DCEU flashpoint paradox universe.

New Demuskara.

The Flash looked at Situ Feng and exclaimed, "My God, you killed him!" "

How to say, no matter which universe the Flash is, it is the conscience of the Justice League and believes in non-killing. Because, for his enemies, he basically chose to imprison.

Thomas Batman looked at Situ Feng warily, took out a bat dart and pointed it at him, and then asked, "Who are you?"

"Oh my God, who is this guy, he's a bit like your uniform!" But I prefer your style, so who is that guy? "

It turns out that the Elemental Woman also came, and she saved 2 children of the Shazam family.

Of course, there are steel bones, he also saved 2 children, he said in a deep voice: "Well, now is not the time for small talk!" We are surrounded by enemies and the situation is critical!

Thomas Batman spoke, "This is someone we don't need to worry about anymore, Elemental Woman!" However, the guy in front of you, not necessarily!

Situ Feng spoke, "It's not okay to deal with someone who helped you just now!" And, Barry, you should be able to run back by now!

"Who are you? How do you know..." Before

the Flash could finish his words, a green light was coming towards them!

This is an attack from a witch.

"Hahaha, this is a battlefield, what are you doing!"


Situ Feng fired a ray and directly killed the witch. This guy is really, and he doesn't let people eat melons.

"Barry, you can save those who are dying, you can save millions of people who have died! Keep your promise!

Thomas Batman fell to the ground and pulled a letter out of his pocket.

"You can save my son!"

The Flash took the letter, but he still hesitated: "How can I leave all this alone?"

"Before your memory is gone, hurry up!" We all know there's a better world to replace him, just to your mother, I'm sorry!

The Flash said in a deep voice: "They are gone, I must..." while

Situ Feng on the side said: "Now run, barry!" The

scene was once embarrassing ̄□ ̄||Well

, Situ Feng snapped his fingers, and countless divine speed forces began to emerge on the Flash's body.

The Flash turned into a red-yellow bolt of lightning and disappeared into the battlefield.

But it's strange that he sees a lot of timelines, just when he struggles with where to run.


In the dark, the Flash seemed to hear someone calling him.


In an instant, he was dragged by the divine speed force to the home of the DCEU flashpoint paradox universe.

"Oh my God! How do you dress like this? What are you doing here? "

That's right, this is the mother he rescued through time and space.

It's just unfortunate that there is still a Barry Allen in this paradoxical universe. It's a pity that guy hiccups because of the failure of the [Future Thomas Batman] experiment.

"Have you heard about it on the news? They say that there is a world war, and there are wars everywhere!

The Flash said embarrassedly: "Yes Mom, it's all because of me!" "

A few moments later。。。

The Flash told his mother all this, well, without reservation.

And his mother believed all this.

"I must have a way to save everyone, including you!"

Mom shook her head, and then said, "Barry, if you can, you better go back in time and stop yourself!"

"If I stop myself and save them, then there is no way for me to save you, no, there must be another way!"

Mom stroked the Flash's head, containing tears.

She asked slowly, "Barry, how many people have died now?" "


The Flash said in a deep voice: "But I won't let you die, I don't want this life to be erased!" Mom! "

Mom almost didn't catch her breath.

"No, Barry! No, it did happen, our days together did exist, and I am immensely proud and happy to have a son like you!

"But you have to let me go, Barry!"

The Flash hugged his mother tightly.

"I don't want that!"

"I don't want to, but I'll be with your father, I'll be fine!"

As soon as the words fell, the divine speed force began to run violently, and he saw his past self, the himself who was standing on the cosmic treadmill in the DCEU main universe and preparing to cross!

[The Flash of the past] saw him and cursed angrily, "Damn it! What the hell is going on here!

The Flash shouted, "I understand how you feel!" But I'm sorry, God! I'm so sorry! He

cried over and over again, dragging [The Flash of the Past] off the cosmic treadmill!

[Flash in the past] shouted, "What the hell are you doing?" Let me go! I have to save her! "

The two fought on the cosmic treadmill!

Boom -

The divine speed force of the storm produced a huge explosion.


The main universe of the DCEU.

Inside the Central City Police Department.

"Barry! Barry! The

Flash woke up and found himself asleep on his desk.


"Barry! You've spent a full 18 hours on these unsolved cases, should you go back and rest for a while! "

Well, I'm fine now!"


Gotham City.

Inside the bat cave.

A bolt of lightning galloped.


Bruce Batman looked up to the side.

"Bruce! You're Bruce, right?

"Of course it is, what's wrong, what's going on, Barry?"

The Flash originally thought he was having a dream, but when he found Thomas Batman's letter in his arms, he knew that it had all happened.

A long time later -

Bruce Batman also learned what happened.

"Don't beat yourself up, Barry, so are you back on track now?"

The Flash shook his head: "I don't know very well, I can't feel the existence of that timeline, but I can clearly remember everything that happened there, especially the time with my mother!"

"But since you're here, it's time to get back on track!" I am so selfish, I should have made it clear that trying to revise history is stupid!

"All right, Barry! Think of this memory as a gift! If I had your power, I would definitely try the same thing, don't think I never thought about it! "


The Flash looked at Bruce Batman in front of him and suddenly remembered something.

"Also, during that time, I met someone, someone who couldn't save the world without him, and he gave me this!"

Bruce looked at the letter in front of him and smiled: "You are such a great postman, thank you, Barry!"

"You're welcome, Bruce!"



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