After about five minutes, Rogge finished reading the contents of the two documents, and his gaze fell on Romanov in the hall, the corners of his mouth maintaining a slightly upward curve.

Like disdain, but also like mockery.

Romanov looked at Rogue with a twinkle in his eyes and a hint of awe, smiling.

At this time, because Angel Yan, a beautiful mysterious female angel, was standing beside her, she had been facing men for a long time, and the magic that could be called a great killer was greatly reduced.

Immediately, Rogge said lightly to Romanov:

“The content of these two documents is very interesting, since the United States wants to help the construction of the Baiyue country, the money will come, and I will ask Yan to provide you with a bank account of another country in a while, and let your president remit the money within 24 hours.”

For this bullying behavior of the United States, Rogue almost couldn’t hold back his laughter after seeing the document.

Before the Baiyue country showed its strength, all countries wanted to step on it, and now they know that the Baiyue country is an iron plate, hit the swollen toes, and know that they have come to give gifts to compensate?

But is it really me Rogue who is stunned?

Your United States invests hundreds of billions of dollars every year to help the Baiyue country carry out infrastructure construction, how can I allow you to repair it by foreign races?!

After saying that, the dragon country next door is the infrastructure madman, and your country is uneasy and kind.

“Eh… Your request, I will bring back, that another reply… You should need to think about it, right? ”

Romanov asked with a forced smile on his face.

Rogue glanced at the application document sent by the World United Organization in his hand.

There are a lot of gorgeous sentences written throughout the text, the focus is on hoping that Baiyue Kingdom can join their big family and become a part of the world.

Seeing this document, Rogue was really angry, angry and wanted to laugh in his heart.

Although he had only traveled for less than half a year, he also knew some things about the Hundred Yue Kingdom and his cheap king’s old father.

When the old king was in power, he was troubled by one thing every day, that is, he wanted the Baiyue country, a tribal nation of the third world, to be recognized by the World United Organization, join this world United Organization as a state, and obtain some of its benefits and protection.

For example, the third world countries that join the World United Nations can receive medical treatment from developed countries and first-class countries, and even a peace-preserving army to ensure the security of weak and small countries.

And most importantly, the whole world recognizes you as a country, not a nomadic tribe!

Those who go out from the country of Baiyue will not be inferior everywhere.

And according to Rogue’s understanding in the past half a year, the old king has worked hard for thirty years to make the Hundred Yue Kingdom join the World United Organization!

After becoming king at the age of thirty, he began to teach himself Mi language, from not being able to read a large word, to normal communication in Mi language, speech, dictation, spent fifteen or six years, during which time he also had to govern the country.

When he learned Mi language, he was already in his fifties, and that time, he left Baiyue for the first time and flew to the World United Organization Building in New York.

When a king of a third-world tribe who has lived in the grassland for half his life and spent his days with cattle, sheep and horses, flies to the sky for the first time, walks on the streets full of cars for the first time, sees those high-rise buildings tens of meters and hundreds of meters for the first time, and rides the elevator for the first time, everything is so novel.

From that day on, he secretly swore in his heart!

He wants his country to have this flat asphalt road, random use of pipe water, and solid cement housing!

However, all these visions stopped at the front desk of the World United World Building in New York.

The old king was at the front desk, facing the proud foreign front desk, clearly and patiently explained his origin, identity, and took out written words, hoping that his country could apply to join the World United Organization.

But it was ruthlessly dismissed, and even many people thought that this eastern face, which was full of aura and attire, and was incompatible with the entire New York City, was a madman.

In the end, the old king went to the World United Organization building for more than ten days in a row, only to be told by the front desk staff that the reason for the rejection was given.

Originally, if you wanted to join the World Alliance, you had to get a recommendation email from the rulers of five Third World countries to the World United Organization, or two Second World country rulers.

After knowing these conditions, the old king regained hope, and after returning to Baiyue Country, he used the cattle, sheep and horses belonging to the royal family to present gifts to the surrounding third world countries, hoping to get help.

However, it is a meat bun beating the dog, and there is no return.

After all, for every country in the same region that joins the World United, resources are divided equally.

Then for the next ten years, the old king frantically sold the palace wealth and sought help from various countries, and almost all the major countries on the Asian continent were begged by him.

Even when I went to the big countries such as the Dragon Country, the Great Bear Country, and the Ancient Mongolian Country, I saw regional rulers, and these people either accepted the gift, and there was no clear news in the follow-up, or they directly stated that they were unwilling to help.

This made the Baiyue country, which was not rich at that time, even worse.

In the next five years, the old king also grew old, resigned his fate, and led the Baiyue Kingdom, which had been hollowed out of his family, to live a life oppressed by the surrounding small countries and terrorist forces such as the Ten Rings Gang.


Now, Rogue looked at the application sent by the World United Organization in his hand.

The sneer on his face was even more cold.

I saw that he threw the paper into the air, and shot out a grain-sized stellar light bullet with a snap of his fingers, and the application was directly burned into a pinch of flying ash in the air.

Seeing this scene, Romanov’s pretty face flashed with horror, and his eyes were wide as flying ash fell in front of him.

“This… This…!”

Romanov was speechless for a while.

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