α universe.

Inside a building.

"According to my research, exposure to high-energy cosmic storms generated by the solar wind of the sundial could trigger the evolution of early planetary life."

"In 1 week, another cloud similar to the above characteristics will pass through the orbit of the blue star."

"If research can be carried out in space, it will fundamentally advance our understanding of the structure of the human genome, cure countless diseases, prolong life, and allow children to live longer, stronger, and healthier..."

In the conference room, a handsome man in a suit was giving a passionate speech, but unfortunately played the piano to the cow.

"Turn it off!"

"I think I haven't fully explained my proposal..." The

man sitting in the chair, without mercy, directly refused: "No, it's clear enough, you haven't changed at all, you carry the whole world on your shoulders, and you always want to reach out and touch the stars, but the bill is not fulfilled by dreams, is it?"

As soon as the words fell, he threw out a magazine, and the man on the cover was the man in the suit in front of him,

"Reed Richard is bankrupt!"

Reid began to panic, and he didn't expect his old classmate to be so ruthless.

As the saying goes, leave a line for doing things, and meet in the future.

But for the sake of his dream, he wanted to try again, so he began to play the emotional card: "Doom, remember when we were in school?" We said we would work together in the future, and I was about to explain

this to you..." Reid switched the projection and continued: "This storm is deadly, but the protective shield outside your space station's control room is specially designed to protect the people inside from harm..."

When Dum heard this, the whole person was stunned.

"So, you don't just want my money, but also my shield?"

He had never seen such a brazen person, really kicking his nose on the face - too much deception!

Due to the friendship of classmates, Doom did not directly blast him out, but asked rhetorically: "Tell me, if NASA doesn't believe you, then why should I believe you?"

As soon as this remark came out, Reid was unable to refute it, looked at the bald man on the side, and said nothing.

Old classmates who have not been in contact for many years, suddenly contact you, that is fatal.

PDD slash? Married casually? Insurance sells something? These are small things, and this kind of opening to borrow money is the most abhorrent.

There will always be some messy reasons, what abortion, family breakdown, etc.

Anyway, take you as a second stunned, and in the end, the meat bun beats the dog, there is no return.

When I was a student, I said that I should not forget what I was rich and rich. After being really rich, it is really a hope that from now on we will forget each other, and you and I will be strangers.

Doom suppressed his inner emotions and stood up directly: "One step ahead, this is my job, insight into what others can't see..." The

bald man on the side directly complained: "I can't stand this..."

Reid stretched out his left hand and motioned to appease: "Ben, this is business, it's just part of the job."

Suddenly, a female voice like a lark sounded in the rear: "Yes, he is right, these are just official affairs!"

Dum smiled and said directly: "I think you all know the head of my genetic research department, Susan Stone!"

And Reed looked confused, felt green on his head, and turned his head in disbelief.

Ben turned his head and teased: "He has one more thing than you!" "

That's right, this hot blonde is none other than Reid's ex-girlfriend.

As the saying goes, the days are evergreen, as long as the days are passable, even if the head is a little green!

"Hi Sue!"

"Hi Ben! It's nice to see you, how is Debbie?

Susan and Ben hugged.

"Very good..."

"That's good."

And Susan, who had originally said and smiled, looked at Reid, and the smile on her face was invisible to him online.

Reid asked, "How are you doing?"

"It couldn't be better!"

Susan held out her right hand and chose to shake Reid's hand.

Doom spoke, "That wouldn't be a problem, would it?"


"Of course not."

Doom began to walk over, and then said: "Susan, you have come just in time to hear the great Reed Richard asking me for help!"

Doom walked up to Susan, confronted Reid, and continued, "You know what? You have made many MIT students feel like junior high school students at a technology exhibition, this moment makes me very proud, don't mind! "

Well, in fact, Doom's heart is not a little proud, the happy mood cannot be concealed at all, and the smile on his face is simply blooming.

The former genius he was most jealous of is now begging himself in a low voice, and his former girlfriend is now under his command, what could be more enjoyable in life?

Reed pursed his lips, was silent for a while, and then spoke: "If you support this plan, in the end, all the results, I will give you a reasonable commission!" "

Seventy-five percent!"

Doom wasn't actually interested in Reid's project, but he knew Reed as a person.

Invest in people, not in soulless companies, not in projects that are not sexy enough.

He was also jealous of Reid because he knew he was inferior to Reid in some way.

But the most taboo point in negotiation is that there is a handle in the hands of the other party, then you can only be like the fish on the knife, steamed or braised by others, or made into a dry pot is not bad.

"Attach all application results and patent rights!"

Doom knew that no one could invest in Reid now but him.

The bald Ben was uneven, and said angrily: "You just squeezed him dry

..." "Ben..." "

Yes, 25% of the billion dollars, enough for you to spend slowly, maybe you can still repay the fourth mortgage loan of Baxter Building?"

Doom was again a lion, but he had clearly understood Reid's hole cards.

Hit the snake seven inches, take people to get three points, business negotiations with handles pay attention to fast, accurate, ruthless, one hit will kill!

Doom directly stretched out his right hand, and then asked, "Is the deal done?"

Reed looked at the indifferent Susan, who avoided his gaze.

However, just as he was about to stretch out his right hand, there was a noise outside the door: "Stop, you can't come in, otherwise I will call security..." Everyone

looked at the door, and they were greeted by a strong man wearing a white shirt and a red bow tie.



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