Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 59: The Time Stone Is In Hand! (Seeking First Order)

Chapter 59

(To prevent reading confusion, the main universe is called Tony, and the parallel universe is called Stark!)

"Hiss~ Why are there two Mr. Starks?" Looking at the two almost identical Tony Starks, Peter Parker took a few steps back in fright!

"Wow~" Looking at the two 'Stark', a smile flashed across Quill's face: "It turns out that there are people who look exactly the same in the universe, I always thought it was a lie!

"OK!" Stark's eyes sank slightly: "I've seen a lot of weird things, I just want to know what is your purpose? Why do you want to look like me?"

"No, Stark, you're wrong again this time!" Strange shook his head slightly: "He is you, but it's just yours from a different universe, you are essentially the same person!

"What?" Stark's pupils narrowed, "You mean they came from a parallel universe?"

"That's right!" Strange nodded slightly!

"Well, it's okay, seeing another me is a bit weird, but it's not unacceptable! The only thing I want to know is..." Stark's eyes instantly fell on Ye Yi: "This guy is another Who? Are you from that universe? What are you doing here?"

"As expected of 'me', accepting Ability is as good as it is!" Tony chuckled, then turned to look at Ye Yi: "Just like what you said, this universe really doesn't have you, it's not scientific at all!"

If there is Ye Yi in this universe, then there is no reason for this parallel universe not to know Ye Yi!

"Okay, I don't want to talk about extra things, there is only one thing to do now... no, two things!" Ignoring Tony's teasing, Ye Yi's gaze was directly on Strange!

"Did you see it? How did it turn out? And then, what about your decision?"

"No~" Strange shook his head with an ugly face: "But I don't seem to have to choose "w!"

"Since you used the rough time stone, you should know what will happen next and what will not happen. Now, I just want to say a word, give me the rough time stone!" Ye Yi shook his right hand, not threatening cover up!

"Maybe this is a good way!" Stark frowned, and then said in a deep voice: "Isn't Thanos just wanting these broken stones? Let this guy take the rough stones out of this universe, and Thanos will never get six. Yan!"

"That's a workable solution, don't you think, juggler?"

Strange said in a deep voice, "But this may lead to a worse ending!"

"So, don't give it?" Ye Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes became a little dangerous!


Before Strange finished speaking, two different lights, red and blue, suddenly bloomed on Ye Yi's right wrist!

The space in front of him suddenly flipped, and in the next second, Strange's neck was firmly within the five fingers of Ye Yi's right hand!

"Oh, oh, man, there's no need to do this, right?" Stark stared, and the palm of his right hand behind him had already lit up with a subtle light!

"There's no need to be so stiff, you kill Thanos, and the time stone will be given to you!" Strange, who was restrained by Ye Yi, didn't panic at all!

"Give me the time stone, and then I will kill Thanos, you have no bargaining capital!"

Strange is not the same as Ancient One, although he was cheated by Ancient One before, but Ye Yi doubled his income, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has inherited Ancient One's affection.

But Ye Yi is unfamiliar with Strange!

"No promise, you will never get the original time stone!" Strange raised his hands slightly, the emerald green light flickered on the Eye of Agamotto, and said with an extremely strong attitude: "Even if it is destroyed, I will I won't give it to you!"

"Very good!" Seeing this scene, Ye Yi let go of his right hand, but there was a smile on his face: "You put the rough stone on your body, I may have to work hard, after all, time Power is indeed extremely difficult!"

"But you made a very stupid choice!"

Ye Yi's voice fell, a scarlet radiance erupted, and Strange in front of him gradually petrified, except for one head that still maintained its original appearance "The other part has already turned into a stone statue!

Definitely, the container of the original time stone hanging on Strange's body, the Eye of Agamotto is naturally not petrified!

After all, Ye Yi needs to borrow the time stone if he wants to get it!

All this happened so fast, Strange didn't even have time to react before he became a fish on the chopping board, the kind to be slaughtered!

"In order to avoid some troubles, please stop for a while!"

He raised his hand and took off the Eye of Agamotto from Strange's body, the dark energy surged, and the Eye of Agamotto opened in response!

Sure enough, the time stone that should have been in the Eye of Agamotto has disappeared!

Raising his hand and tossing it lightly, Eye of Agamotto floated quietly in front of Ye Yi. With a slight lift of his hands, the golden light suddenly bloomed, and the sparkling light turned into two magic circles wrapped around the arms of Ye Yi's hands. above!

Oh...dammit~~" Seeing this scene, Strange's face changed drastically: "Damn it~~"

Is he not familiar with this magic circle? The starting method of the time manipulation technique, the most basic spell used to activate the rough time stone!

The thumb and ring finger are stacked, the index finger and middle finger are slightly apart, the dark energy surges instantly, and a green light blooms in the Eye of Agamotto [The time stone that has disappeared has reappeared!

"Thank you for your cooperation!" Raising his hand with a light move, the time stone was separated from the Eye of Agamotto, and slowly landed on the infinite bracelet!

[Unlimited Rough Stone Collection Journey:

Collecting (Li Hao) Gathering Power Stones: Completed!

Collecting Reality Stones: Completed!

Collecting Soul Stones: Completed!

Collecting Space Gems: Done!

Collect time rough stones: Achieved! (Rewards can be collected after seven days! Mai)

Current progress: 5/6】

"Well, the large astronomical computer is here!" Seeing the change of system tasks, the smile on Ye Yi's face flashed away!

Only here did Ye Yi use the Reality Stone to unlock Strange's petrification and return the empty Eye of Agamotto!

"You shouldn't have done this!" Looking at the empty Eye of Agamotto, Strange's face was as ugly as it could be!

"Don't tell me...that my taking the time stone will lead to the destruction of this universe?" Ye Yi gave Strange a sideways look: "If you are still worried about Dormammu, I can also help you get rid of it !”.

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