steve's performance has another meaning in Ye Yi's eyes!

"Dude, you better come here!" Seeing that Steve was still standing in front of Ye Yi, Tony raised his hands without any hesitation, and dragged Steve to his side forcefully!

"Stark, let go~" Steve's complexion changed slightly, and he was about to break free from Tony's shackles!

Tony's face became anxious: "Ye Yi still has a sense of proportion, you will only make things worse if you stop him like this! Thor, hold him down for me!"

"Very happy to help!"

Thor raised his brows, held the hammer and pressed Steve's other shoulder as well, the moment Thor put his hand on the hammer, Steve, who was still struggling, was completely silent!

Seeing that Steve was still about to say something, Thor raised his hand to touch his back, then spread his five fingers and slapped Steve's face directly, a pair of shackles stretched out instantly, directly blocking Steve's mouth!

Clearly, Thor intends to keep Steve immobilized and unable to speak!

For Pierce, Thor doesn't have any good feelings at all, and even wish Ye Yi could do it quickly!

After all, he is also the prince of Asgard, the crown prince of Asgard. According to the plan, Midgard still belongs to the rule of Asgard in name, and the people on earth are the subjects of Asgard!

Apologies for Loki's invasion of Earth with Chitauri, but he's down enough!

Pierce slapped him repeatedly, and even insulted his father incidentally, Thor endured it if he didn't kill him directly!

Now Ye Yi plans to teach Pierce a lesson, and Thor expresses that he wants to watch the show!

"I like this scene, and I want to see more!" The smile on Loki's face never stopped, obviously this big scene made him quite happy!

"Shut up, too!" Thor gave Loki a hard look!

"..." Loki glanced at Thor, then at Ye Yi, and then gave up the idea of ​​continuing to mock, Thor won't do anything to him, but Ye Yi is not necessarily!

Loki is very clear that the Ye Yi in front of him is not a soft-hearted person, he can't afford to mess with it!

Looking at this absurd scene, Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye expressed a little anxiety, but the headset has not received a response from the black stewed egg for a long time!

They wouldn't dare move without Fury's orders, especially Natasha Romanoff!

Others don't know how dangerous Ye Yi is, how can she not know?

That's a demon king-level figure who can smash the earth with a single axe...

The key is how to end now?

"Do you have any last words? Pierce!" Steve was suppressed by Tony and Thor, and now there is no one to stop Ye Yi, and he doesn't intend to talk too much nonsense!

After Pierce finishes his last words, send him to God... Oh no, it should be to Satan!

"Obviously you can't do this, you're fighting against the United States!" Pierce didn't panic at all, but his heart was panicking like an old dog!

"When will HYDRA be able to represent the United States?" A look of disdain flashed across Ye Yi's face, not to mention that Pierce is from HYDRA, even if he is not, so what if he is killed?

If the United States dares to take any action, it is obvious that Ye Yi does not mind letting it destroy the country directly. In fact, there is not much difference in the position of the world's hegemony!

Even if there is any turmoil, it will be suppressed soon. There is still a dragon in the east that is about to take off. Let this dragon rule the earth, it is still very good!

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