α universe.

Quantum realm.

In the bar.

A cool spaceship stopped outside, and a sullen old man in a suit came down.

He took off his glasses and spoke, "Janet, my dear, I thought you were dead?" "

It's been a long time, Kayla..."

"Gotta call me Your Excellency Kayla! I don't want people to call me that, it sounds too narcissistic..." The

wasp pursed her lips.

Kayla stepped forward and greeted: "No need to guess, you must be Hank, I have heard a lot of stories about you and ants, what is an ant?" Do we have this place too?

Dr. Pym looked at the old man in front of him warily, and said in a deep voice: "I think there should be none..."

Hope, you must be Hope, Janet used to tell me about you every day

..." Hope looked confused: "Oh, she doesn't seem to mention you to me..." Because

Situ Feng brought black technology from the 199999 universe, Dr. Pym entered the quantum realm in advance, taking his daughter and Scott to find his wife.

Of course, while passing through the quantum storm, Dr. Pym grabbed his daughter's hand, Scott, oh hehe, not knowing where to go.

Fortunately, Dr. Pym and his daughter found Janet the first time, and they just need to find Scott and go back.

Kayla turned to look at Janet and said with a meaningful smile: "Oh, change me, I won't tell the child this..."

He almost kissed Janet, and then pulled back.

"Hahaha, it's so exciting..."

Dr. Pym felt that the color of his hair was a little wrong.


"How exciting!"

Kayla sat down and said, "It's quite exciting◔.̮◔✧!"

Janet hurriedly changed the subject.

"Kayla, we would like to ask you for a favor."

"Janet, the two of us have experienced so many things together, as long as you open your mouth, help you do anything... Saying that your stomach is hungry now, I'm going to starve to death, boy, serve..."

Kayla snapped her fingers and continued: "Hey, then give us all a cup of something exciting, thank you... Oh, and if you've never drunk these things, then don't try them easily..."

He picked up the waiter's drink, a serious nonsense.

"It will completely turn your imagination upside down!"

There seems to be a strange octopus in the quilt, bouncing alive, even cute.

"Uh Ahhhh

"Kayla, we're looking for a friend who accidentally got lost, a Hanbi, who is just like us."

Snap -

Kayla clapped her hands and said excitedly: "Human, that's right, it's the word, I forgot, the people above you call yourself ... Dr

. Pym stared at Kayla and asked suspiciously, "Aren't you human?" "

Strictly speaking, I'm not, but in some ways I can be..."

said Kayla as she stared at Janet.

Bang -

Suddenly, the door of the bar opened, and a group of heavily armed soldiers walked in, raising their pistols and pointing them at the three.

"No, let me finish

..." "Janet, if I'm not mistaken, it was you who abandoned us and went to him in your own way..."

Fuck, and one more?

Dr. Pym burst out.

"Janet, what the hell is this guy talking about?"

"Oh, you still haven't told your family about him? You didn't tell them what you did! How many people have lost their lives because of you, and does your family really know what kind of person you are?

Kayla stared at Hope and said, "Your mother, she hides countless secrets..."

"I've lied, quite a lot, but I didn't lie about it."

Janet begged, "Let them go, he just wants me..." "

But you want to keep them, so they have to come... And, of course, that bby you said!

Kayla continued: "I heard from him, and of course, he must have heard it and sent out pursuers.

"What kind of pursuer?"

Bang –

Before Kayla's words were finished, the roof of the bar was lifted.

"Hurry up, everyone..." This

is the gigantic Ant-Man - Scott Lang!

No one would have thought that he would appear like this, without the slightest precaution or a trace of concern....

Hope shot at the soldiers with guns.

"Cover me!"

"As always!"

Dr. Pym is also an old man, not to be outdone, and his body and bones look quite tough.



Hope asked, "No, just him?"

"Oh, he used to be attractive!"

Dr. Pym's expression management is completely out of control.

"That guy?"

Scott looked confused: "What are you talking about, our priority is to get out of here first

..." "Henry, I've been here for nearly thirty years, I have a need..." "

Oh, my god!"

Scott seemed to cover his mouth with his right hand, as if he understood something ⚆_⚆.

(; ́༎ຶД༎ຶ')

"Well, I understand, I also need..."

This time it was sent by Hope.

Not to be outdone, Dr. Pym said, "I've made a few appointments with others, dinner... Her name was Linda, but it didn't work out..." The

ship controlled by Janet suddenly accelerated.

"Why didn't it work?"

"Because she's not you, baby..."

Scott couldn't stand it, and he began, "I don't want to interrupt you, but I think we should get out first and talk later." Kang the Conqueror is hunting us down..."

"Wait... How do you know Kang the Conqueror? "

Ah, Mom, look ahead

, raise, raise..." Janet turned around, almost causing the spaceship to crash into the mountain.

Shout! Shout! Shout!

“Oh, my god!"

After the raised spacecraft crossed the mountain, it was a flying machine in the sky, densely packed and terrifying!

This is the army of Kang the Conqueror!

Boom -

everyone's spaceship was destroyed to the ground.



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