Norman Osborne went on to start PUA.

He wants to strike while the iron is hot, this thing does not dare to interrupt, he is risking the PUA sentinel with his life.

"Nothingness does not exist! There is no nothingness, and there is no Green Goblin!

"You join me in saying that nothingness does not exist!"

The sentinel said softly, "Nothingness... It doesn't exist!

Norman Osborne spoke, "Nothingness does not exist!" The

sentinel reads: "Nothingness does not exist

" Norman Osborne continues: "Never existed!" "

Is he talking to you now?"

The sentinel asked, "Who?"

"Nothingness! Can you hear him?


"Do you see nothingness?"

"I didn't see it!"

Norman Osborne stared into the sentry's eyes, and then said in a deep voice: "Because nothingness does not exist, as long as you always think so, nothingness does not exist." "

Good fellow!

None of the success masters are outrageous with him!

It's really outrageous opening the door to outrageous - outrageous to home!

Norman Osborne's set of online idealistic brainwashing PUA rhetoric gradually shook the sentinel's heart.

"As long as I think so?"

The sentinel's expression was a little numb, his entire eyes were out of focus, and he lost his light.

Norman Osborne put his hand on the sentry's shoulder, and then said: "That's right, next, we have to use our own power to do what Tony Stark, Nick Fury, and Steve Rogers can't do!"

"Will you fight alongside me?" Would you like to be a member of the Avengers? Would you like to become a superhero and fight all your life to protect the masses?

The sentinel also came to his senses, and then asked, "Today?" Right now?

Norman Osborne continued: "Not now! Now what we have to do is eat and sleep, just like a normal person!

"I don't think I have to do this, I don't need to go..." "It's

not that you have to do it, but to do it so that you feel alive!" So that you can feel Bob's presence!

The sentinel thought for a moment, then said, "Yes, I like hot baths, I like hamburgers, really, but I haven't done it for a long time!"

"That's right, Bob, do what these ordinary people can do! Do not deny your human nature, or you may create something, such as..."

Norman Osborne stretched out his right hand and affirmed: "No doubt!

"Oh God! You're right, that's right! You are right!

"You're crying, Bob! As an ordinary person explores that feeling, I know you are relieved!

The sentry nodded, and then said, "That's right, I'm not sad!"

"Any idea why? Because you realize that from now on, your life will be turned upside down!

Norman Osborne stood up and continued, "But, listen to me Bob! It's not an easy thing to do, you have to take it gradually. If you need to make a table, remind yourself when to do it!

"Remind yourself to communicate with people, enjoy life, and deal with those feelings as I did with the Green Goblin!"

"Remember, nothingness does not exist! You are you, Sentinel - Bob Reynolds!

"I'll help you whenever you want, let's support each other!"

The sentinel looked at Norman Osborne in front of him and felt that his whole person exuded the brilliance of redemption.

"Would you do that? No one has ever talked to me like this!

Norman Osborne smiled, "Do you know why? Because we are comrades, of course, we can be best friends if you want!

"Because no one can know you as well as I do!"

"Believe me, it's not easy, but as long as you get through it, as long as you have faith, everything is worth it!"

Norman Osborne opened the listening, then ordered: "Victoria, find me someone to buy me a golden arch!"

"What burgers, fried chicken, fries, what to buy, send it to me later!"

"What? No, I'm not kidding!

Norman Osborne stretched out his right hand, pulled up the sentry on the ground, and smiled: "Let's eat chicken together!"

"Come on, Bob, have fun!"

The sentry got up and followed Norman Osborne.

"Thank you!"

"A trifle!"

And all this was clearly heard by Lindy, the wife of the sentinel who was sleeping on the bed.

Of course, there is also a beautiful woman who witnessed all this.


690 BC.

Morgan Le Fiy's castle.

That's right, if you can't understand the scolding disorder, there is no way, they are all multiple timelines, and the X royal family also has a ten-life reincarnation.

But Marvel's is slightly better, not as disordered as DC.

Try to reduce the different timelines as little as possible this time, otherwise if you read quickly, you will have a bunch of bad reviews.

Morgan Le Fay is one of the most powerful witches on Earth, with abilities such as reality warping, time travel, witchcraft, resurrection, power granting, teleportation, omnipresence, metamorphosis, energy projection, hallucinations, and more.

She lived in the time of King Arthur in Great Britain.

In order to save his mother's soul from Mephisto, Dr. Doom travels back in time to learn ancient magic. Of course, after getting to know Morgan Le Fiy in depth, he squeezed the other party dry and fled back to modern times.

Morgan Le Fey was still waiting stupidly at first, and his throat knew that he had been tricked, it was simply a shit shell wearing a mask - smelly and shameless!

So, she embarked on a journey of revenge.

Unfortunately, she was killed by the Dark Avengers.

Luckily, it was her doppelganger who died, her essence in the distant past.

Morgan Le Fay used magic to observe the timing of the dark avengers recruited by Norman Osborne.

"This guy named Bob should be Victor von Doum's strongest guardian, this guy looks like a neurotic!"

"There are a few other guys, not warriors at all, madmen, thieves, murderers and perverts! It's really unpleasant that my doppelganger will lose to them! "


The bat on Morgan Le Fay's shoulder made a sound, as if in approval.

"Although I can travel to any point in time and can directly make them disappear completely, the fates of this group of bastards are intertwined, and if they cause time and space disorder, they will also threaten myself..."

"Huh! There's a strange man! He actually killed 2 bastards, it's really interesting

..." "Ah..."

Suddenly, the water of Avalon in the magic jar no longer showed the image of Situ Feng, but turned into a few big words: "Where is cool, don't mess with me!" Morgan

le Fay swallowed a mouthful of old blood because the magic had been eaten back.

This is the first time she has encountered such a tricky opponent, and she can actually directly hurt her body across the river of time!

"Interesting! Really interesting, hahaha..."



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