Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 284 Everyone In The Group Is Hentai~ (Please Subscribe!)

"Then think about it, I will stay here for another day.

Seeing that Nezha and Ao Bing had no direction at all, Ye Yi didn't urge him. After all, it's really hard to make a decision.

And he wasn't in a hurry to leave so quickly, anyway, it was prehistoric, treasures with too deep karma couldn't be dug away, and people who were too important couldn't be dug away...

But it is still possible to dig other corners.

Didn't the three races of Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin let Ye-Yi take advantage of it?

Maybe it's because the Heavenly Dao of this world has a brain hole, and I'm sorry for the source who sent it out if he didn't take the opportunity to get more benefits.

Just abducted a Pingxin, Ye Yi is not satisfied at all.

He also wanted to imitate Pan Gu to open up the Great Desolate World, so it would be good to gain a little more experience.

Ye Yi never thought about turning himself into the earth, he was very selfish.

Jing, Qi, and Shen are the three. At present, Jing has a perfect and omnipotent universe, and there are still two vacancies.

Prehistoric, this is not an adjective.

There are too many ethnic groups in the prehistoric world. In addition to the big clans such as witches, demons, dragons, phoenixes, and Qilin, there are tens of thousands of different races.

The word "yao" includes too many races, and if you subdivide it, you will be dizzy if you can count them.

These races have few personnel, are not strong, are not favored by heaven, and do not participate in the catastrophe of heaven and earth, so they have always remained unknown.

Ye Yi plans to spend a day wandering around Honghuang, and see if he can continue digging corners.

The natural evolution is too slow, and it is too annoying to create by yourself. Why bother to use your brains when you learn from others?

Another thing is...

The world he created by himself, since he is the sky, he is the way, does not need a steward, even if there is one, it must be his own superior.

Things like the consciousness of the way of heaven and the will of the world can go as far as they go.

In the "prehistoric" he created, he can only have the final say.

"At this time tomorrow, I'm still here."

After giving instructions to Ao Bing and Nezha, Ye Yi turned into a ray of light and disappeared in an instant.

"Trouble~" Nezha scratched his head in distress: "What should we do now?"

"What should I do?" Ao Bing was a little confused: "Is it because I can't think of where to go?"

"No~" Nezha shook his head resolutely: "This is fairly easy to handle, what worries me is how to tell my parents about this kind of thing~"

"Tell me the truth~" Ao Bing said very seriously: "Uncle and aunt are really nice people, I think they will definitely believe that you understand you.

Nezha scratched his head in distress: "Forget it, anyway, there is still a day, let's think about where to go first."

Ao Bing frowned slightly, he was only three years old, and he was still a novice who didn't even set foot in the door. He couldn't even figure out the three acres of land near his home, so how did he know where he was going?

As if thinking of something, Ao Bing said again: "Why don't you ask them?"

"Ah?" Nezha was taken aback for a moment, and then he came back to his senses: "Oh, yes, the sand sculptures in the group might have ideas, and the salted fish must know more about the world than us, so just ask her


Ao Bing expressed no opinions at all, and listened to Nezha in everything, acting like a little daughter-in-law.

Nezha is what he says, he goes wherever Nezha goes, he does whatever Nezha does...

This painting style is a bit weird~~

After being busy for a while, the two opened the group chat interface at the same time.

It's still the group members who are idle and have nothing to do, and it's still those unnutritious topics, but this group of people chats with great interest....

Administrator Xianyu: "I said, Minato, Nagato, haven't things in your world been settled yet?"

Supreme Supreme: "If you have any problems, just speak up, and we will help~"

Emperor Qian Ancient One: "Do you want to drive a starship to help? I'm not afraid that a single shot will blow up the world of Hokage. If you two really dare to turn him over, I feel that your world will be messed up on the first day~"

Supreme Being: "Young me, you are really not cute at all."

Emperor Qian Ancient One: "The word cute, except when I was a child, never appeared in me."

Unlucky archaeologist: "Actually, it doesn't have to be that troublesome, and we didn't look too good at grabbing points in the past..."

Big bone soup: "It's too straightforward, Jackie Chan, you will be beaten."

The Sorcerer King: "This statement is biased. Although it is undeniable that there are points earned, the small profits are not worth such a big fight. Brother Zheng should just be idle and want to have fun."

It's not a bad slime: "That's right, fighting a stronger extraterritorial demon is worth millions of points..."

0 looking for flowers...

Golden Flash: "Although I am very grateful... But Nagato and I still plan to take our time. If we are too violent, many people will die."

A bag of rice against a few floors: "I don't quite agree with what you said. How can there be no Deadman in the revolution? Are you going to keep the group of proactive and damn ambitious people?"

"According to me, they should all be slaughtered. None of the careerists can be kept, and none of the rebellious ones can be kept. Neither can anyone who is selfish and wants to dominate one side. They are all slaughtered.

"In this regard, we have to learn from Mr. Shang and Brother Zheng. If you want to be overbearing, you have to be overbearing, and if you want to be iron-blooded, you must be iron-blooded. Otherwise, you will leave a lot of hidden dangers and you will deal with it yourself?"

Golden Flash: "It's not that serious~~"

Ice Sculpture Girl: "You guys are arguing slowly about this, what I want to know now is that Kushina should be giving birth soon, right?"


Upskirt Maniac: "Remember the live broadcast, we will take the initiative to take a seat and watch it.

Girl who likes to bury people: "Are you perverts? Like to peek at other people's cubs?"

Mermaid Princess: "Is this kind of thing... I am also very curious. If possible, it must be broadcast live, but only women are fine."

The proud Venus Goddess: "Hmph~ what's so interesting about this kind of thing?"

Little White Snake: "I think we can learn from it~"

The national scholar Wushuang Godslayer: "What do you learn from? I seem to have heard something incredible?"

Administrator Xianyu: "Actually, I'm also very curious. If you are pregnant, Xiaobai, what you will give birth to is..."

Little White Snake: ""

Upskirt maniac: "Look, everyone, this is the real pervert~"

Ice Sculpture Girl: "Do you want to call the police?"

Not a bad slime: "It's useless to call the police, can the police take care of you here?"

Administrator: "You two, permission dog warning. JPG."

Upskirt maniac: "Boss, please forgive me~~"

Ice Sculpture Girl: "If you want to ask for experience, isn't there an experienced one in the group?"

The air is still~

Admin Salty Fish: "@拉了做毛茶就Blacken, Sister Leah, can you... share your experience?"

After plucking the hair, Blacken: "...Curry stick warning. JPG towel."

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