Marvel Dark Dynasty universe.



That's right, the current Asgard is within the jurisdiction of a beautiful country on Earth.

In order to end Ragnarok, the original god of thunder Hor, he Odin gouged out his eyes and drank the fountain of wisdom, and then Thor hung himself on the World Tree for seven days and seven nights in exchange for the power of the original Lune.

As a result, Thor, who possessed Odin's power and rune magic, gained a new status - Rune King Thor!

He completely ended the cycle of Ragnarok, but he also turned into a wisp of divine consciousness floating in the universe.

Everyone thought he was dead, but he only slept for a long time, until he reawakened as the mortal doctor Donald Black and regained the power of Thor.

In order to rebuild Asgard, he began to awaken more fellow gods, and then when the time came, he was ready to leave Earth with Asgard.

Of course, the idea is quite good, but due to Loki's conspiracy, Thor accidentally killed his grandfather Bor, and the gods awakened by him directly banished Thor.

As a result, Baldell, the god of light, became the lord of the fairy palace, and Loki became his advisor.

Originally, at Loki's suggestion, Asgard landed in Latovilla.

Of course, everyone knows that this is the territory of Dr. Doom, lying on the side of the bed, how can others snore?

Doctor Doom wanted to get rid of the Asgard gods after using them, but the matter soon fell through, and Baldell listened to Loki's rumors and moved the fairy palace to Oklahoma.

According to Loki's plan, the next thing should be to seduce Norman Osborne to lead the Dark Avengers and the Olympian Gods to attack the Immortal Palace, but he didn't expect Situ Feng to appear out of thin air and disrupt all this!

In fact, since Norman Osborne established his cabinet, Loki has been hiding by his side and manipulating him.

Loki had already asked Hela to remove his name from the Book of Hull and made a deal with Mephisto, Lord of Hell, just for absolute freedom.

His original plan was to use the hand of nothingness, kill himself, get rid of the shackles of fate, and usher in a new life.

Unexpectedly, there are now huge screens in the sky over the whole beautiful country broadcasting Norman Osborne's evil deeds, including of course, the plan to attack Asgard.

The original guy was Norman Osborne who ordered his men to blow up a stadium full of people, and then planted it on the Asgardian Wolstagg.

In this way, it is justifiable to mobilize all the forces of the Dark Avengers, the Thunder Special Raiders, and the Skyhammer Bureau agents to attack Asgard.

It's a pity, now the arrow is on the string, it has to be sent!

Therefore, Loki could only change his plan, and without saying a word, he directly manipulated the president and the military, and first released a nuclear bomb to bomb Asgard.

Then it's time to harness the power of Hydra, the Hydra branch A.I.M., and the Hand Peace Society.

Even if there is no void card now, he still has PLAN B.

Hulk's son Scal, Peruvian indigenous worship Acapec, Hawkeye's older brother Barney Barton, Hand Peace Club Gorgon, and Thor's mechanical clone...


The town next to Brockton.

Inside a humble clinic deep in the mountains.

Donald Black looked at Tony Stark lying on the hospital bed, also with a sad face.

After the Civil War, Tony Stark was wanted by the beautiful country, and Norman Osborne sent agents to hunt him down in order to get the superhero registration list stored in his brain.

And Tony Stark is on the run, constantly deleting the memories in his mind, constantly being forced to downgrade his armor and losing the right to use all high-intelligence armor.

If he deletes his memory again, he may become a vegetative person and will never be able to wake up.

Of course, now he is already half-dead, and I don't know when he will be able to come to his senses.

"Dr. Black, you have to look at this!"

"What's wrong, Maria?"

And next to the bed is one of the best female agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Maria Hill, who once served as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Maria Hill and Pepper rescue the unconscious Tony Stark from the agents of the Skyhammer Bureau and come to Donald Black's clinic.

After the thunder god Thor was exiled by the gods, he still opened a clinic in the next town as Donald Black, and also secretly protected Asgard.

Not long ago, when I met Tony Stark, I was also quite confused, and the current superheroes are not very good!

Times are turbulent and difficult!

They were supposed to be superheroes, but now they are wanted worldwide and become super criminals!

Maria Hill said in a deep voice: "It's Norman Osborne's people, he sent someone here to find Stark!" "

Obviously, these two guys hid in a ravine in the middle of the poor mountains and did not look at the big screen in mid-air.

Although Situ Feng exposed what Norman Osborne did, he did not present the picture in front of everyone.

Although he can do it, how to say it, it is not shocking enough!

Movies or something, the big screen looks cool!

Donald Black looked up, there were many fighters in the sky, densely packed, very terrifying!

"No, if it's for Tony Stark, he should be directly attacking here, and his target is Immortal Palace!"

Maria Hill pondered for a moment and spoke, "Okay, but the key is how stupid he is to choose to attack Asgard!" "

Obviously, Asgard now has awakened gods, and with those guys in the Skyhammer Game, there is simply no chance of victory.

Donald Black stared at Maria Hill, and then said in a deep voice: "Listen, Hill, quietly get out of here with Tony as soon as possible, as far away as possible!"

"Whatever happens, don't stop, if Tony resists, then you knock him unconscious!"

"Okay, so what are you going to do?"

Maria Hill watched Donald Black copy a wooden stick, rushed outside, and couldn't help but complain: "You need a thicker stick!"

Donald Black looked at the fighter that had disappeared in the sky and couldn't help but mutter, "Guide me, father!" "


- a deafening thunder, Donald Black cross-dressed with one click, we are back in silver armor, red cloak over our shoulders, and Thor, the god of Mjolnir in Mjolnir!

He swung the Mjolnir in his hand and flew in the direction of Asgard.



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