Marvel Dark Dynasty universe.

Inside the Avengers Building.

Sitting room.

Norman Osborne gestured for the beautiful reporter to sit down, and he was now going to give a news interview.

Unlike usual, today he felt a headache.

The Avengers, which they re-formed, inexplicably lost Venom and Bullseye, and when they were in Latvia, they actually met a witch who could travel through time.

Fortunately, Dr. Doom finally cast a spell to get her away, but the sentinel became more difficult to figure out after the explosion, and if the nothingness in his body ran out, it would be a complete calf!

Moreover, at this time, Hawkeye also TMD broke the news of him to the media, and the wind of public opinion also wanted to denounce him.

Norman Osborne asked: "How many shots are there?" "

There are 3 shots in total!"

"When will it be broadcast?"

"We are live and can be received in most parts of the country!"


Norman Osborne asked while enjoying the stylist's care.

"All right, sir!"


Opposite is a female reporter in her forties, and the years have not left many marks on her face, exuding a charm that retains charm.

The female reporter wore a gray suit and a large V-neck underwear to show her career line appropriately, looming and very eye-catching.

"Audience friends, good evening, welcome to "Current Affairs Interview", today is an exclusive interview with our big hero Norman Osborne!"

"Mr. Osborne, don't you think that all this is so sudden, we are living in your world at once."

As soon as the female reporter came up, she began to make trouble.

Norman Osborne smiled and said, "Is this this?" Hopefully that's not the case, maybe I'm just lucky!

"Then for these swarms of fame and accolades, or we put it bluntly, power! What do you think?

Norman Osborne responded unhurriedly: "People have a high trust in me about this, so what I want to prove is to live up to this trust!" I work hard every day to become a trusted leader our country needs!

"The division we faced, the civil war of superheroes, and the departure of Captain Pretty Country, all of this will be a thing of the past!"

The female reporter, apparently undeterred by Norman Osborne's words, continued to ask: "I think about your new pink, it seems that some people still have doubts about the fact that you are not elected!"

"We all know that your office was granted, not elected by democratic voting..."

Norman Osborne explained slowly: "But I was chosen by those representatives of the people, in other words, it is still the will of democracy, isn't it?" At the same time, we also agree that our people deserve a better tomorrow, and this country and every resident deserve it!

"This is also the reason and purpose for which I was appointed! I want to give this country the future it needs! The

female reporter continued to ask: "But we still have some questions that cannot be avoided!" "

About whether I'm a Green Goblin or not?"


Because of Hawkeye's revelations, everyone is also worried about these problems.

After all, the Avengers formed by Norman Osborne are indeed some supervillains and supercriminals.

Hawkeye's revelation made the people panic, originally the leadership of the beautiful country had a bunch of conspiracy theories, and now this one is a proper scandal.

Norman Osborne bowed his head and admitted, "Yes, I used to be the Green Goblin!"

As soon as these words came out, the people in front of the TV were directly in an uproar.

"It's no secret and I don't hide anything on purpose, but I've been trying to get rid of the past and hopefully I don't repeat it! This is a lesson for me in the face of hope and change!

"As for why Clinton Patton did this, I don't know, I don't know this person!"

"But there is one very important thing that I want the people of the country to understand, that is, I used to be very fragile, I am not as strong as everyone thinks!"

Norman Osborne began the sensational scene, and a few tears still ran through the corners of his eyes.

"I once suffered from chemical imbalance, the kind I was born with, I guess many people have had similar experiences, and it can be said that I was used in those worst years."

"I met a bunch of false people and were forced to resort to violence without calm judgment, these are indisputable facts!"

"But what Clinton Patton didn't mention was that I had been redeemed, I was restored, and I wasn't that Green Goblin anymore!"

"The fact that I killed the queen of the Skurrus, saved all of humanity, and won the Nobel Prize is enough to prove my physical and mental health!"

Norman Osborne's voice began to rise, and he said categorically: "Seriously, do you think our president and leaders will allow a perverted murderer to rule such an important institution at this critical time?"

"Moreover, Clinton Patton was also a criminal before joining the Avengers, and everyone can accept Hawkeye and see him as a superhero, why can't you give me a chance to rehabilitate?"

"Of course, when I rebuilt the Avengers, I also invited him, but he directly refused!"

The female reporter couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

"You have to ask him about this, maybe he is prejudiced against me, or he has experienced too much during the civil war, his family is torn apart, his teammates are falling apart, and he may not be able to withstand this kind of blow..."

"I've seen his interview, and it's not so much an interview as a helpless help." If I can, he can come looking for me, and I can do everything I can to help him out of these mental torments and pains!

The female reporter changed the subject, and then asked: "Then I want to ask, the new Avengers you formed, who are they originally?"

"I don't want to say more about this, everyone just needs to know that there are soldiers guarding them, as for who is serving in the military?" Does it matter?

The female reporter continued to attack: "But there are many accusations here..."

Norman Osborne interrupted the female reporter directly.

"Now that our teammates are in uniform, they have already proven their position! As for the rest, I can only say that everyone has the right to defend their free life!

Norman Osborne gave the agent next to him a look, and then a cruel scene was shown on the big screen.

If Situ Feng was on the side, it would really be a shout!

This unscrupulous method of editing marketing numbers is actually broadcast on TV in an upright manner!

"You know, there are all kinds of threats in our country, and just yesterday, this Asian mutant brutally killed our innocent people. And we've already lost 2 great Avengers!

"Although we are the new Avengers, when we encounter a crisis, we always rush to the front line to protect the people!"

"In the face of all those rumors that smear us, I am really heartbroken! Would you rather trust the superheroes who hurt innocent people because of the civil war than trust us who sacrificed to protect innocent people?

For a while, the female reporter was also speechless.

The people of the beautiful country are originally brainless, and the heart of the Virgin is flooded, and they like this plot of the prodigal son turning back a criminal into a hero.

More importantly, when facing other dangerous people of different skin colors, brain, what is that?



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