Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 66: Another Time Stone! (Ask For The First Order!)

"Yes, it's all right!" Ye Yi smiled and nodded: "Strange will indeed become the best Sorcerer Supreme! But to reach your level, it will take at least thirty years, won't it?"

Ancient One magician is now the pinnacle of Level God Father. If it wasn't for this body that restrained her, Ancient One magician would have broken through to Level Single Universe long ago!

After finding Strange as the candidate for the next Sorcerer Supreme, and barely cultivating him as a teacher, Ancient One resolutely abandoned this body, broke through the Level Single Universe and followed the Eternal God!

Strange wants to reach the realm of the Ancient One magician, at least thirty years...this is on the premise of his outstanding ability!

Definitely, there is no need to question the life of cheating. What if Strange has some adventures and directly becomes the little boss of Level God Father or even Level Single Universe?

It's not impossible either!

"Did you see it?" The Ancient One magician raised his head slightly: "Strange's future?"

"I'm not that boring!" Ye Yi said bluntly: "It's roughly estimated, and it's meaningless to look at it. The future of the universe is an infinitive. Who knows what direction it will develop in?!"

"Definitely, human intervention is not necessarily the case!"

"After all, the current me can easily promote the development of a universe, exclude what is not pleasing to the eye, and cultivate what is pleasing to the eye. Is this difficult?"

The Ancient One magician was stunned for a while, then chuckled and shook his head: "For you is indeed not difficult at all!"

"So... do you have a plan for the future of this universe?"

"Planning?" Ye Yi frowned: "What am I doing planning the future of this universe when I have nothing to do? Are you full?"

"Then it seems that I'm thinking too much!" Ancient One magician was not embarrassed, but shook his head slightly: "Let's let the future of this universe take its course!"

"I might intervene a little bit!" Ye Yi said softly: "After all, there are some things I don't like, maybe I have to take someone away!"

"..." Ancient One magician turned the teacup in his hand, with a rare look of depression on his face: "You just told me not to plan the future of this universe!"

Ye Yi smiled lightly and said: "I really don't want to plan, but my friend is in trouble, if you want me to sit on the sidelines, it is obviously impossible!"

"When you don't have power, you must obey the rules set by the strong, but when I have power, why don't I change things within my power?"

"Can't help friends when they're in trouble, can't help relatives when they're in trouble, put up with things that don't please you, know what's going to happen but can't stop it..."

"Some people have this sense of powerlessness, and attribute all of this to the natural operation, the cycle of cause and effect..."

"Magician, you seem to be following the same path, right?"

"It's not what I want to say, it's not that I'm too arrogant, and it's not that I swelled up and became arrogant when I gained power, it's just that I can't get used to it!"

"People are alive, don't they want to be at ease?"

"Gu head and tail, afraid of this and that, to put it bluntly, it's just one thing! That is, I am not strong enough, so I can only be forced to watch, endure, and be a bystander!"

"Maybe I have the final say on the multi-universe, but the universe under my feet, as long as I think about it, I have the final say. How does Ancient One magician think about this?"

..." The Ancient One magician was silent for a while, although what Ye Yi said was absurd, it is undeniable that what he said did have some truth!

"Magician, I feel that you are good in everything, good personality, good temper, good attitude, the only thing is that you lack a little domineering!" Looking at the Ancient One in front of him, Ye Yi slowly got up!

"It is undeniable that what you said makes sense!" Ancient One chuckled helplessly: "Perhaps this is the 'sorrow of the weak' that you said!"

"I fought Thanos today!" Ye Yi looked up and looked out the window: "For now, regardless of whether Thanos' philosophy is correct or not, but his belief that he can give up everything for his goal is something that not everyone can possess !"

"Although he died in my hands, it doesn't mean that my will and belief will be stronger than his. He just had bad luck, which doesn't explain anything!"

"Magician, I have a small question to ask. If you were not dead when Thanos came to Earth, would you stop him?"

ask for flowers......

"This is impossible!" The Ancient One magician directly shook his head!

"You don't need to consider reality, what I'm talking about is if..." Ye Yi shook his head helplessly: "If there is no my universe, if everything develops according to the original script, if the news of your 'death' gets out. ..He is coming, will you choose to stop him?"

"This..." Ancient One magician hesitation!

"Okay, I see!" Ye Yi shrugged: "So, the two of us have always had a disagreement, but both of us are subconsciously ignoring it." Song is when we can talk Directions to talk!"

"To put it bluntly, you are deceiving yourself!"


"Magician, is this the instinct of human nature? Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages?"

"...No solution~" Ancient One magician shook his head helplessly!

"Magician, now it's my turn to come up with a proposal!" Looking at Ancient One magician, Ye Yi said solemnly!

"I know!" Ancient One magician chuckled lightly, not feeling any surprise, raised his hands slightly, dark energy surged, and Eye of Agamotto had already emerged between Ancient One magician's hands!

"You can do it, right?"

"definitely!" Ye Yi raised his right hand without any hesitation, and the six infinity rough stones glowed brightly: "They are the guarantee!"

"This time, I still choose to believe!" The Ancient One magician's face was solemn, his hands sealed instantly, and Eye of Agamotto slowly opened!

The rough time stone exuding emerald green radiance flew out from Eye of Agamotto, floating calmly in front of Ye Yi!

"Let's go, let's go and finish what you want to finish first!" Taking the time stone, Ye Yi stood up slowly, the infinity bracelet lit up a light, and a space-time wormhole suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Want to witness it for yourself?"

"I've seen it countless times, and I've experienced it countless times!" Ancient One magician shook his head slightly: "There's nothing to worry about now!"

"Then wait for me for a minute!"

After the words fell, Ye Yi raised his hand to grab the void, and a sleeping figure emerged in the palm of his hand, and then walked into the space-time wormhole and ! without any hesitation.

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