Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 258 Gradually Crooked Group Chat~ (Please Subscribe!)

"Is there a way to fight?"

Looking at the projection of the collapsed treasure tree, Ye Yi stood upright Chaos, waiting for Chaos to come in his true form after becoming angry from embarrassment.

After all, this time he broke the opponent's decree, and even smashed the projection of the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, so he almost slapped Zhunti in the face.

Can this kind of small-bellied person tolerate it?

It’s even better when it’s here, it’s just a treasure tree projection, and it’s not enjoyable to play at all.

Ever since he was promoted to Almighty, Ye hadn't really been able to do it with all his strength.

This time, I will try my best to try this so-called 'sage' level.

Chaos is still in turmoil, and the power generated by the collision between Baoshu Projection and Ye Yi is gradually smoothed by Chaos.

The turbulent flow of law and the turbulent flow of time and space gradually disappeared, and the void area blasted out by the confrontation between the two was gradually filled with the energy of Chaos.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

White interest has passed~~~

A thousand breaths have passed~~~

The Zhongqian World where the White Snake lives is easily captured by Ye Yi, the Buddha Kingdom plan is aborted, the Zhunti spokesperson Duobao Tathagata is violently killed by Ye Yi, and the projection of the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree is blown up by Ye Yi

What about the quasi-prompter?

I was almost slapped in the face, can this be tolerated?

Didn't the sage care most about 453's face?

Maybe he was held back by something and couldn't get away?

The treasure tree projection was blown up by Ye Yi, and Duobao Tathagata was killed by force. Now that there are no coordinates, Ye Yi doesn't know where the Zhunti is at the moment.

I thought that the other party would come over soon through the coordinates provided by Baoshu, but what about people?

Ye Yi said that he really wanted to have a fight with Zhun Ti, so as to determine his current level...

How about~ wait a little longer?

While Ye Yi was waiting, the chat content in the group exploded again.

The old people in the group were not very surprised by this point. Although they were still shocked, they also took it for granted.

But it was only from the group recording and broadcast that the new group members saw for the first time the absolute power of the strongest person in the group.

The Tsundere Venus Goddess: "Hey, Luo Hao, come here, come on, do you want to try this challenge?"

The national scholar Wushuang Godslayer: "Oh, the strong dare to challenge the stronger, but if the gap in strength reaches an irreparable level and still challenges, then it is not brave" but ignorance of self-knowledge.

"A tiny (baei) dust-like ant yells at a Dragon, do you think this Dragon will look at you more?"

The arrogant Venus Goddess: "Huh~ I dare not dare, why do you say so much? Are you guilty?"

Administrator Xianyu: "Let a rookie player who just left Novice Village to challenge the world boss, Ishtar, what's your brain?"

For this arrogant Ishtar, Chi Xiaobai expressed his desire to complain, and directly put it into practice.

The arrogant Venus Goddess: "What's wrong? Isn't what I said the truth?"

The Sorcerer King: "Then you dare?"

The great goddess will not admit it... okay~

The proud Venus Goddess: I dare not~"

Not a bad slime: "At first, I thought that I could catch up with Ye Yi by walking on the road of the gods, but now I think it's really embarrassing~"

A lump of azure blue slime lay limply on the table, with a slightly disappointed expression.

After embarking on the road of the gods and becoming a world lord, he has indeed seen a wider world and set foot in it. At this moment, he can be regarded as one of the big men in the group.

But when he thought of the insurmountable gap between him and Ye Yi, Limulu felt that all his energy had dissipated.

The Sorcerer King: "Don't think so, Mr. Ye Yi has run too far, let's...take our time to chase."

The flying squirrel feels that it is stable, and it is inevitable to compare with the strong, everyone will have this kind of thinking.

Seeing unattainable heights is inevitable.

But ah, they may not have a chance, although this natural barrier is indeed huge and chilling, but as long as they are willing to calm down and walk step by step...

Maybe, maybe, one day...will come to that level, right?

I want to be king: "Want to chase? The difficulty is not ordinary. Have you seen the battle between Ye Yi and the projection? I guess any one of them can seriously injure me or even kill me directly."

"What you should look up to, you still have to look up to."

As the king of time, Zhuang Wu said that all this is not a problem, time is a concept.

In the endless time and space, there is enough time for him to pursue.

An old man said: "Although I have speculated about the strength of Ye Yi before, I didn't expect to be able to fight against the saint in the air. It's really..."

Emperor Qian Ancient One: "What's so surprising? As an old man in the group, you should recognize this. Old Taoist, don't tell me that you only have a specific understanding now~"

An old man said: "How can it be? Do you still remember when Ye Yi went to Xianyu for the first time?"

The unlucky archaeologist: "Oh, I remember, old man, which golden bridge are you talking about?"

An old Taoist said: "Naturally so. Since then, the old Taoist has had some specific and specific concepts, but it has been thoroughly confirmed today."

Ice Sculpture Girl: "You guys always think too much, do you need us to comment on how strong Ye Yi is?"

Golden Flash: "You guys are quick to catch up, but we...but it's not that simple."

A bag of rice resists a few floors: "It's already a little hard to raise one person in a world, and now it's just me and Minato... No, no, no, I still have to raise a bunch of people. The resources are not enough at all, so I'm looking forward to it." The group mission has started~~”

Golden Flash: "You only raise a few people, I want to raise a whole village~"

Upskirt madman: "Minato Hokage, I didn't say that, your village is too dark, some people are not worth raising at all, maybe you can get some points if you kill them."

Gold Glitter: "..."

Minato expressed his silence. Although he also intends to reform, he must not act too hastily. Once there is a backlash, the whole world will be plunged into a war.

Only when he and Nagato are strong enough to ignore everything in the current world can drastic reforms be carried out.

Now, it seems that it is still a little bit too hot.

What you need to know is that Uchiha Madara, Six Paths Sage, Otsuki Kaguya, and the Otsutsuki clan are all spying on the ninja world.

If this group of people were to be their enemies, with their strength, it would still be a little difficult and somewhat insufficient. .

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