DCEU flashpoint paradox universe.

In the Bat Cave in Gotham City.

Thomas's version of Batman beating DCEU's Flash is just a matter of moments.

So much so that The CW's Supergirl was stunned and didn't react, she really didn't understand why Thomas Batman was so angry.

However, out of humanitarian concern, she still chose to persuade and forcibly separated the two people.

"Stop, you guys don't fight anymore!"

The Flash spat out blood, and then smiled bitterly: "Where are we fighting, I was beaten up unilaterally!" Supergirl

asked, "Why are you so excited when you mention Bruce?"


Thomas Batman let out a long sigh, and then recounted the tragic events of the past.

"What! Why is this?

The Flash knelt on the ground and hammered the earth with both hands: "Why? It shouldn't be like this! I have obviously changed the past, but why haven't things gone in a better direction? "

At that time, when the Justice League was formed, when it was against Darkseid. He uses his divine speed to travel through time and meets Barry Allen, the Flash of the CW universe. At that time, he realized the possibility of traveling through time.

So, he had the idea of changing the past.

Luckily, he travels to the past, changes it, and saves his parents.

Unfortunately, in this lightning paradox universe, his parents are alive, but Iris is someone else's wife. Bruce's parents are alive, but Bruce is dead, and his mother becomes a clown and his parents become enemies.

Not to mention the rest of the Justice League, everyone lives miserably.

Hearing the Flash's confession, Supergirl also understood in an instant, after all, when the troublemaker wanted to give her the opportunity to travel back in time to change her relationship with Lena, she also wanted to agree.

It was only because Situ Feng gave her spoilers that she gave up this choice.

And the tragic experience of The Flash in the CW universe also tells Supergirl that the past is always the past, you can't change it, all you can change is your own future.

"Hey! Listen, Barry! Trust me, you're not the only one who wants to change the past, nor are you the only one who has the ability to change and act on it. However, you must know that it is those tragic pasts that make you who you are now! "

Supergirl began the classic lip service.

"Listen, we can still correct all this!"

The Flash stood up and said, "Yes, that's right! I have to correct this! Oh, my God! I should have listened to Bruce, I was damn it..."

And Thomas Batman said, "Well, according to your meaning, is it in your world, did Bruce survive?"

"That's right, in my world, it was you who was shot in that alley, and Bruce survived and became the righteous Batman, fighting the evil forces of Gotham City every day!"

"That's right, in my world, Bruce is also Batman, and his cousin is Batwoman!"

Supergirl echoed.

"Did Bruce survive!"

The Flash affirmed: "That's right, he is still my closest friend and my most reliable comrade-in-arms, Bruce Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Steelbone, Superman, we form the Justice League to maintain the peace of the earth!" "

Justice League!"

Supergirl exclaimed.

"Do you have it there?"

"Yes, but we have more people, Flash, Superman, Supergirl, Martian Manhunter, Black Thunderbolt, Batwoman, Platinum Canary, Green Arrow..."

Superwoman said triumphantly: "By the way, I am Superman's cousin!"

"Really! That's really Thai pants spicy!

Thomas Batman, on the other hand, said in a deep voice: "Well, if what you say is true, The Flash!" Can you change it? I mean can you put this crazy world right? Will the world where I died and Bruce was able to come alive, restore the past to its original state?

Thomas Batman stepped forward, stared at The Flash and asked, "Can you really change the world?"

"Yes, The Flash, this should be simple for you!"

Supergirl is also staring at The Flash.

"That, something happened, I have to find the reverse lightning first, in this universe my god speed power is not enough to open the space-time tunnel..."

The Flash shook his head, and then said: "It seems that although our two universes are somewhat similar, they are still not the same. The counterlightning bolt I'm trying to stop is Eobbad Dani, a scientist from the 25th century..."

"My mother was killed when I was 10 years old, and my father was condemned to prison. And the reverse lightning is the real murderer, I stopped him when I changed the past, then he will also be in this universe..." Supergirl

spoke: "How about we find a helper first?" In other words, there should be supermen in this world, right? "



on the other hand.


New Demuskara.

Situ Feng looked at this ruin, and not only sighed: "Are you sure that your clan is still here?"

Wonder Woman spoke, "Sure, I believe, there must still be clansmen here!" "

In this world, the Amazons used to establish a country here, only because of the war with the Atlanteans, the original paradise became like this.

Today, Atlantis no longer exists, and it has all been reduced to anti-life equation experiments.

Speaking of which, the anti-life equation is really an extremely dangerous thing for a race!

"Bang bang—"

Suddenly, the two seemed to hear gunshots.

In the distance, a blonde soldier with a Gatling is shooting wildly!

"Damn it! Where the hell are you! I've already arrived at the joint, but I can't see you, let alone any resistance groups! "

Bang bang—

" "Damn, I'm calling the Amazons! If any of you can hear it, I need support, immediately, right now! At

this time, Wonder Woman's mantra lasso directly strangled the soldier's neck.

"Based on your accent, I can tell that you are a beautiful countryman, but I want to know more, what is your purpose?"


"Oh my God!"

"Yes, Lord Queen!"

"Queen Diana!"

After a while, a group of heavily armed Amazons arrived.

And Situ Feng reminded: "That, I think, if you strangle his neck, he will not be able to speak

..." "Yes, oh..." Wonder

Woman suddenly realized her mistake, loosened the lasso of truth slightly, and then asked: "Say!" Who are you and what is your purpose? "



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