Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 79 Plan B, Start! (Please Subscribe!)

"Get the second Soul Gem!"

The energy that exudes colorful light dissipates, and the Soul Gem, which has been wiped out of the evil soul, is quietly floating in front of Ye Yi!

"Every time I see you make a move, I'm terrified! This entire star field is just squeezed by your hand?" Looking at the empty starry sky in front of him, Tony raised his hand and wiped his forehead. In a cold sweat!

Although the galaxy where Vomir Star is located is not as big as the solar system, it has at least half the radius. However, the moment Ye Yi raised his hand and dropped his hand like this, dozens of planets were directly squeezed into nothingness!

True to its name, it's easier than mixing water!

The first time I saw Ye Yi make a move, Dirty Rod's armor is like kneading tofu!

The second time I saw Ye Yi make a move was during the battle in New York, when I raised my hand, all the enemies were wiped out, and Tony was also terrified when he saw it!

For the rest of the time, I only saw Ye Yi open a portal...I don't have a very intuitive understanding of Ye Yi's combat power!

After all, whether it’s Chitauri or Dark Elf, Ye Yi just raises his hand and lets go... It’s impossible to see where Ye Yi’s limit is!

And now, Tony has the most intuitive understanding of Ye Yi's horror!

This is a ruthless man, this is a wolf!

Raise your hand...a galaxy gone!

As for the upper limit, Tony said that he didn't want to understand. Anyway, all he needs to know is that once Ye Yi gets upset, with a wave of his hand... the entire solar system is gone!

That's enough to know, there are more scary things Tony doesn't want to guess, it's useless to guess!

Definitely, Tony knew that Ye Yi would definitely not do this, as to why... Is it okay to say intuition?

"You go back to Earth first!" Putting the Soul Gem into the system space, Ye Yi raised his hand and handed a compressed space like a glass bead to Tony!

A space wormhole opened simultaneously behind Tony!

"This is Schmidt, you can release him by crushing it when you go back, and you can do whatever you want with him then!"

"Can I study it for a while?" After receiving the compressed space handed over by Ye Yi, Tony raised his hand and touched the visor: "This is space technology, I have some ideas and want to try it out

"Okay!" Ye Yi nodded lightly: "Don't worry about him running away, if there is anything to ask J.A.R.V.I.S to send me a message directly, my communication channel J.A.R.V.I.S has it!"

"When are you coming back?"

"Not sure, could be fast, could be slow?"

"Is it dangerous?"

"There should be!"

"Good luck then, and thanks!"

Nanoparticles surged, Tony embedded the compressed space directly on the back of his hand, and then passed through the space hole without any hesitation!

Ye Yi obviously still has things to do, Tony didn't ask too much, after all, who doesn't have a secret?

Watching the space wormhole close, Ye Yi's expression gradually became serious!

The next thing to do is dangerous!

With a thought, a projection that only Ye Yi could see appeared: "System, after being silent for so long, we can start working, the twelve rough stones have been obtained, plan A or plan B? IT

[It is recommended to use plan B!] The sound of the system sounded after a long absence!

"Then let's start now!" Ye Yi took a deep breath, and took out all six infinite rough stones stored in the system space at once!

As if aware of the danger, the six rough stones burst into light, and the terrifying power caused the void to turmoil!

The next moment, holding the invisible big hand, the six rough stones regained their composure and slowly floated around Ye Yi's body!

[Rewards have been distributed, the large-scale celestial computer has been integrated into the dark plane of the host, and the genetic system of the power of the galaxy has begun to be loaded... 10%, 20%... 100%

[Galaxy Power Genetic System integration is completed and plan B is launched!]

【The genetic system begins to integrate!】

The four gene engines in Ye Yi's body plus a void engine began to integrate with each other under the power of the system, the process was quite fast, and there seemed to be no repulsion at all!

While a little stunned, at the same time, I feel that it is definitely a matter of course!

After all, although the focus of the gene engines is different, the abilities are also strange, and the power of each engine is also very different!

But... originating, these engines are all the same thing!

In the case of the same source, it is not surprising that they can integrate! After all, these engines are all researched with the void as the starting point!

【The gene engine integrates successfully, please name it!】

"Xiongxin? Qiankun? No, no, no...Call it Chaos!"

[Gene engine named successfully, Chaos engine registered and officially launched!]

The dark plane is opened, and the scene in front of Ye Yi has changed drastically. The current dark plane is completely different from the previous universe star map!

Instead of the cosmic starry sky a gray and white world of Chaos!

Under the feet, two rays of light, one black and one white, gradually integrated, a huge amounts of Taiji diagram suddenly unfolded, and the large astronomical computer rewarded by the system lightly landed on the black and white Taiji diagram!

[The Chaos engine starts successfully and starts to detect... the function is normal!]

[Engine core data proofreading is successful, current engine version: 1.0, engine core computing speed: unknown, additional high level definition material, high level concept rewriter, subversive energy conservation, Fixed Star control, god-killing power, space-time heart... .】

[Data gene is activated, Angel gene is loading... Loading is successful, Angel wings are activated, and the sacred language is loaded!]

【Download under big clock data simulation (well done)...Download complete!】

[Computer database opened successfully, fourth-generation divine body technology loading...loading complete, sacred body loading...loading complete, phantom body loading...loading complete...big]

【Do you want to execute the divine body upgrade program?】

.`No!" Although the change of the internal engine made Ye Yi a little messy, Ye Yi still decisively chose No!

Where is his plan B now? How could he make a choice so easily?

Exiting the dark plane, Ye Yi temporarily chose to close the Chaos engine: "System, continue to implement plan B!"

【start execution!】

When the system's voice fell, a great force directly acted on the six infinite rough stones in front of Ye Yi!

Under the power of the system, the six infinite rough stones turned into a gleam of light at the same time, and then directly merged into Ye Yi's dark plane!.

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