
In an abandoned underground base.

"My fellow citizens, according to our insider reports, Academy X already knows that it is the military that is catching mutants.

But our Professor X naively wanted to negotiate a solution to this problem.

Fellow citizens, the method of peaceful liberation does not exist at all, and only power can come out of the barrel of a gun.

Fellow citizens, mutants and ordinary people do not have a so-called peaceful coexistence, unless one side completely submits!

And I, Magneto, will lead you to the final victory! "

Snap! Syllable! Syllable! Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

The applause was thunderous.

Magneto, is speaking.

It has to be said that Magneto has grasped the trick of leadership.

That is to first give hope to followers, and then use strength to instill awe, coupled with inflammatory speeches.

This armed struggle for peaceful liberation was irrigated like a seed in the hearts of the mutants on the spot.

"Go, my fellow citizens!

Connect with persecuted mutants and join our fraternity.

Let's fight together for our future! As

soon as Magneto exclaimed, hundreds of mutants went out to absorb fresh blood for the organization as if they had beaten chicken blood.

No matter how weak a life is, once condensed together, it will produce huge energy.

Mass production can produce qualitative changes.

And even more so these mutants.

"Really, think about it from another angle, if it weren't for the military's arrest, we mutants might not be so united."

Magneto relaxed and smiled.

At this time, only a few cronies remained in the venue.

Magneto can say a little heart-wrenching words.

"Sir, but this time after all, the military has also arrested many people from our brotherhood. The brethren also hope that we will do something. "

One of the cronies raised the voice of the masses.

However, Magneto thought for a while and shook it: "A small-scale ambush of the military is almost the same, just take it as a warning!"

Just before you can turn your face, endure it again.

When our plan succeeds, that's when we win"

Like Professor X, Magneto has been looking for a way to bridge the gap between mutants and ordinary humans.

That is to destroy all humanity!

Well, to be exact, it should be all human beings into mutants.

This simple and crude method sounds really naïve.

It's hard to imagine that it would be the idea of a normal person.

And Magneto has been working on gene mutants, a genetic weapon that can transform humans into mutants.

Obviously, in his concept, as long as the concept of ordinary humans no longer exists, everyone has become mutants.

Then naturally there is no so-called barrier.

Of course, racism, sexism and so on are not in his consideration.

At present, the gene mutant is almost completed, and Magneto does not want to confront the military head-on, so as not to lose its success.

"So shall we do nothing else? Is it just a small fight?

"Hahaha, how about a little fight? Didn't the X-Men want to be a shrunken-headed turtle? We'll just let their heads stick! "


"Witch, tomorrow Charles will meet with Stryker at the Capitol, I want you to take the opportunity to turn into Stryker's appearance, infiltrate Hoover Base, and let the soldiers attack the X Academy..."

The witch raised her own doubts.

The witch, as her name suggests, can change the structure of her cells and directly become anyone. Of course, there is no way to change its own quality, there is no way to become larger or something, and if it is reduced, it will cause damage to itself.

After all, in the world of Marvel, there is no such BUG ninjutsu as transformation.

In the world of Naruto, transfiguration is the basic ninjutsu, along with the doppelganger and the substitution, which is a compulsory course in every ninja school.

If it can be compared, the ability of the witch is not comparable to Bai Jue.

However, simply compared with mutants, the applicability of the witch is already quite strong, and her transformation can perfectly replicate the appearance, voice, fingerprint and even iris of the object.

"My goal is not to eradicate the X-Men, but to pit the X-Men against the military."

The witch is not a stupid person either, she understands that Magneto is a curse.

It's just that the most important thing about this strategy is that she can't be exposed.

Although her transformation cannot even be detected by scientific instruments, she can easily sneak into the Hoover base.

But if the real Stryker goes back, or contacts the soldiers in the base along the way, then she will be exposed.

"No problem..." Although

the front is Longtan Tiger's Den, the witch still follows this task, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and prefers to go to Tiger Mountain.

Magneto showed an eerie smile: "Just in case, I will arrange for someone to attack Charles and blame this matter on Stryker."

The leaderless X-Men can only listen to the command of the laser eye at this time. Laser Eye was once captured by Stryker, and when the time comes, let the inside line fan the flames, and he will definitely lead the X-Men to attack the Hoover base and solve the captured mutants by force. "

I have to say that Magneto knows the X-Men's character experience and even their character traits well.

As for Jean Gray, although he has a bit of brains, his own ability is unstable, and he can't persuade laser eyes. If it was really as Magneto had planned, she would definitely not be able to withstand this pig teammate.

Magneto explained quite clearly and quite clearly.

He didn't say he was going to kill Professor X, just made him temporarily incapacitated.

There are two main camps among mutants, one is the doves led by Professor X and the other is the hawks led by Magneto.

As the leader, they were originally a pair of good friends.

Professor X is arguably the kindest hero in the Marvel Universe, and of course, the most naïve. He believes that mutants and ordinary humans are not hostile relationships, and have always fought for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and ordinary humans.

And Magneto is also fighting for the cause of mutants, but he is extremely eager to destroy all ordinary humans, hoping to build a world with only mutants.

Although there will be a fight between the X-Men and the Mutant Brotherhood, basically no one will die, and Magneto will not really take Professor X's life.

After all, in Magneto's eyes, those X-Men's mutants are also their own people.

"I see."

The witch nodded and turned to leave.

This move mantis catches cicadas, and the yellow finch's plan after it sounds flawless.

Once the implementation is successful, then the X-Men are dumb and can't say anything.

Stryker is not a good stubble, originally he blamed his son's affairs on Professor X, and was full of hostility towards X Academy. It was only because the military and government signed an agreement that he did not have the opportunity to attack Academy X.


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