Marvel Universe.

A super-large starfish suddenly appeared over Manhattan, spilling hundreds of poisonous eggs.

New York City, which was once peaceful, is now in crisis.

This is the supervillain Starfish Monster from the DC Universe - Staro!

At this time it is constantly breeding small starfish, which can control the host, can enslave thousands of people, and most importantly, this is still permanent control!

"What are you doing, stop, Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer, Susan Walters, controlled by the little starfish, (#'Д ́)

and she lifted the second-generation yellow-shirted woman Rita Demara.

The Avengers are in a desperate situation!

The original wasp woman Janet Van Dyne shrunk her body and dodged the attack.

She spoke, "Don't let them near your faces, Avengers! Otherwise, you will all be controlled by them, these starfish have already controlled the Yellow Shirt and the Three Superb Warriors (╬'益 ́)! "

Thor raised the meow hammer, stupid he actually did not go up to melee reckless, but turned on a large AOE and directly summoned Thunder to clear the field.

She roared, "Tony! If I'm not mistaken, the giant starfish over there is the source of this threat! We just need to solve it, we can solve this crisis! Iron

Man, who was flying in mid-air, did not stop the energy cannon firing, and she responded: "Okay, Thor! This time I'll give your analysis an A, but our attack doesn't work at all for it! This guy didn't retreat! "

The captain of the beautiful country is fighting hard in the crowd, because of the strength of the god-level BUFF, even if he is beaten, he is still comfortable with the vibranium shield.

He asked aloud, "How are we going to stop these things?" How can we defeat them? "

Vision is relying on instant blurring, avoiding the little starfish, looking as stable as an old dog, but in fact, he is panicked.

He shouted, "We have to devise a whole new strategy, Avengers! I calculated that every time we eliminated a parasitic little starfish, a bunch of little starfish would fall from the sky

..." "If we can't stop them completely, then more and more of us will be controlled by them

..." "Oh, my God (*'Ω ́*)v..."

Iron Man's voice suddenly interrupted Vision's words.

"They took control of Thor..."


the next moment, a silver bolt of lightning overturned a group of Avengers.


Scarlet Witch exclaimed in disbelief.

It turned out that Little Starfish also controlled Quicksilver!

It's really afraid of death and funeral - it's unlucky!

The wasp girl faced the little starfish on Quicksilver's face, which was a laser beam, and she shouted loudly: "I'm sure your brother has done his best!" Wanda, you slow him down first, I need your help, or we'll all have to finish playing!" Crimson

energy gushed out of her hands, and she used chaos magic on Quicksilver, reducing Quicksilver's speed.

"Pietro, resist it! I believe you can do it, you are strong! You can overcome it and break free! The

captain of the beautiful country immediately said: "Go, war bird!" I'll take care of this side, you hurry up and get rid of the little starfish in Quicksilver's face, we need his abilities!"

"Understood, Captain!"

Boom -

Ms. Marvel also flew over, facing the little starfish on Quicksilver's face, which was a launch line.


With everyone's rescue, the little starfish on Quicksilver's face burst.

"Ahem, I... My consciousness is connected to it, all of them. It considers itself a planetary conqueror and what it wants is to be in control!

"I can feel the vast sea of thought, tidal cycles, consciousness control, we have no hope of defeating it, it is too strong!"

And at this time, the phantom heard this and immediately flew over.

"You mean the tidal cycle? I think I have an idea that should be able to beat it..."

The wasp shouted into the communicator, "Okay, I don't care what you think, Vision, do it now!" We don't even have breathing space here! The

captain of the beautiful country also urged: "Hurry up, Vision!"

Vision put a small starfish on the face of the scarlet witch, and he said in a deep voice: "Wanda, you can use chaos magic to distort the starfish's mind!" Quicksilver

couldn't hold back at this time: "No, there is another way!" Vision, what the hell are you doing!

Vision said, "I'm sorry, I can only do this (°ー°)!"

"But she's your ex-wife, my sister!" You don't even know if this works?

Vision said coldly, "I know, but we have to try!" Wanda, let it take over your mind, then unleash your chaos magic, unleash it to your heart's content! "


Talos swears that this is definitely the most terrifying thing it has ever experienced in its life!

It rushed straight out of the atmosphere and flew into outer space!

Mamma Mia, it's too dangerous here, let's go to the aliens!

"Blah blah, I just felt an explosion of pure madness of energy, then pain and rage, is it all over now, Tony?"

The little starfish on Thor's face has completely melted into blood, well, it's just a little disgusting.

Iron Man flew over and checked the surroundings: "Yes, Thor! It's all over! Well, at least for now it's over!

"Oh my God, who can give me mouthwash, mints!" This taste is really amazing [● ́å'●] ..." The

female Hulk felt that her mouth was full of mixed flavors, which was quite uncomfortable.

Kuaiyin helped Wanda and asked eagerly, "Sister, are you okay?"

Wanda rubbed her braincase, then said, "I... I'll be fine, Pietro. But I just learned something, and when I just connected with the consciousness of that planetary conqueror, I sensed something was not quite right.

"I don't think it's from this universe." Yes, it doesn't belong here, but it doesn't know how it got here..."


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