"Beat him! Crockett! "

Bonnie Backs unleashed a raccoon and struck directly at Bruce Batman.

Uh-huh -

of course, this was quickly flashed by Bruce Batman, but Rip Hunt got the snowflake ball.

"Damn it! Put your stupid raccoon back on your head!

Bonnie Backs said aggrievedly: "I just want to help!" And

Rip Hunt didn't know where to pull out a hammer, so it looked a lot like Mjolnir next door.

"I need to fix the flashpoint's timeline before it blends with ours! Otherwise, it would change the history of us all, dare you imagine?

"It's for the good of all, Bruce! Your parents can only find peace when they die! However

, I don't know what happened, and the snowflake ball suddenly calmed down.

No more dazzling light, just like a normal toy.

Bonnie Bacchus exclaimed, "Oh my God! The light actually went out? What the hell is going on, Rip?

"Okay, stop making a fuss!"

Bonnie Backs spoke, "So do we need to bring it back to the Time Lab?"


"Why not?"

Bruce Batman said slowly: "Because my parents proved that both of you are wrong!"

"Impossible! Rip, he's lying!

Rip Hunt shook his head, he looked at the snowflake ball in his hand, and then said: "The snowflake ball is indeed stable, even if there is a paradox in this flashpoint universe!"

"But Bruce, you pressed a whole universe to bet on your father that he would accept a world without you?" I dare not describe what you do as irresponsible!

Bruce Batman said in a deep voice: "That's right, but the possibility is still on my side?"


"He wrote it in the letter!"



the DCEU flash point paradox universe.

A mysterious chamber.

Martha Joker continues to talk to [Future Thomas Batman].

"These destined time travelers helped me build this time ball, and of course, I disemboweled them out to thank them!"

"It's been designed to take us back that night, down that alley, to Bruce and Joe Chel!"

Martha Joker pointed to the time ball with his right hand and said, "Look, there are 2 seats here!" Because together we will go back in time and save our son together! "

To be honest, this time ball is quite rudimentary, just a large glass cover with 2 sofa chairs inside.

It can't be said to be exactly similar to Jeff and Bonny's time ball, only identical.

"I swore an oath, Thomas! Hahaha, only death can separate us, I want to see the fulfillment of the vow..."


"Let our life become a nightmare, erase our painful existence full of sorrow and emptiness, and put an end to this!"

"It's not just the results that justify the means, the causes are the same! Your angry way of justice has taught me this, Thomas! "

Martha Clown smiled and stretched out her right hand!

This time, she was not the kind of hysterical maniacal laughter, but a spring breeze smile.

"So now let's fix this shattered universe, no matter who we kill!"

chu!( ◦ ̆ ³ (♡ŐωŐ♡

[Future Thomas Batman] suddenly stood up, directly hugged Martha Joker into his arms, and then kissed him!


"Martha! You killed those people, Barry Allen! And my employees! [

Future Thomas Batman] rejected the offer.

"Ah! Why should you care about them? Thomas, obviously you yourself have said it many times, nothing matters here!

"That's right!"

At this time, another female voice came.

"So what are we waiting for? Martha! "

It turned out that the two-faced man who was invaded by nuclear cancer appeared with a gun at his son.

"Let's destroy it all! I don't want to become such a dual-personality monster! Harvey is the one who should be a monster, not me!

Martha Clown also shook her head and said, "Thomas, will there be a future in this world?" It was born of pain, it was born in the mourning of Barry Allen for his mother's life!

"So so are all the realities of this world, loss, anger, pain, misery, and its only purpose is to show us how miserable it really is!"

"So, let's go and save everyone! Send them to a better life! "

Bang –

Martha Joker turned on the switch on the time ball.

"We just have to climb in and pull off the switch!"

Dexter asked weakly, "But, Mr. Wayne, what would happen to me if you did this?" Will I die? "

Dexter has been adopted by Harvey since he died. Well, although he let his subordinates carry children.

The two-faced man laughed maniacally: "Hahaha, we will be liberated from existence, and you are the same, Dexter!" "

[Future Thomas Batman] did not dare to look Dexter in the eye.

"You're not going to die, Dexter! But you never lived!

"We have to stop, Martha! This kid...,"

Martha the Clown said speechlessly, "Once we're done, he won't exist at all!" Nothing matters anymore, no one will know! Thomas, it's good if you come in, please!

"But that's what would happen, and anyway, we didn't have the option to save Bruce that night!" Martha, but now..." "

Now we have a choice!"

Martha Clown stopped moving and said angrily, "What? You let us choose him instead of our son? Are you kidding? "

Martha the Joker is completely unable to understand [the future Thomas Batman] idea.

In fact, [Future Thomas Batman] once arrived in the main universe of the DCEU, met Bruce Batman, and also wanted to change the timeline so that his son would not become Batman, but unfortunately things always get worse and out of control.

[Future Thomas Batman] pounced directly on Two-Face, ready to rescue Dexter!

And the two-faced man pressed a device between them, only to hear a bang, and a huge explosion was generated at the scene!

With a crisp snap of fingers, the entire explosion dissipated directly, and in the midst of everyone was our Situ Feng.

"I'll just say how the space-time barrier of this universe suddenly became so fragile, it turns out that the crux lies with you!"



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