Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 52 Quantum Mechanics Is Undecided, This Is The Truth! (New Book Please Pay Attention)

"Anyway, you are also S.H.I.E.L.D's consultant, why don't you let the black stewed egg do it?"

Looking at Tony with a slightly tired expression, Ye Yi asked a small question: "After all, even the tallest one has been hijacked, I think Steve and the like should be willing to help!"

"Anyway, you are also an indispensable member of the Avengers. This matter is such a big mess. If you are in trouble, they don't know to come to support you?"

"The black marinated egg is really indifferent?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D? The Avengers? No, I won't contact him...Really, my relationship with Black Braised Eggs is pretty stiff during this time!" Tony shook his head without thinking!

"As for Steve...if I remember correctly, he should still be chasing HYDRA, Natasha Romanoff and Ke Lin Te are also following him!"

"As for Banner... are you sure things won't get any worse with him here?"

"..." Ye Yi frowned, then shook his head helplessly: "Okay, then pretend I didn't say anything!"

When returning to the earth, Ye Yi already felt it, the Kree Empire cruiser in the geosynchronous orbit has activated the stealth mode!

Well, it's the one that Marvel brought!

Come to think of it... the Heavenly Sword Bureau of the black marinated egg is already being formed, right?

The structure of this guy has been upgraded to the universe on the planet. The concept of the country should not be so important in his mind. The United States has a different president or something... none of his business?

If there is any trouble, just solve it!

"How long do you plan to stay on Earth next?"

"Me?" Ye Yi was slightly taken aback: "I don't know, there are still many things in theory, but it seems that there is nothing! My purpose seems to be gradually weakening!"

"To be honest, I'm a little bit confused!"

"Why?" Tony chuckled, "Although we haven't spent much time together, you seem to know a lot, as if you can predict the future!"

"This way you will lose your goal?"

"Is there nothing you want to do?"

"I don't know~" Ye Yi shrugged: "What I'm about to do may be a little... dangerous!"

"How dangerous can it be?" Tony was full of curiosity!

Ye Yi spread his hands: "It is possible to create a lot of multiple realities, the kind that is so troublesome that it will explode, so I don't know if I should do it!"

"You're not kidding me, are you?" Tony said he didn't believe it!

"It's just possible~"

"I knew you were scaring me!" Tony was visibly relieved!

Ye Yi turned his head and glanced at Tony: "It's just that it is possible to create a bunch of multiple realities, and it is even more likely to directly destroy this universe. I can't find a more esoteric vocabulary. Simply put, it is...paradox, all kinds of Such a causal paradox!"

"So I don't know whether some things should be done or not!"

Listening to Ye Yi's words, Tony turned his head with a stiff face: "Don't tell me that you want to play time travel? It's fake, deceitful, and impossible!"

"You're so smart!" Ye Yi nodded slightly!

"What?" Seeing Ye Yi's expression, Tony was startled: "Are you really planning to do this? You want to go back to the past? Why?"

Ye Yi shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I don't want to go back in time, but I want to go to a parallel universe! I don't want to mess up 'this universe', so I can only go to a new universe, a universe that I don't really care about !"


"Is it difficult to understand? Well, it is indeed difficult to understand!" Seeing Tony's surprised face, Ye Yi said that this is indeed a bit exaggerated!

Tony said with a complex expression: "If someone else told me these words, I would treat him as a lunatic and let J.A.R.V.I.S throw him directly from here!"

"But I don't think you have any reason to lie to me, so even though these words sound unbelievable...but I still choose to believe it!"

"Are you planning to go to another parallel universe to meet another self?"

"No no no~" Ye Yi chuckled and shook his head: "I am very special, there is only one, and that is the present, only in the present, past, and future of this universe!"

"Other parallel universes do not exist without me!"

"What?" Tony was startled: "It's impossible..."

Ye Yi said indifferently: "Actually, nothing is impossible. What if I am not the person that this universe should have from the beginning? No... It should be said, I am not the person that this multi-universe should exist at all! "

"Wait, wait~~ Ye Yi, you have to let me take it easy!" Tony held his forehead with a bit of a headache: "Ye Yi, are you trying to say that you shouldn't exist?"

"Then where are you from?"

"Other...worlds!" Ye Yi frowned: "I don't know where I came from, I only know that I was in Morag as soon as Awakening came, and then I met Carol, and later You already know about everything!"

"No...what do I know?" Tony had a black question mark on his face: "I only know that you showed your power during the battle in New York, what else do I know?"

"That's right~"

Tony doesn't seem to know much. He has been in this world for almost two years, and the number of times he has met Tony can be counted on the fingers, most of the time at Kamar-Taj's side!

"..." Tony looked at Ye Yi curiously: "I just want to ask by the way, Ye Yi, you plan to pass through the quantum realm... to complete the shuttle of parallel universes?"

"It's possible in theory!" Ye Yi nodded!

Quantum mechanics is indecisive, this is the truth!

Although Ye Yi himself doesn't understand quantum mechanics, why should he let himself do it?

Void engine, dark matter computer... Is this f---ing decoration?

And isn't Tony next to him a Ph.D. in physics?

No, look for Hank Pym again, his research results in the quantum field are still very interesting!

Using the research results of the two of them, let the void engine synthesize a simple operating program. After careful and huge calculations, Ye Yi couldn't believe that he couldn't get the result he wanted!

It doesn't matter if Ye Yi doesn't understand, as long as someone understands it!

He just needs the result and it's OK!

As for letting him learn slowly... let's talk about it later!

Ye Yi is not as carefree now, definitely, if there is an Angel to teach him, it is not impossible to work hard!

Here... I can only say that the aesthetics are not suitable!

"Can the two of you go together?"

"Huh?" Looking at the excited Tony, Ye Yi was a little dazed: "You want to go too?"

"Nonsense, how can such a good opportunity be without me?"

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