Skyhammer Bureau base.

"Norman, I'm not a patient man!

"Emma Grace Frost, hello!"

Norman Osborne glanced at the White Queen squintally, and then said: "I'm sorry, but the mayor needs you to arrange it!" By the way, you are so beautiful today! "

That's right, this is the missing White Queen.

The pillow person with laser eyes, did not expect that she actually ran to the base of the Skyhammer Bureau.

Unlike the previous outfit of the big deep V, today's White Queen is a little more conservative, but the crisp chest is still exposed by the hollow bandage, and the white leggings also outline the charming curve.

Norman Osborne handed her a piece of information and said, "Today is not what Scott expected!"

"Scott and his so-called statutes can't lead every mutant!"

The White Queen was helpless.

"Sounds really sad, but isn't that the leader you mutants need?"

"So what is this thing?"


"What a plan!"

"New plan!"

Norman Osborne said straight to the point: "Our agreement is that you take care of your mutants, and I will not interfere!" But it's clear that Scott isn't a good leader, and he's not very good at managing his people! "

I need a team of mutants representing Law & Order! To put it bluntly, you mutants need a new leader!

"A need for someone who is not only capable, but also determined!"

The White Queen couldn't help but ask, "Osborne, this... I don't understand why this is? "

She ran over to work with Norman Osborne, which was not what she expected at first.

"You know very well in your heart, Frost! Think about it and look far! "



Norman Osborne, wearing the Iron Patriot's armor, was interviewed live by a TV reporter.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for taking the time to come, I understand how dangerous and difficult it is to get here, but this matter is very important and needs you to hurry up and broadcast it live!"

"This is what we should do, let's get started now!"

Norman Osborne was facing the live camera, and then spoke: "It has been confirmed that Scott Summers is closely connected to this riot!"

"We will summon him for relevant inquiries, and the most important thing is to question why he, who considers himself the leader of the mutants, would lead the mutants to destroy his city!"

"I believe that this is what everyone on the scene wants to ask!"

"But now we have a special guest!"

Norman Osborne pointed his right hand, and Professor X, who was pushing the wheelchair, was slowly coming over.

"Hello everyone! My name is Charles Xavier!

"I hereby declare that I and the Xavier Genius Academy I founded for any gifted young man have nothing to do with the mad riot instigated by Mr. Summers tonight!"

"Scott, if you're listening, turn yourself in!"

"Running away will only bring more harm to our people!"

Norman Osborne spoke, "The mutant problem is solved by the mutant, and these problems should not have happened, am I right, Professor?"

"Exactly, Commander Osborne!"

Professor X smiled and said, "Violence is neither what I want to see nor what everyone thinks, I always believe that humans and mutants can coexist peacefully!"

"But the observance of law and order is an unchanging consensus, and I firmly believe that this is the cornerstone of any social order."

Norman Osborne continued to appeal to the camera: "I agree with this, Professor! I think any law-abiding citizen would nod in agreement!

"So let me reiterate once again, Scott Summers, please turn yourself in and stop causing violence to your people, and stop resisting senselessly!"

"You know very well that your extreme divisive ideas are completely contrary to the will of the beautiful country, and have caused Simon Trask and his followers to suffer incomparable harm and fear!"

"Your failure is also proof that mutants are happy to work with us to create a better future, and now is a great testament!" Professor Xavier, do you agree with me?

Professor X also smiled at the camera and said, "That's exactly what I wanted to say, Commander Osborne!"

"As the world's chief psychic expert, I believe I can discover the deep pain and pathology in the heart of every mutant!"

"So, Scott! Or other mutants, if you're listening, I want you to know!

"Commander Osborne and his Avengers don't want to hurt any mutants. They are just trying their best to maintain order and the safety of people, for the sake of humanity and for the mutants!

Norman Osborne continued to smile, "All my subordinates, the Avengers and the agents of the Skyhammer Bureau, are strictly practicing nonviolent means to deal with riots, right, Professor!

"It is precisely because no one will abuse violence, and we are here to maintain order and resist violence!"

"Thank you for your support and for loving such clear and calm statements during this extraordinary time, Professor!"

Norman Osborne and Professor X shake hands.

"I'm just doing what I can, Commander Osborne!"

"We always have such a tacit understanding between us, you understand me very well!"

"We still have a lot of aftercare to do!"

However, just when the two wanted to take a group photo, Professor X showed a painful cry, and the whole person showed a painful expression, and then showed the prototype.

It turns out that she is a witch, not Professor X!

That's right, if it's a real Professor X, he can use his abilities to quell the riot!


"Oh my God! How did you do it?

Polaris looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

With just a snap of his fingers, all mutants lost their superpowers and were suppressed along with ordinary people.

"How to say this, as long as I want, I can do almost anything!"

That's right, this still belongs to the category of the Marvel Universe, so he can indeed do whatever he wants, that is, a snapping finger thing!

Situ Feng smiled and said, "However, the thunder means are already available, and I need you to show the world the heart of a bodhisattva, my treasure!" "

And our initiator Situ Feng teleported to Norman Osborne with the North Star.



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