65 universe.

Metro station.

Spider-Woman: "Dad, I'm going to get on the subway, see you later!"

"Okay, baby, daddy still has things, hang up first!" Be careful when riding the subway! However

, patrolling officers spotted Gwen on the roof of the car.

He raised his pistol and shouted, "Don't move, raise your hands!"

"Ah, buddy, what do you mean? Calm down, don't wipe the gun off! "

Bang bang—

" I said, don't move!"

Gwen dodged the policeman's bullet and cursed: "XXXXX, actually shot me?" There is no royal law anymore! "

Phew! Shout!

"Hey! You donut eaten too much!

Gwen used spider silk to subdue the police in an instant.

"Don't, don't kill me, please!"

"Kill you, am I too full to do anything? Why did you come and kill you? In other words, big brother, it won't be long before the group of melon-eating masses just now will make you into a ghost animal video and put it on the Internet, and you will soon be on fire! "


Then Gwen snatched the policeman's walkie-talkie, and directly said in the internal communication code: "55, there was a 10-10 incident just now, in the waiting area of Queens Square, someone fired a shot!" "

[Received!] Group 96 is already on the way!

"Do you understand, wearing this uniform means telling everyone that you are a trustworthy person!" Look at your current instigation, how to protect everyone..."

Gwen seemed to open the chatterbox, talking endlessly, forcing Lai Lai.

Soon, the police of the 96th group arrived at the scene.

Gwen rolled straight onto the roof: "Wow, record breaking again, guys!" Old Sheriff Stacey definitely didn't teach you less! Well, you guys don't have anything to do, next time let him be smart..." Buzz


suddenly, a helicopter appeared, turned on the lights, and dispelled the darkness throughout the region.

"Spider-Woman! Stand there and don't move, or we'll shoot!

"I repeat, don't move, or we'll shoot!"

If you tell me not to move, I will not move, that's not very faceless!


Boom -

the helicopter did not know why it crashed, and the people inside parachuted directly!

Gwen didn't say a word, as soon as his legs stepped forward, he began subway parkour....

The police in the back followed in a flock, wow, subway parkour reality version ing


A humble concert hall.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!

"The heart is beating is love like fire, you are laughing crazy people are me, love like fire will warm the heart nest, I see the flame of love flickering..."

Sheriff George Stacy did not see his baby daughter, and looked confused (⊙.⊙).

"Gwen, why are you late for your own concert?"

Could it be that her words worked, and she chose to give up music? This reversal is also too fast, a little caught off guard!

"Hahaha, don't worry about your daughter, you sliver, I will hurt her for you!"


The crowd was in a panic, and everyone fled.

It turned out to be a reckless man who killed Matt and began to go crazy!

He is the killer invited by Daredevil - Alexei Mikhailovich Sisaivich.

Of course, we are better known for his nickname - the Rhino Man.


After changing into a costume, Gwen Stacy took the stage in small steps: "I'm coming, I'm coming, I..."


the rhinoceros man teased: "It's quite durable, old thing!" I didn't expect you to be so small and have a strong chin..." Sheriff

George Stacy fell to the ground, half of his face already bleeding.

"It's okay, then I'll beat you to the jaw!"

It's too late, it's fast.

When the rhinoceros man's fists were about to swing down, a cloud of spider silk struck from a distance!


"Come on, big man!"

Gwen has changed into a suit and transformed into Spider-Woman!

The rhinoceros man was quite puzzled: "Hey, big girl! What are you doing? I'm here to help you!" In

his perception, everyone is wanted by the police.

Spider-Woman made a kick with both feet, but to no avail.

"Ah-" The

Rhino Man strangled Spider-Woman with both hands, causing her to let out a wail of pain.

"Aha, I see, you come to this kind of place to dance! Then let me be your dance partner, twist your ass, hahaha..."

No, I can't give up...]

Bang - Spider-Woman

first struck a right elbow, then a succession of punches and kicks, directly knocking the Rhino Man into the corner.

Shout! Shout!

"Hey, big girl! Have something to say, what the hell are you going to do? "

Boom -

Gwen's serious punch directly stunned the rhino man, and even the wall behind him could not be spared!

"Well, I can't live a peaceful life now. You have caused me a lot of trouble with this pen, and it is so apt to say who invented the word pen!

"Don't move, just stand there, don't move!"

Sheriff George Stacy raised her gun and aimed it at Spider-Woman.

Spider-Woman raised her hands: "Get rid of, big brother, are you teasing me?" Seriously? Are you sure you're embarrassed by a girl? "

I'm going to arrest you for the murder of Pete Benjamin Parker, and you have the right to remain silent

..." "Wait, wait, you listen to me, Pete didn't kill me, his death..." Spider-Woman

flashed, but George's pistol was not vegetarian either.

"I said don't move!"

“...... At least not as simple as you think! "

Oops, Dad's hand holding the gun is so calm, it's not like that rookie policeman at all."


not up to me to convict or not," Spider-Woman kept her hands up: "Yes, yes, the power to convict is in the hands of that irascible Jameson, or the policeman who shot me in the crowded subway station."

"You'll have to come with me, trust me." No matter how tortuous the reason in the middle, no matter how long it takes to find out thoroughly, if you are innocent, then sooner or later justice will be served!

"yes, I understand that this is something you pursue all your life, but sometimes we go for it..."

Spider-Woman said as she took off her hood.

"It's not what the world needs!"

"Oh my God! Gwen! Why? How could it be you?

Gwen: "Dad, you're a good cop, and your badge and gun have followed you all your life, because you know that if you don't carry them, you'll fall into the hands of unworthy people."

"And when I put on the mask, I thought that I would never have to take on any responsibilities again." I thought I was the most special of the crowd, and Pete Parker lost his life trying to be next.

"This becomes my responsibility, and I can't let his death lose its meaning." Dad, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, if you put me in prison, I won't be able to do anything..."

George finally put down his pistol: "Gwen, my baby, go after what you want, and leave this damn place before I come back to my senses!" "


Suddenly, a long stick appeared out of nowhere, knocking George straight down.

Along the originally cracked wall, George quickly fell and fell.


Gwen jumped straight down and shot out the spider silk.

If she knew the Garfield version of Spider-Man in 120723 universe, she would know that to save people, you must not use spider silk!

Just like Garfield, he didn't catch Gwen.

Gwen of the 65th universe, her spider silk did not catch her beloved.

No matter which universe of Spider-Man, can not escape the fate of losing a loved one, this cursed general, damned fate.

"No, no, please, Dad..."


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