DCEU flashpoint paradox universe.

City of Nahino.


Because CW Superwoman flew away after Superman No. 1.

The Flash and Steel Bones and Thomas Batman, who left behind the DCEU main universe, struggled against the heavily armed big-headed soldiers.

Thomas Batman couldn't help but speak: "Are these guys equipped with weapons to destroy that alien?" "

Seriously, compared to Bruce Batman in the DCEU main universe, Thomas Batman doesn't have such a high-tech weapon.

As a result, this group of soldiers actually had laser weapons, and he was still fighting naked on his side!

This is really a panda ordering takeaway - the bamboo shoots have arrived home!

Fortunately, the Flash still had a bit of supernatural power, unloaded most of the people's weapons, and eased the battle situation.

"Superman will come back, Supergirl will definitely bring him back!"

Steel bone is fearless, as long as the body is slightly sideways, no weapon can hurt him.

The steel bone stood still and said calmly: "Help me buy a few more seconds, I am invading their system, and I can turn off all their weapons immediately!" "


"Oh my God! Batman, did you do it?

The Flash saw this scene in front of him and couldn't help asking.

"Not me!"

Obviously, this supernatural attack method does not belong to his ability.

"I'm so sorry, I know it smells a bit like chalk ash, but that's how I transformed!"

A pink-bodied chest girl turned into a human form, and then spoke: "My name is Emily Sand, and my top-secret code name is Elemental Woman!" That said, does anyone want a box of juice? I bought too much..." Everyone

saw all the fallen big-headed soldiers, and it seemed that the crisis was temporarily lifted.

"Hey! Little brother, I like your suit, this red is so beautiful! When

the elemental woman saw the Flash's suit, she couldn't help but praise.

On the other hand, looking at her own hero suit, well, there is a sense of nudity of the Saint Seiya bronze holy robe!

The Flash was also a little confused, but still responded: "Eh... Thank you Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ5

" "Great, Elemental Woman! So the situation is beginning to reverse! In other words, she's just as crazy as those guys in Arkham Hospital!

Thomas Batman sighed: "But I'm still not used to her appearing from the bottom of the sea!" He

also said that this should be his extremely high evaluation of Elemental Woman.

Steelbone explained: "She's not crazy, Batman! She's just not used to dealing with people.

Thomas Batman asked, "So, what are you doing here?"

"That, I... I'm just tracking the steel bone a little bit! "


Steel Bone was shocked, and the Flash was already preparing to eat melons!

The Elemental Woman explained: "Don't be angry first! You brought everyone together, but no one wanted to stop the war, and then I really couldn't understand..."

Now the world is full of struggles, people are hurting, we should unite and help each other... And no one ever invited me..." All

in all, in short, the Elemental Woman did it alone, thinking that she had finally found the organization, so she kept following the steel bone.

She was chatting endlessly with Steel Bone.

Thomas Batman, on the other hand, complained to The Flash: "This elemental woman has lost her mind, just like you..." "

If we can't let Superman help us find you, we may have to recruit other people we can." That's a good way to do it! "

The Flash's thoughts come alive, anyway, as long as he finds the reverse flash and can restore his divine speed, then he can restore all this.

The whole world can press the restart button!


The few divine speed forces in his body began to violently move, and countless lightning bolts raged around him, so that his whole body began to lie on the ground.

"What's wrong with him?"

The elemental woman looked at this sunny big boy, and suddenly withered like this, and she was also very distressed.

"It's worse than before... Aaaaa In my memory, suddenly there were some things before it was completely replaced, and we didn't have much time left..."

The Flash twitched, and he said with difficulty: "And once that happens, I will not remember what this world used to be like, what the future should be like, everything will disappear... Ahhhhhh

"Hold on! I'm going to give you some phenytoin right now, a tranquilizer that should relieve electrical activity in your brain! "

Thomas Batman aimed at the Flash's neck, it was a needle.

"Be sure to fight it! Keep fighting!

Immediately afterwards, Thomas Batman gritted his teeth and said, "Also, don't forget, my son!" "


City of Fawcett.

"Hey! Mr and Mrs. Baker told us not to leave the house!

"They're not our parents!"

"It's a pity, legally they are!"

"Eugene is right, they are our legal adoptive parents, so we should listen to them!"

"But you never listened to them, Freddy!"


It's clear that this rowdy conversation comes from the troubled children, the Shazam family.

At this time, the backbone of Billy Batterson suddenly said: "Pizza!

"What? Do you want to order pizza? That's a great idea! Really good!

Billy Batterson shook his head and said, "No! Every Friday night, we would order a pizza and watch a movie with Mr. and Mrs. Baker. That's the only time we act like a family.

"Why not? The real relatives here, in fact, just you and Mary, Billy!

Billy Batterson changed the subject, and then said: "Do you remember what wizards gave us these powers, to educate us?" The point of family is not blood, but bonds!

"Have any of you, including Mary, really thought about what would happen if Wonder Woman and Aquaman weren't stopped?"

"No more pizza?"

Billy Bart's face sank, and he said coldly: "Nothing more!" "

Bang -

originally the atmosphere had reached a climax, but I didn't expect a huge sound to sound.

There's a super big hole in their home!

It seems that this is a masterpiece of steel bones.

The Elemental Woman spoke, "Hey! The children! Does anyone want juice?

Thomas Batman supported the Flash, and then said in a deep voice: "We need your help!" "



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