DCEU flashpoint paradox universe.

Gotham City.

Supergirl herself is not very familiar with the Batman thing, so she doesn't know how crazy a world it is.

That's right, in the flashpoint paradox universe, it was Bruce Wayne who died in the alleys of Gotham City, while his father Thomas Wayne became Batman, and his mother Martha became a clown when she became insane!

"Well, anyway, you're Batman, so do you know where The Flash is?"

Supergirl spoke, "I'm a superhero from another universe, and I need to find the Flash so I can find my way home!" "

The witty Supergirl thought of this for the first time, yes, as long as you look for her Flash, she will have a ticket for the return journey, or the kind of express train.

Although she is stupid to compare the crisis of the general situation, but at the critical time, she feels that she is a witty comparison.

"The Flash? Who is he? Thomas

Batman was also confused.

If it hadn't been for the girl saying Bruce's name, he wouldn't have paid attention to her.

Thomas Batman took out the rope and continued to tie up Harley Quinn, who was crazy but did not escape, and continued to interrogate: "Say, where is the Joker!"

Harley Quinn was speechless: "To be honest, I really don't know where she is, don't lie to you!" She abandoned me..."

And Supergirl was shocked!


Could it be that there is no Flash in this world?

Her whole person was stunned!

No, no, won't the world know about the Flash, right?

At this moment, only listening to the ground shake, a huge figure appeared in the alley.

The person who came is the steel bone - Victor Stone!

"Thomas Batman, aren't you going to ask me how I found you?"

Steelbone looked at Thomas Batman and asked helplessly.

"Heat-sensing vision, computer hearing, you can overlook the whole of Gotham City by linking any satellite, so are you trying to show me something?"

Bang bang -

"What are you doing?"

Steel bone looked at the superwoman in front of him, not knowing why.

She knocked on the body of the steel bone, and then said curiously: "It's just a little curious, your outfit is quite chic!"

Thomas Batman said, "Oh, you can let Steel Bone help you find out, what kind of Flash is that!"

"The Flash? What Flash? The

steel bone was also confused, unable to understand what they were saying.

Supergirl asked, "Well, if you don't know The Flash, do you know Barry Allen?" I am a superhero from another universe and need to find the Flash to find my way home!

Steel Bone was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "I don't know about the Flash, but Barry Allen's words, there is one here, he is a policeman in Central City!"


Supergirl instantly felt hopeful and laughed happily.

Steelbone, on the other hand, turned to Thomas Batman and said, "Batman, we need your help!" "



I saw that the steel bone opened the hologram, projected a large wave of superheroes, and said: "Everyone is assembled, it's time to start voting!"

Thomas Batman glanced at the steel bone, and then said, "Are you serious?" Isn't this a hologram?

"Well, some of them are indeed hiding in the shadows, and of course some of them are indeed refusing to show up!"

There was a voice of discussion in the crowd.

"Oh my God! It's Batman! This time it's a real person!

"But he's older than I thought!"

"No way, after all, he has been doing this for a long time..."

Steel Bones showed another picture, and then said in a deep voice: "Do you know why we are gathered here, Batman!"

"Because more than 100 million people have died, the Atlanteans flooded the western part of Europe, turning it into ruins under the sea!"

"And the Amazons slaughtered everyone on the English continent and declared their own country!"

"They all want to rule the world! Before Aquaman and Wonder Woman fight to destroy Earth, we must stop them!

"You know how powerful they are, you know their allies, I must know and must know now, who wants to fight alongside me!"

Supergirl was also unbelievable when she saw the scene displayed by the steel bone. Although she doesn't know much about these people, is this earth due to a world war?

It's really terrifying!

And is there no superman in this world either?

"I do!"

A purple-haired and purple-eyed big wave girl raised her hand and said. "(*^▽^*)

It's been a long time since anyone invited me to be involved in anything, and that sounds funny!"

She is an elemental woman who can manipulate ice and water, and can also generate heat.

And a man with gray hair said disdainfully: "Interesting? Maybe that's what you think, Elemental Woman! But grandfathers like me, damn it... I hear you hanging your throat..." The

Pied Piper interrupted the cold citizen's grumbling, and then said: "Count me in, Steelbone!" Since Batman is already on our side, and you helped me retrieve the voice, then count me alone!

"But, I don't like messing around with trash fish!" Especially cold citizens! The

cold citizen said with a yin and yang strange air: "Hehe! Just because of that little friction that can't be reparable, Piedier! That's really Cao Pi's father-in-law doesn't speak, and Zhen Ji's father is speechless..."

"Everyone knows that your altruistic benevolent doer is a complete lie!" And your TMD smashed my vocal cords! The

Pied Piper raised his pistol and aimed it directly at the Cold Citizen.

"Don't talk nonsense! O slander, O he slandered me! If you don't have proof, don't slander me!" The

Cold Citizen shouted, "Drop your guns, Pied Piper! We're not really together, TMD is holograms, there is a hairy use!

At this moment, a perverted man wearing stockings roared, his voice was the loudest, and everyone's attention was on him.

"Okay, you guys stop arguing! I agree with the addition of the Piedier, you know, to some extent, we are severely short of manpower! Steel bone, can't it be that you want me to join forces with those outlanders and fight side by side?

"Seriously, that perverted organization has been hunting me down for months! I had to leave school and I lost my girlfriend!

"The Outlanders ruined my life!"

The perverted man is a handful of snot and tears, which sounds quite miserable.

But because the scene was too disgusting, it did not arouse everyone's empathy.

"Well, Farook, you're only 15 years old and your foreskin is not cut, and you'll never understand the consequences if you let Aquaman and Wonder Woman do something!"

A man next to him who looked like an alien said in a deep voice: "As for your predicament? You claim that I am the one who hunted you down? You can light up my entire hometown for many years, or any other country on this planet! "

You're the cleanest and most powerful source of electricity on the planet, and I'm not admitting anything." But if the Indian third brother can plug it to you, then you will really understand, well, of course, the same is true for other people..."

Steel Bone waved his big hand, and then roared: "We all know that everyone present is not friends, but let it pass, tomorrow is the most important!" "



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