> In front of a high-end restaurant.

The streets were packed with people.

Mutants and ordinary people are grappling together, and it's good that no weapons of mass destruction have appeared here.

However, some of the surrounding buildings have begun to burn.

Mutants seem to have divided into 2 waves here.

A white mutant said, "Hey! Ladies! What you have done is not the slightest help for the current situation of our mutants!

Another mutant roared, "Help? You say help? That group of damned humans betrayed us again and again!

"They promised us once! Guarantee that we can build our own home, but now?

"They reneged on their word and actually wanted to deprive us of our reproductive rights? They will never be satisfied, you fools!

"We will still be hunted down, tortured, and then slaughtered one by one!"

"We must unite, we must resist!"

Polaris is also the first time to encounter this kind of scene, a scene of large-scale mutants and ordinary people directly opposing each other.

"Can't mutants and ordinary people really coexist?"

She looked at Situ Feng and asked a question that all mutants would ask.

"The opposition between mutants and ordinary humans is actually a class contradiction, and if the strength of the two sides is not equal, then it will never be reconciled!"

Situ Feng saw this very clearly, especially the hegemonic country with many factions and political chaos, and did not allow the sword of Damocles like mutants to hang over his head.

From the moment they are born, mutants have already been pushed to the opposite side of humanity because of their particularity, which is caused by an intolerability in the culture of beautiful countries!

In particular, powerful mutant capabilities are comparable to nuclear weapons and threaten the rule of those in power at all times.

If there is no way for power to be locked up in the cage of the system, then it is a threat!

Situ Feng touched Polaris's head, and then said, "But if you want to make the mutant have a better life, I can help you!" We can build a kingdom inhabited only by mutants! In

this regard, Situ Feng is familiar with the road.


Polaris looked at Situ Feng and asked with big eyes.

She is still relatively lucky, from the awakening ability to now, she has not encountered particularly unfair treatment, but after fully awakening, she encountered the pursuit and killing of the agents of the Skyhammer Bureau.

No girl wants her life to be spent in killing.

Looking at the war-torn neighborhood in front of him, Polaris spoke: "Baby, I want to give mutants a good future!"

Situ Feng smiled and said, "That's simple, my darling, set a small goal first, I want you to become the queen of mutants!" "


The other streets are also chaotic.

The X-Men were almost in full swing to try to stop this.

Of course, they are more to deal with troublemakers, especially some mutants with stronger abilities, such as giants, toad monsters and so on.

No matter how much ordinary people make trouble, there is nothing to do, and they can't prove too much of a threat.

On the contrary, it is a mutant person, if it makes too much trouble, it will actually sit on the threat.

"Aren't you TMDs mutants too, why stop us?"

The mutants in the crowd also didn't understand why the X-Men were attacking mutants of the same kind.

Coupled with the fact that the people of the fraternity club have been making a fuss, the scene is chaotic.

And the multi-shadowed cuckoos could not control the rioting crowd.

They are clones of the White Queen, usually in groups of 3 girls, who not only have the ability to diamond all over the body like the White Queen, but also have telepathic powers.

And all the sisters can be linked together to form a superbrain. The closer the cuckoo sisters are to each other, the stronger their ability to combine and produce.

Of course, their abilities are still not as good as Professor X's.

No way, after Professor X disappeared, they had no effective means to directly pacify the riots.

If it were in the past, Professor X did not need to be at the scene, he could directly calm the people's hearts and calm down the rioting crowd.

Laser eyes said angrily: "Now is the time of life and death, everyone who knows TMD will help me stop the riot, don't add fuel to my fire!" "

Bang -

however, ordinary people did not accept the laser eye and threw a beer bottle directly on his head.





Skyhammer Bureau base.

Images of riots in various neighborhoods are shown on large screens.

Norman Osborne spoke, "Now it's time for our Avengers to act!" The

surprised boy said with a yin and yang strange air: "Xiao Ao! Why don't you wear armor? Is it too heavy to wear, or do you not like to mess up your hair? "

Marvel boy Noor Val is a Kree super soldier enhanced with cockroach DNA, his saliva is lethal hallucinating, and he can track the Skuru through his smell.

A few days ago, when he was in bed with Moonstone, he learned that the current Avengers are made up of a group of psychotic and criminals posing as heroes, and he is actually very upset and kind of wants to escape from this team.

It was only because of the emergency now that he did not leave.

Well, it's definitely not because I want to continue to snap with moonstone.

Norman Osborne said in a deep voice: "You first figure out who you are talking to, are you idle eggs hurting?"

"If you have the slightest disrespect, I will increase your medicine so that you can enjoy the good time lying down and changing diapers!"

Now Norman Osborne is actually quite angry, his team has lost Venom, Bullseye and Dyken Wolverine, and the Ares guy has temporarily lost contact.

However, nothing else matters, only the sentinel is still in his hands, and that's enough!

"The time this time is very simple, let the police as the main force, you only need to solve the high-end combat power of the mutants, remember the rules of engagement I said, there are cameras everywhere, don't give me nonsense!"

"If these mutants break the law, no matter what his reason, arrest me first!"

"Sentinel, I need you to stay here with me first, there is no need to send our overweight mission directly to the field!"

"Tonight's task is to ensure the safety of the citizens and stop the riots, and I must be fast, accurate and ruthless!"

"Do you have any comments or questions?"



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