Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 63 Multi-Level Power? Keep A Low Profile! (Ask For The First Order!)

The six rough stones are gathered together, and the powerful power of multiple levels~~

Although he experienced suffering for just ten seconds, Ye Yi now truly experienced the feeling of 'omnipotent'!

Raise your hand to destroy the universe instantly, and raise your hand to create the powerful power of all things~~

Omniscient and omnipotent...Maybe not yet reach this level, but now Ye can browse the entire universe with a single thought, this is not just talking!

The power of the six infinite rough stones allows Ye Yi to do this very easily!

This is a kind of sublimation, the sublimation of the level of life...

The existence of the Soul Gem and the original soul stone endowed Ye Yi with an extremely powerful perception ability. Under the action of these two original stones, the brain domain that was originally developed was expanded crazily!

Ye Yi enjoys this feeling very much, but reason tells him that he can't indulge in the feeling of 'invincible'!

It's just diversity, it's just diversity...

There is a super universe on it, there is a court of life on it, there are transcendents on it, and there is an OAA on it...

Ye Yi told herself frantically in her heart, keep a low profile... must be low-key 10, must be low-key!

Infinity rough stones are just a pile of rotten stones before the court of life, they can knock him back to his original shape with a single thought, don't get carried away, don't get carried away~~

There are too many big guys in the Marvel universe, too many...

Ye Yi is pouring cold water on herself crazy...

Can't be inflated... Once the mentality is inflated, it's all over!

"Huh~huh~" After taking a few deep breaths, Ye Yi gradually suppressed the unceasing emotions in his heart: "It's still early, we have to work harder"

"The time-space gene has not been completed yet, the light of the sun has not been completed yet, the power of the galaxy has not even been obtained, the several major engines in the body have not even been integrated into one body, and the other five rough stones have not yet been If you are completely controlled by yourself, you must be calm..."

"What are you talking about?" Seeing Ye Yi's non-stop chanting, Tony's expression was extremely strange!

Ye Yi turned his head angrily: "I'm trying to calm myself down. I don't want to suddenly inflate and be wiped out. There are too many monsters. I need to be humble and low-key!"

"Are you low-key?" The corner of Tony's mouth twitched slightly: "Since the first time I met you, you have always given me a very high-key feeling, now you need to be low-key?"

"This doesn't fit your personality!"

Ye Yi retorted: "Bullshit, before I was rampant on the earth, I was also rampant in the Milky Way! Now at most, I am rampant in the single universe!"

"I don't dare to go to the multi-universe or even the super-large universe to show off my power. That's looking for death. There are still not a few people who can suppress me with one hand!"

"I can understand multi-universe, what the hell is a super-universe?" Tony frowned, as if he heard a new term in Ye Yi's words, and he was very concerned about it!

"A super-large universe...that is a super-large universe composed of at least two many small universes and how many parallel universes are there in it, count them yourself!" Ye Yi said lightly!

"shit~" Tony knocked on his forehead with a bit of a headache: "During this time, I feel that my three views have been subverted, can you wait until I finish digesting it?"

"Otherwise, you'll just finish it all at once, and then let me digest it slowly. This kind of indirect subversion of the three views is very labor-intensive, okay?"

"Okay then, I'll finish it all at once!" Ye Yi touched his chin!

"Is he really there?" Tony swears directly!

"Why can't there be?" Ye Yi said again: "There is also a special universe in this world, which includes all universes, parallel universes, multi-universes, and super-universes...a unique, all-powerful universe. universe!"

Definitely, Ye Yi refers to the Marvel omniverse. As for whether there are other universes besides the Marvel omniverse, that is absolutely certain. Otherwise, where did Ye Shi come from?

At least the Pangu universe is definitely at the same level as the Marvel universe!

Marvel omnipotent universe OAA is omniscient and omnipotent, Pangu Universe Dao is different and also omniscient and omnipotent?

As for whether it is such a comparison method, Ye Yi is not sure, but it is almost the same when I think about it!

Anyway, the author is the biggest, and Stan Lee can describe OAA as a pig in one sentence. Is it impossible?

Definitely, it doesn't make much sense to compare him here on his own, only by meeting in person...or having them fight together can we make a collective comparison!

Just treat these things as gossip conversations, if you are serious, you will lose!

No matter how good your imagination is, it’s not as good as the author’s one-sentence words. Isn’t it rare to eat the setting?

Anyway, Ye Yi is not surprised at all!

"Hey, bastard, I don't care what you say, why did you kill Thanos?" Peter Quill's soft growl interrupted Tony who was about to say something!

Ye Yi turned his head and looked at Peter Quill: "Then I will tell you mercifully, your girlfriend... was sacrificed by your future father-in-law, understand? Sacrificial, sacrificed Gave it to Soul Gem, understand?"

"Because you have to sacrifice your beloved to get the Soul Gem, Thanos sacrificed Gamora... in order to get the Soul Gem, do I need to repeat it a second time?"

"...No~" 917 Peter Quill was shocked and roared angrily: "It's not true, tell me it's not true, tell me he didn't do it!"

"Oh~ this is really a sad thing!" Tony was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Ye Yi: "Now I finally know why you didn't go get the Soul Gem first!"

"What do you think?" Ye Yi shrugged!

Let him sacrifice his beloved... Ye Yi would rather not have this Soul Gem!

This kind of sacrifice is one-way, at least there is no way to save at the multi-level!

Once sacrificed, it is gone!

Maybe you could ask Life Court or the OAA!

"Do you want to go back to Earth?"

"Definitely!" Tony nodded: "Although I have seen myself in this universe, I haven't seen the earth yet. It's good to go and see!"

"Also, there must be a soul stone on the earth, right? I know you won't let it go!"

"You're right!" The corner of Ye Yi's mouth hooked up!

Ye Yi killed Thanos here, so he will naturally take all the Infinity Stones, maybe he has to go back and kill Thanos in 2014 again!

Otherwise, a bunch of extremely troublesome multiple realities will definitely be created, which is absolutely fatal to this universe, especially this universe without the infinite rough stone!.

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