Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 76 You Better Go To Sleep! (Please Subscribe!)

Kneeled in less than half a minute!

Hela, who was supposed to return to Asgard to continue fighting in the Nine Realms and embark on the road to conquer the universe, was stunned!

I thought that what I bumped into was just a little white, just a rescuer invited by Odin, cannon fodder to delay time, but I didn't expect that what she encountered was a giant beast that devoured the sky!

And now this giant sky-swallowing beast opened its bloody mouth, showing its fangs to her!

How to choose?

She has been suppressed for a thousand years, sealed in the underworld for a thousand years, and she will go back when she comes out?

Unwilling in his heart, his chest was burning with anger, madly impacting Hela's sanity!

But as soon as he raised his head and saw the two rays of light on Ye Yi's fingertips, his anger disappeared instantly~ completely!

Now she is just a fish to be slaughtered, and Ye Yi is the one who wields a knife, he can easily bring down Blade at any time - and take her life away!

Perhaps this is the ending more frightening than death!

"I...will surrender!" Hela gave up resistance, and slowly lowered her head!

"Is this the third way you chose? I remember that I didn't give you this option!" The radiance in his hand dissipated, the terrifying pressure that suppressed Hela dissipated, and the space returned to normal again!

"You are so ambitious that even Odin can't hold back, and you are bloodthirsty, murderous, and warlike. I don't think it is necessary to accept your surrender. After all, no one knows if you will bite me back in the future!"

"Give you a chance, if you can convince me, maybe you can take this third road!"

"Surrender to the strong is the only power that the weak can exercise!" Hela raised her head slightly, and there seemed to be an indelible fanaticism in her eyes: "You are stronger than Odin. I would rather be your torturer!"

"The executioner? To put it bluntly, he is the executioner, right?!" Ye Yi frowned: "Do you want to be the knife in my hand?"

"Yes!" Hela nodded heavily!

"You are indeed a good knife, but I don't like it!" Ye Yi shook his head lightly, and pressed the void with his right hand, and Hela's figure was thrown into the underworld again!

Bloodthirsty, warlike, enjoying death, and extremely ambitious, this Odin's eldest daughter Hela is not a normal person who can calm down. Even if this kind of person talks about surrender, Ye Yi will not believe it!

Although Ye Yi is not afraid of his betrayal, let alone of her being stabbed in the back, but why bring a mop bottle?

Is Hela strong? She is not strong, much worse than Carol!

Does Ye Yi need an executioner? No!

Hela is totally unnecessary to Ye Yi, it would be considered merciful not to just let her go to hell, maybe only a place like the underworld is suitable for Hela!

She was able to break through the seal and come out before, but now, unless she advances to the multi-universe level, or invites multi-universe bosses, she can only stay in the underworld until the end of her lifespan!

Looking at the empty coast, Ye Yi turned around slightly, the space in front of him suddenly shattered, and an extremely evil aura spread instantly!

"Dark Dimension, it's my first time here, don't let me down, Dormammu!" Looking up at the world after the space rift, Ye Yi walked directly through the space rift!

This is a dark dimension, full of tyranny, killing, all kinds of negative emotions and negative energy, and broken planets everywhere. There is no normal life here, and it is a forbidden area for death!

Subtle fluctuations came from the other side, Ye Yi's gaze was fixed, his gaze spanned the space, and the Ancient One magician and Dormammu who were fighting instantly came into view!

Dormammu does not have a specific body, and can be changed arbitrarily with his thoughts. After all, his consciousness has been integrated into the dark dimension, and his physical body has become a terrifying existence!

Dormammu is very aggressive and extremely violent, every song has the power to destroy the world!

On the other hand, Ancient One magician is more inclined to defense, with all kinds of secret techniques at his fingertips, and Dormammu's attack was easily resolved by Ancient One with secret techniques!

Rather than brutal close combat, Ancient One magician's fighting style looks like a special performance art, full of beauty!

The connection between each spell is flawless, but the seemingly weak movements can turn Dormammu's violent attack into invisible!

"It's really a reminiscence between old friends!"

Lifting his feet and taking a light step, under the space shift [Ye Shi arrives at the battlefield in an instant!

Dormammu's attack paused slightly, and his huge dark purple eyes suddenly looked at Ye Yi!

·0 for flowers...

"Here?" Seeing Ye Yi coming, a smile flashed across Ancient One magician's face. Since Ye Yi has already arrived, the matter on the other side will naturally be resolved!

And now, the enemies of the magicians will also be sealed, and I will be fine, and I can concentrate on teaching my apprentices in the rest of the time!

"Let me solve it!" Nodding towards the Ancient One magician, Ye Yi's eyes shifted to Dormammu's body!

"You want to help her? Have you considered the consequences of doing so?" Dormammu is not stupid, and you can probably understand what's going on after listening to the conversation between the two!

"We met not long ago, although it was just a glance, you won't forget it?" Ye Yi said with a smile: "Maybe you can't remember, but I do!"


"In order to avoid trouble, I came to you!"

..." Dormammu's huge eyes narrowed slightly, and the deep purple energy in his body began to flow at a high speed!

Seeing the change in Dormammu, Ye Yi slowly raised his right hand: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense, this time I'm here to solve you!"

"Infinity Stone..." Seeing Ye Yi's raised right hand, Dormammu panicked and roared angrily: "No, you can't do this, if you dare to do this, the dark dimension will collapse directly!"

"Your threats are useless to me!" Ye Yi shook his head slightly, and the infinity bracelet on his hand burst into light instantly: "Please sleep peacefully in the dark dimension for a million years!"

"No~" Dormammu's expression became extremely violent as he looked at the infinity rough stone that was bursting with light, and the entire dark dimension began to vibrate violently!

The majestic energy surged in like a tide, pouring into Dormammu's forehead quickly, and the overwhelming dark purple palm suddenly slapped towards Ye Yi's direction!

"Whether a move is powerful or not does not mean that the larger the range, the greater the power!"

"Go to sleep honestly!"

The dazzling brilliance illuminated the extremely dim dark dimension, and the violent energy instantly returned to calm, and Dormammu's attack dissipated directly in invisible!

In Dormammu's desperate roar, his consciousness began to gradually blur, and finally fell into the dark five!.

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