Supergirl asked, "Where are we?"

The Flash replied, "This is the antimatter universe!"

The white gold canary echoed: "The beginning of time! "

The role models of humanity have gathered, except for Lex Luthor.

The Martian Manhunter stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "When we came, he was already there, anti-monitor!"

"Impossible! We've destroyed the time machine!

Cai Ruian said he couldn't understand.

"Some destinies are unavoidable, you have seen a person in countless universes, but in the interweaving of this multiverse, there will always be a Mar Novu who will realize his great ambitions, and under this inevitability, there is still fate!"

The anti-monitor raised his hands and began the villain's explanation time.

"Welcome to my world—(*'∀ ́*)ノ!"

Situ Feng spoke, "Okay, then I want to ask, do you know who I am?" Can you see your destiny clearly? The

anti-monitor looked at Situ Feng in the crowd and fell into deep thought.

10 seconds!

30 seconds!


1 and a half minutes!

"Who are you?"

The anti-monitor was convinced that he had destroyed countless multiverses, and none of them had Situ Feng's doppelganger.

"Okay, no more nonsense, get ready to hit the road!"

The anti-monitor unleashed powerful energy attacks, but these attacks were useless against Situ Feng.

Then the end of the anti-monitor is doomed!

That was to be devoured by Situ Feng!


The beginning of its existence.

The beginning of time.

The whole universe began to restart and everything started all over again.

The universes of superheroes completely merged to form the Origin Universe.


"Wow! You finally..." Buzz


Supergirl shot a laser into the wall.

“...... Wake up!

"Alex! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!

Alex stepped forward and soothed, "No, no, no, it's okay!" Are you okay? Is it a nightmare?

"I don't know, eh, how did I get here?"

Alex said, "You fell asleep in front of the TV, well, it looks like you're sleeping soundly!" I can't bear to get you into bed!"

Supergirl muttered, "At the beginning of the founding!" Yes, at the beginning!

"Were you watching this TV series before you fell asleep?"

"Wait a minute, what the hell is this?"

The super girl opened the curtains, looked out the window, and said, "No, it's actually right again, but it feels wrong again." Because everything is right!

"Oh, it seems that the White Martians last night tired you enough!"

"White Martians... White Martian..."

The supergirl heard the name, then ran in small steps and turned on the computer.

Alex said, "Listen, I have to go, Kylie and I are going to go downtown to experience a new indoor rowing course, are you really okay?" Supergirl

saw the familiar news report and said, "It's okay! "

Just then, the D.E.O's alarm went off.

【There is an accident in the urban area, and you need to ask for support! 】

A woman in leather clothes and leather pants is running wild in the street with a magic staff.


Supergirl falls from the sky!

"Oh, and see who joined this funny thing!"

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"Weather Witch!"

The woman said with a high spirit: "My anger, you can't deal with it!" Just

as she was about to attack Supergirl, a bolt of lightning knocked him down.

The Flash smiled and said, "I'm sorry, she's my person!" Supergirl

ran over and asked, "So why is she on my earth?" "


The Flash was stunned.

The super girl laughed and asked again: "Wait, wait, why are you on my earth?"

"Your Earth? It's obviously my earth! The

two said in unison: "I thought..." Just

when the two of them were confused, an old man came over.

"Oh! Supergirl and Flash, your team is really hot! Convex ^-^Convex It's awesome and spicy!

He took out a notebook and asked, "Can you sign my name?"

The Flash took the signed pen and said, "No problem!

Supergirl, on the other hand, wondered, "Wait a minute, you know the two of us?"

The Flash opened the book, and inside it was actually a photo of him and Supergirl, and he couldn't help but ask: "Do you think it's normal to see us appear together?"

The old man asked rhetorically, "Don't you usually all appear together?" And Green Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, oh yes, and last year a Batwoman joined in! Well, trouble please write, sign to Stan Lee, thank you!

"Okay, no thanks, Stan Lee!"

The Flash continued to ask, "So, Stan Lee, do you know how long I've been working with Supergirl and other superheroes on this earth?" How long has it been?

"I always knew!"

The two looked at each other.

Just as they were staring wide-eyed, Situ Feng appeared.

"Hey! Take it easy, is this the attitude towards an old friend? At

first, the two thought they were enemies and made a defensive stance.

"Mr. Wind?"

"Why are you here?"

"What the hell is going on?"

Situ Feng smiled and said, "Let's get together and explain it later!" "



the base of the Justice League.

This is what Situ Feng created in this universe.

Of course, he is also the supreme commander of the D.E.O.

Of course, it is the Hall of Justice that is indispensable.

Meeting room with round tables, plus chairs with logos emblazoned with their respective superheroes.

The Flash, Superman, Supergirl, Martian Manhunter, Black Thunderbolt, Batwoman, Canary, Green Arrow, all gathered here.

That's right, in this world, Green Arrow Oliver Quinn is still alive.

Well, but I didn't meet Felicity Smok, and no one remembered her.

Felicity became Situ Feng's secretary.

And the super girl, as the name suggests, the girl, understands everything!

The superheroes who played soy sauce at the scene understood what kind of crisis they had experienced through the memory sharing of the Martian hunters.

The super girl said to Situ Feng: "Really thank you, save everyone, the world has hope again, and I also ghost hope again!"

Situ Feng smiled and said, "This is all I should do!" And the Justice League I established is to hope that everyone can unite so that no matter what crisis we encounter, we can overcome it!

"No, why do we need a rendezvous point?" I mean, how many times will there be the end of the world?

Black Thunderbolt looked at everyone and spoke, "There won't be many, right?" The

expressions of everyone were also quite embarrassed!

Batwoman spoke: "It's okay, I was also a newcomer last year!" "



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