How do I kill a Transformer?

It's simple, so just attack the head, tinder, and morphing gears.

These 3 places are the key points of the Transformers, and if any of them receive a fatal blow, it will lead to the death of the Transformers.

Tinder is equivalent to the soul of a transformer, and if the fire is extinguished, it is completely cool.

Optimus Prime they never expected that there were such powerful superhumans on Earth.

Unfortunately, there are no regret pills in this world.

When Altair's sabers pierced their tinder, it was too late.


Poor Spider-Man was still in a state of bondage, and he could see that he had a lot to say, but couldn't.

Situ Feng received all these Autobots into the Kingdom of God, and let the Technology Development Bureau study them at that time.

"Oh my God! Captain, I have always been interested in high technology, and I have been testing the truth of rumors about alien mechanical lifeforms secretly living among us..."

"Hey! Spider-Man, I'll come back to you later! "

In mid-air, a red and yellow steel suit flew over, this is the belated Iron Man.

"Hey! The first 2 can tell me who you are? "

Iron Man destroys all consciousness-controlling prisms and stops superheroes from killing each other.

Then, when he came to look for Spider-Man, he saw that Situ Feng and Altair directly solved all the Autobots like chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

Jarvis's search information shows that there is no information in the global database that matches the two people in front of him, and although they are human, Iron Man remains skeptical.

Such a strong force may also be an alien!

However, the current Situ Feng has no interest in these avengers, and does not want to waste more time on them.

So, he snapped his fingers and teleported directly to the planet Cybertron with Altair.

And Iron Man is also quite ignorant.

Bang -

but he didn't have much time to daze, and a shell hit his suit directly.

And the attack is the remaining Decepticons, among them there are homeless, nomads, lightning, thunder, and falling out!

Iron Man stopped thinking about anything else, and he snapped: "Do you know who is the expert in this area?" "

Jarvis, prepare an anti-giant robot armor..." With

Iron Man's instructions, countless steel armor descended from the sky....


Planet Cybertron.

It's not so much a planet as a metal fortress.

The surface of the planet Cybertron is home to many cities, and beneath the surface is a complex system of tunnels and machinery, and the core is a mobile military fortress with an interstellar engine.

The main component of Cybertron's thin atmosphere is oxygen, which is suitable for the cooling needs of mechanized organisms and also suitable for the survival of most carbon-based life.

However, for Situ Feng and Altair, it doesn't matter, they can both survive in the cosmic environment.

However, when they teleported to the sky above the planet Cybertron, the original metal blocks on the surface of the planet immediately turned into artillery emplacements, directly locking 2 people.

"If you find an unknown intruder, please identify yourself!"

I don't know where the cold mechanical sound came from, but don't worry about not understanding it, because it speaks English.

This should be the identity verification process of Planet Cybertron, and it also has a very intimate display with a 60-second countdown!

And the moving battery seems to have begun to recharge, and blue electromagnetic light jumps near the barrel.

"What to do?"

Altair turned his head to look at Situ Feng.

"Then let's start first, keep the most core part of the planet, that should be what we are looking for!"

If the planet Cybertron wants to re-nurture life, it must have a fire source, which is the source and destination of the Transformers' souls.

With the Tinder Source, he can turn any electronic device into a Transformer.

For example, the Asura Dao of the Eye of Reincarnation, combined with mecha made of Edman alloy, vibranium and Ulu metal, give it tinder, so that the mechanical Gundam will come out!

Of course, the Tinder Source is one of the purposes, and the other nature is the planet Cybertron itself.

"Thirteenth Movement - Abstract Origins!"

Altair directly returned the energy of the fire, and countless gun emplacements turned into metal blocks again.

"Cool Click-Paint-"

Suddenly, one Transformer after another appeared on the planet Cybertron!

The symbols on their bodies are all the symbols of the Autobots, representing order and light.


The Transformers fired directly into the air, and some fired missiles directly.

It's just a pity that most of the Transformers have directly changed back not long after they were born.

Altair's [Summary Origin], that can directly force the Transformer's fire back to its original form, especially the newborn, the effect is more obvious.

And the planet Cybertron apparently discovered this, so in the distance, a dozen artillery batteries were accumulating.

Only a bang was heard, and the surface of the planet Cybertron was strafed by its own Star Destroyer.

The long-range attack of the Dou Zhuan Star Shift, that is Situ Feng's masterpiece!

"Roar—" Planet

Cybertron seemed to let out a roar, and then the entire planet began to change in some way.

Originally a metal sphere, slowly it began to stretch out and gradually take shape.

"Hahaha, it seems that I guessed correctly..."

Situ Feng looked at the changes in front of him, and his mood was very happy.

His conjecture was correct.

"Is this also a robot?"

Altair also felt amazing, but he didn't expect that such a big planet was actually a transformer.

"That's right, it's the creation god of these Transformers—Yuan Shi Tianzun!"

In the source setting of Transformers, Supreme Taijun created 2 ancient lifeforms.

One is the creation god who represents order, light and creation, the Yuan Shi Tianzun!

One is the God of Destruction who represents chaos, darkness and destruction, the Emperor of the Universe!

After the battle between Yuan Shi Tianzun and the Universe Emperor, he transformed into the planet Cybertron, but it is not so much a planet-level transformer as a planet-level military warship.

"Intruder! What do you want to do? "

Obviously, Yuan Shi Tianzun also speaks English!

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at the small Situ Feng and Altair, and couldn't help but ask.

No way, Altair's [Summary Origin] is too perverted, and Yuan Shi Tianzun feels a mortal threat.

Situ Feng looked at Yuan Shi Tianzun in front of him and said with a smile: "It's very simple, surrender or die..."


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